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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. On 3/31/2022 at 12:26 PM, Sal said:

    Ugh, yes to this too.  My fave is when I ask them to bag up 10 cardinal tetras for me, and they say "what size is your tank?"

    I like to reply "My quarantine tank?  or my 120?"

    Or, when I ask for advice, easiest answer without asking any questions.  “Cloudy water? Must be a bacteria bloom.” Me: gee thanks. But it’s not.  (I moved the tank to get less light, problem solved)

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  2. On 3/31/2022 at 4:35 PM, Bev C said:

    @Ken Burke thank you those Venezuela cories are beautiful they would look beautiful on my black sand  love the orange on them  .. i will check if my Local fish shop has them or can get them 

    @Guppysnail  thank you  i do have 3 juli and 3 panda. cories i love  the panda they are pretty i will be adding more cories  i want bigger schools of each my fish shop usually carrie’s the juli and panda on a regular bases

    Sailfins can be tricky to get.  I had to order online.  

  3. On 3/30/2022 at 5:30 AM, Odd Duck said:

    @nabokovfan87, I think you may be mistaken about the potential bacteria holding capacity of sponge filters compared to gravel, glass walls, rocks, etc.  I’ll attach a pic of a chart from aquariumscience.org that shows calculated surface areas of different media with effective surface area also shown (ceramic media does pretty poorly since the water flows around the pieces instead of through the actual ceramic).  This matches with estimates I’ve seen from other sources well before aquariumscience.org was ever a thing.  ACO sponge filters are very coarse, but likely still have more surface area and biofiltration capacity than gravel and certainly more than exists on bare glass walls that get cleaned fairly regularly, often weekly or even daily.

    I have had ACO sponge filters that I haven’t cleaned since I set them up months ago, some need cleaning more often.  The Ziss air stones need the felt discs replaced about as often as the sponges need cleaning. They do clog sooner in filters that need cleaned more often.  Pre-filters on my HOB’s need cleaned more often since they have higher water flow through them, but it takes a lot to clog such coarse sponge and they’re pretty easy to clean.  Shrimp do love to graze on them.

    As you can see, even 20 ppi sponge has almost double the effective surface area and 30 ppi has almost 3 times the surface area as typical aquarium gravel.  Flat, smooth, glass will have very minimal surface area in comparison.


    I don’t put a lot of credence in this table.  IMO, there are a lot of variables that impact the ability for a “filter” to break down ammonia, and focusing on one factor provide misleading results.  

    Any surface area in the aquarium can support bb, but before it becomes an effective filter water needs to flow over it.  What makes sponge filters so effective is a) water pulled through the sponge bringing nutrients to the bb and b) the rising bubbles keep the water moving past the other surfaces.  

    The surface area of the substrate is huge, but unless you are running a ugf much of that surface area has little to no water flow to bring the ammonia or nitrite to the bb.  

    of course I could be way off, and it wouldn’t be the first time today. but if the bacteria aren’t swimming through the water column to get nutrients, the water needs to bring the nutrients to them.








  4. On 3/30/2022 at 12:38 PM, Bev C said:

    thank you @Fish Folk and @lefty ofor the info  i have a male bristolnose and he is very territorial over his food  with the cories and snails  specially with fresh vegetables have to double them up  one for him and one for the others when i got him i was advice to only have one in tank i was told they could be aggressive if there was 2 males  and if there is a female and male together they mate easy .. i try to control the population  in my tank .. i only have room for one main tank and a small quarantine tine  in my house .. but if i had more room i would definitely have more tanks and try to breed cories and maybe bristolnose 

    @Fish FolkAbout the cories  i have six cories … and they are 3  julia and 3 panda  love them ,, i have been looking at the larger size ones 

    i was thinking of a couple catfish  i was told for a 55 gallon 1 of the dwarf  peticola snodontis catfish was best for that size tank 

    I don’t think they are much bigger but have u thought about red sailfin Corys?  When they are in full color, absolutely stunning! They are also called Corydoras aeneus “venezuela“. 

    U can also try bumblebee catfish.  I’ve not kept them, but at 3” they are a manageable size, and have neat coloring 



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  5. On 3/29/2022 at 8:54 PM, lefty o said:

    send extra's to me!!!!🤪

    U pick up.   Any day the ends in “y”😜

    seriously, when the bottom of your 20g looks like the red carpet at the Oscar’s, it’s time to thin the herd.  I’ll try and get a better picture tomorrow after work….


    From your picture I’m guessing your a Navy man, so don’t tell anyone you got them from a broken down old Airman……

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  6. In the house I use a sponge filter to hold it down.  😜 (3 of my. 4 tanks run at least one sponge filter and a hob.  Not much of a problem as long as you can strategically place is behind a rock or plant.


    in my outdoor pond, I just drop it in.  They are weighted so it doesn’t move much.

  7. On 3/28/2022 at 7:56 PM, Jeklabo said:

    I have a small layer of aqua soil underneath the sand. Do you think it could be the aqua soil? Will it be doing this forever?

    I have not had my water tested at the lfs, so I suppose it's possible that there is something wrong with my tests, I'll take a sample to them when they open on Wednesday

    My water is clear

    A second opinion never hurts.  

    On 3/28/2022 at 7:46 PM, Katie B. said:

    My water is clear and my results are not skewed (used several tests). I am doing 30% water changes every few days. I am thinking plants will help???

    Plants definitely help!  Your frequent water changes indicate u are monitoring closely.  Should work out fine after a time

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  8. On 3/27/2022 at 8:27 PM, PineSong said:

    I've ordered my tub fish 🙂

    and I've recieved my floating plants and have them in my various tanks where I hope they will multiply while we are waiting for warm weather.

    I still have several items on my To Do List and some decisions to make for the tub pond. I do plan to run a sponge filter, and I may get a heater to extend the season in both directions. 

    I hope it will be fun!



    It will be tons of fun!  BTW: I don’t run filters in my tub, just an air stone.  

  9. On 3/27/2022 at 1:00 PM, Bev C said:

     I make home made chocolate candies. I use to work in a candy, cake and catering shop for family business ..

     for my tank  i take one of my  old small silicone candy mold in a  christmas cube shape  and it works very well  just the right size and it is smaller then using ice cube tray and easy to remove after you mix it and it sets up .. i usually mix Rapashy and pour in mold and freeze it till it sets up then  remove it and put in ziplock baggies for freezer ..

    I usually put 2 cubes in tank leave it in 24 hours but usually between my bristolnose pelco, snails and cories i do not have any left 

    You can find the candy molds in a candy supply store  Walmart use to have them in cake supplies area or you can find on ebay and amazon they are very reasonable price  my mold makes 12 small cubes 

    Silicone is definitely the way to go.  I found a silicone ice tray for making small ice cubes.  About the size of a gum drop.  Them I quarter them……

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  10. On 3/27/2022 at 7:45 AM, Guppysnail said:

    It holds shape according to the instructions for 24 hours. Mine gets consumed so fast it has never made it long enough to consider removing. So I would do 24 hrs so it doesn’t dissolve and cause water issues. Hope that helps. 

    I would add: if you are going more than 24 hours, and the food is in an accessible spot that the fish can find, cut the portion.   Seams like it should be intuitive, but it took me a while to get the portion size right. 

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