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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. On 1/17/2022 at 9:46 AM, Vanish said:

    Very cool missriss!

    I have two setups with groups of bristlenose; 2M/3F albino and 1M/3F super red. They have yet to spawn, but I am not sure if it is age or if I am not feeding enough. My males have distinct bristles, but they aren't as big as @Ken Burke's above.

    Hopefully, if anyone has tips for me, they'll also help missriss.

    First three ingredients for fish breeding: patience, plenty of high quality food, and clean water…..  took me several attempts to get my male, once he started his beard to did not take too long (looking back)

    • Like 1
  2. On 1/16/2022 at 7:44 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

    You will have new healthy algae free growth. You will top, toss the lower portions and then replant the healthy tops. 

    If it's a rosetta type plants, simple cut off the algae laden leaves and remove them.

    Good point.  I was assuming the balance was corrected and the algae was on hardscape.  Removing effected leaves is a great option if possible. . 

  3. On 1/16/2022 at 7:31 PM, Ken Burke said:

    My male BN ignored the pleco cave, preferring a smaller opening.  Recommend adding 3 or four options so they can choose.  Once my BN started they were very  prolific, and soon I have 100s of baby’s all over the 20 long. 

    plan ahead, cause you just might another/bigger tank!😜


    Huge appetites and hundreds of the beggars = lots of water changes


    Me too.  And tetra shrimp wafers.  I dropped the repashy in just before bed. Wafers in the am


    And don’t forget the occasional green been 


    • Like 2
  4. My male BN ignored the pleco cave, preferring a smaller opening.  Recommend adding 3 or four options so they can choose.  Once my BN started they were very  prolific, and soon I have 100s of baby’s all over the 20 long. 

    plan ahead, cause you just might another/bigger tank!😜


    On 1/15/2022 at 8:41 PM, Levi_Aquatics said:

    I had no issues breeding my bristlenose however I did struggle keeping water parameters in check in the grow-out aquarium.

    Huge appetites and hundreds of the beggars = lots of water changes


    On 1/15/2022 at 7:43 PM, Colu said:

    I have been two successful I have just dropped another batch of 60 off at my lfs still over 150 left I feed my adults and fry a mix of repsashy solient green cucumber blanched spinach and lettuce EBO youngster grow paste and EBO spirulina tabs blood worms hikari algae wafers Sera wood chips bug bites pleco formula feed a  good variety of foods and plenty of caves and wood for them to feel secure is all they need and you will be over run with them mine breed every couple of weeks average spawn is about 60 I usually get 95% survival  I leave the fry in with the parent till they get to a certain size then I move them to another tank before they go to the lfs 

    Me too.  And tetra shrimp wafers.  I dropped the repashy in just before bed. Wafers in the am


    • Like 2
  5. Neat idea.  But you left a lot to unpack here.

    The USB nano uses ~1\3 watt. The 30000 mAH ( or 30 Ah) has about 150 Wh, so likely can run the pump for ~450 hours without recharging.  I expect the solar charger wont quite charge the battery as much as the drawdown over night, and you could also see the battery develop a memory over time.  So likely not the best solution, but it could work.

    is there a reason you want to use this for power instead of a usb charger plugged into the wall?


  6. I don’t have any experience with eco-complete, but generally speaking you can start cycling plants or even substrate.  But adding substrate with water in the tank might be a trick.  

    that said why would you want to rush things?  Once you get the tank started it’s a lot harder, and more messy to dry fit any hardscape.  Plus having water in the tank while planting can be a pain.  If you wait, you can enjoy fantasizing through setting your tank up, think through everything you want to try……

  7. I know others have brought up a new kind of HOB, but here we go again.

    I would like to radically reimagine the lowly HOB by using a double helix Archimedean Screw to lift water out of the tank.  This would allow moving the motor out of the tank.  It would still self prime after a power failure, and would allow users to adjust the motor’s speed and thus the flow.

    The filter’s housing would be 8 or 9 inches deep, 4 inches front to back and extend across the entire tank through 6 or 7 chambers.

    The first chamber is the sediment chamber. It would allow and heavy particles like sand to settle out before clogging the remainder of the of the filter.  It would also have valve to allow the user to clean out the sediment.  It would also enable rapid water changes it the motor was left on.  

    The next 2 chambers would be coarse sponge filters, with the water flowing from the bottom to the top.        Imagine the surface area of a 2x3x7 sponge, then double it.  For a 10 gallon tank. The water would flow through the sponges in series.

    The next chamber would be the mixed media chamber; filled with pumice or ceramic media.  It would also support chemical filtration media as needed.  

    The 5th chamber would house an internal heater, an air stone, whatever, followed by the polish chamber with a spillway into the tank on the far side of the tank from the pickup.


    sorry for the long post…. 

    I would guess that it would give the filtering power of a canister, with the ease of a HOB…..





  8. I’ve not noticed any issues with large water changes with my cherry shrimp, and 30% isn’t all that large.    I routinely do 50% changes in my wife’s show /panda breeding tank.  The shrimp breed so fast I need to pull 30+ out once or twice a month.

    My concern would be sucking up shrimp in the python.  I use a small siphon, and every once in a while one will get caught up.  They just aren’t that strong swimmers….

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