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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. I think this might eventually turn into one of those classic questions. Strips or liquid, Ford or Chevy, coke or Pepsi.  

    For me, the liquid might be more accurate, but so many ways to go wrong.  gotta shake the bottle enough, hold the bottle straight up and down, count out the drops and wait long enough without waiting too long.  Then compare colors, and the vial is always between two colors.  I’ve heard sticking your tongue out the left side of your mouth helps, but I can’t tell for sure.

    Strips are my go to solution.  So much easier.  And hey!  We are looking for significant change anyhow.


    course, I’m not in my “right” mind  



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  2. On 10/12/2021 at 3:14 PM, Sandra the fish rookie said:

    My husband purchased this little nano tank because I though it was so neat...It's from ZenAqua and I just love it. My plan is to have shrimp in it. I have the wood soaking and will aquascape it (of course).

    Here are my questions:

    1) already have a filter so good to go there

    2) my house is kept at 68 degrees' .. do I need a heater? its a little over 3 Gallons

    3) HELP me decide what kind of shrimp to get?? Orange Pumpkin, Cherry, Blue dream???? gah.. HELP! 

    4) Plant recommendations? 

    5) Substrate? I have some gravel left, but should I use sand??

    I have hard water (GH 18) KH 5 (I have crushed coral in all the tanks) PH steady 7.2-7.3

    See picture below. Its still empty for now.. till I get all the plants ordered. 


    Have u though about what you are going to do with excess Shrimp once they breed?  

    I love the tank, especially on the live edge round!  I’d keep with the simple theme in your picture and go with windolov Java fern.  Cherry shrimp really pop against it.

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  3. On 10/11/2021 at 9:24 PM, mountaintoppufferkeeper said:

    True and even that is not absolute in the way we expect. Fish need water most of the time. 

    If we count some species you can get annual killifish from a bag of dirt sent through the mail and have to wait months before adding adding water back, lungfish don't have water for long periods and return when the rains do, the many fish,  snake heads, climbing perch, walking catfish, etc who can cross from one body of water over land to another body of water and be fine for nearly a week out of water. 

    Here I thought all life needs water.  As far as we know…..

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  4. On 10/11/2021 at 10:06 AM, mountaintoppufferkeeper said:

    My favorite is there are absolute truths about anything fish related. 

    I can think one one, and only one, absolute truth -

    fish need water




    sorry, couldn’t resist.

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  5. On 10/10/2021 at 1:07 PM, lefty o said:

    so pleco died i assume unnoticed at first. that could for sure throw things a bit out of whack. id do a few water changes, then test every few days for a week or two, and see what is really happening. the tank could be good to go in a week, or it may take 3 or 4 weeks. let the tests, and whatever else is alive in the tank be your guide.

    Good advice, there are still a few plecos, shrimp and endler in there.  I added a little salt, figure it’s like chicken soup….can’t hurt.

  6. On 10/10/2021 at 9:38 AM, lefty o said:

    my first question is did you test for an ammonia spike, or how did you come to that conclusion? next up would be if it is in fact an ammonia issue, what caused the spike, and how long has this tank been up and running?

    My nitrites were higher than expected.  Could have been chlorine following water chang, but a pleco got stuck in an in tank filter and died. 

    I don’t trust my api kit.  Well I could be the problem, but either way my results are all over the place

    Oh, and the tank is about 1 year old


  7. On 10/4/2021 at 6:19 PM, CalmedByFish said:

    Hear ya. When I was 18, I counted 21 buildings I'd lived in. And 9 since. A total of about 22 towns, in 3 states and 2 countries. 

    Priorities: [Huge sigh.] I actually found a new home for all my other pets when I decided to make this move, realizing that my fish give me the best work-to-benefit ratio, by far. 

    Everything you said is exactly right. It's rough. 

    U know the drill then.

  8. Th forum has provided lots of input on the mechanics, so I’ll leave that to others.

    After 20 years in the Air Force, and another 10 in civil service I’ve moved interstate/internationally 12 times.  The one thing I’ve learned: moving is one of the most stressful things in life.  Up there with divorce, and loss of a close loved one or friend.  Planning is a good first step, but deciding on your priorities is a must.  When things go awry and you can’t do it all, make sure what you do is the priority.  

    You have a lot on the plate, so best of luck.

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  9. On 10/4/2021 at 6:50 AM, Hobbit said:

    Ah! I don’t have this figured out myself, so I’m curious what other people have to say, but I think usually old tank syndrome is a buildup of nutrients rather than a depletion of nutrients. But it’s possible over time you could end up with one nutrient in excess without realizing it (whatever the plants don’t use) if the ones you can measure, like nitrate and GH, stay low.

    In terms of the why, I agree with @Guppysnail that one possibility is the imbalance of plecos, whether that’s because you’re feeding the smaller tanks more, or they’re eating the algae more thoroughly. Other than that it could be the plants—do the plants in the larger tank seem more established?

    The ph in the pleco tanks is consistent with the city water…….

    the bio load in the big tank is really small comparatively


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