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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. It’s great to see the outpouring of great ideas!  

    On 3/20/2022 at 10:04 AM, Thomas Wolf said:

    I have had similar thoughts - I actually used to work for a local water conditioning company and have helped with many residential and commercial installs.

    Problem with that is my nephew took over the section of the basement where I could install a unit; already pre-fab for Culligan brand softeners, and then route that through an RO/DI.  There is no getting that section of the basement back; I already use most of it.

    I'd planned to do this for years, but my boss at the time was always running behind and never got around to selling me a refurbished unit at a nice discount (I did make a radial flow filter out of a brine tank though, lol).  Then our families hit static and now I can't call them asking for favors because his son and I are not currently speaking.  Losing my job trainwrecked my perfect credit, which is something Culligan checks prior to softener rentals.  Those are the only two companies around, which I know from experience.

    So, this really may be my only option - or something similar like an Amazon Basics kit with the same concept.  Looking at constantly swapping out the carbon (you do that w/ RO/DI units every 3 months or so anyways).

    I have one line of water leading into the basement and man is that thing ghetto.  I thought of different attachments so I could set it up with a python kit, but it requires professional plumbing work, and I am not licensed (even if I know how to do it...my landlord wouldn't approve it).

    Of course, he never knew about the 500g pool full of tilapia, either... but I knew if that turned into a mess, it was my mess.  Lol

    I'll research the RV kit.  Should see the RV setup my old boss has in his RV, another thing he said I could replicate and never let me do.  Petty things.

    Thank you for the reply/advice!


    -Thomas Wolf


    The filter I suggested is in-line with a garden hose.  Camco offers a couple different types, maybe one will help you.  If not maybe one of the other ideas can help.  Best of luck!  

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  2. 1. I’ve never raised longfin cories, so can’t help you there.

    2. I had no idea they were controversial.  

    3. You won’t get any hate here.  We don’t put up with bad behavior.  


  3. On 3/17/2022 at 11:53 AM, anewbie said:

    Never. The male will kick them out when they are large enough to be self substaning. As to being eaten - it depends what you have in your tank - guppies can't eat them but an oscar can. There are a lot of fishes between guppies and oscar that can and can't eat them.

    Exactly.  And, unless you want an endless chain of fry - pull the female.  They have fairly large spawns, and I wound up with 2 or 3 hundred of the little beggars before I figured it out. 

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  4. My angelfish spawn fairly regularly, but the eggs get eaten within a day.  Well over night.  
    Lucy, my female, likes laying her eggs on my 3w green killing machine.  I’m thinking about disconnecting the uv chamber and placing it in a ziss  breeding box. 

    would that work, or should I collect the eggs and use the egg tumbler first?


  5. Your plants should be fine.  The Coop packs them very well, and I’ve had plants delayed without any issues.  But if the come in beat up or something, e-mail customer service.  They are great about getting back to u.


    I know nothing about ur light, so……

    I would start with one pump a week and test your water daily to get a feel for things.  You want your nitrates between 20-40 ppm, if they u can’t keep them in that range adjust accordingly.  

    good luck




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  6. On 2/26/2022 at 10:02 PM, Fish Folk said:

    I think that if you change water, add a few catappa leaves, and feed a small mess of black worms about 30 minutes before lights out, you'll pretty soon find have a ton of eggs in the morning.


    On 3/3/2022 at 9:09 AM, Jane said:

    Normally, the eggs are breakfast food for the other fish in the tank. Also, I hatched several last summer but it was bad timing because I had to travel out of state and I know babies need fed more often. I let them go in the tank, still very small, and never saw them again. What I have now is close to 1/4 of an inch. 

    To be honest, I never see the eggs, babies magically appear.  But I only have a few hets and a betta in the tank with them.  

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  7. To quote S. Covey, begin with the end in mind.  

    in this case why are you selling fish?  Why at a swap meet? The answer may be different if you are making room in your tank than if you are trying to make cash to buy that new tank.  If you are clear what your goal is, then you can you can price with that in mind.

    i would also provide discounts for purchasing multiple fish.  If a sword retails for $3.00, you could sell a single fish for $2.75, and 5 for $10, and 10 for $15.  

    finally, what can you get if you selling to your lfs?  If you can get 50% of retail at your lfs, that’s your floor.  (Unless you are just making room for new fish)



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