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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. On 12/8/2021 at 9:25 AM, BuzzDaddy21 said:

    I actually threw in trash, felt bad so now in sink. I see the rhizome part I think but what does black roots mean?

    If the rhizome is green an firm it may come back, slowly.  Make sure you are using a quality liquid fertilizer made aquarium plants. You can also add a few hearty fish or maybe some shrimp.  

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 12/8/2021 at 8:36 AM, Jeff said:

    The starting the cycle with a pre-seeded filter was just a preamble of introducing the idea of no gaps for when a filter breaks down.

    I don't like sponge filters / extra equipment in my tank. So, this isn't an option for me.

    But, sounds like I'd be ok. I DO have a ACO usb nano air stone that I could put in the tank until I got another filter for it. So, sounds like I'd be ok.

    I think you caught my drift spot on…no need to panic, but there are a few things you can do while you get another filter on line.  

  3. Sounds like 2 questions

    if filter stopped on an established tank, ensure you have an air stone and replace the filter.  The air stone keeps the water moving and oxygenated so not a panic. Most of the beneficial bacteria is in the tank already.  I only have one tank that does not have a sponge filter, and recommend adding at least a nano sponge filter to any tank.  

    if you are just starting a cycle, we’ll that’s a loaded question.  Is it a fishless cycle?  Or fish in?  If it’s fishless you have plenty of time.  If it’s fish in, put an air stone in and replace the filter promptly.  If it’s more than a day, you need to test your water a couple time a day and do a water change if your ammonia gets outa hand.


    interested in other thoughts ….

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  4. On 12/7/2021 at 7:53 PM, sk_s said:

    Zenzo  thanks for info. I think I will give up on sea chem safe,the manufacturer won't say it isnt made for small aquariums but I think that's the case. Will try fritz complete after I use up API stress coat which is what I have for now

    ACO sells Fritz with a pump dispenser.   Makes delivery soooo easy

  5. Sorry for your loss.  

    I don’t think we have enough information to figure out what happened.  Something similar happened in my pleco growout tank.  My best guess is that I used too much dechlorinator. My water change was on the larger size because I was fighting some nitrites.  

    out of curiosity, how old is your tank?

  6. Don’t give up!  

    do u fertilize?
    what kind of light are u using? 
    what’s the photo period?

    what kind of fish are in the tank?

    is the rhizome in tact?  Or is it melting?

    how long have you had the plant?

    what is it mounted on?  How was it attached?




  7. On 12/6/2021 at 8:50 PM, Fish Folk said:

    Awesome shots! Well, this sure is good evidence that they _CAN_ work together! Thanks for the photos. Were these added as adults? Or were many of them born in there with your Betta?

    It’s a mix. Can’t sell em fast enough, so sometimes I pull a handful and plop them in my angle tank.  Adults make it, sometimes.   

    • Like 1
  8. On 12/6/2021 at 11:45 AM, Gator said:

    @meadeam; I've bred Bettas, Cories, Neon Tetras, and Zebrafish in a 10 G tank before, but in either case you'll have to separate the eggs from the parents. The Bettas and Cories will eat the babies, the Tetras and Zebrafish will eat the eggs.

    I’ve had good success with panda Corys in a 10 gallon.  Never pull the eggs or babies, but provide LOTS of cover for them.  

  9. When I bred BN plecos I had one male and two adult females and 2 caves.  The male definitely preferred the cave with a smaller hole.  

    They were very prolific. After 4 months, i pulled the females, but not before I had several hundred baby’s in a 20 long.  I have one lfs that will buy local, but they could only sell about 10 - 15 fish a month.  Took me 6 to eight months to sell them off.  I still have around ten of the little beggars that need a home.  

    I fed them thee times daily, before lights on, after work, and when I went to bed.  Keeping up with the water changes was a challenge, and near the end my tank crashed.  I lost about 80 nice sized fish, including both females.  

    if I were breeding them again, I definitely would pull the male after the fry were free swimming.  

  10. Sorry for jumping in the middle of this one, but having never actually done a fish-less cycle:

    In all things fish-keeping - Patients is the key.  The struggle against trying to “fix it” is real, but any time you make a change you likely reset the clock.


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  11. I’ve been thinking about this thread for a couple days, and can’t get it out of my head…

    my wife’s show tank doubles as my panda Cory breeding tank, with pretty good success over the last couple years.  Our water is hard with low ph, so doesn’t really apply.  But for for what it’s worth:


    - tank: 10 gallon heavily planted tank (mostly Java fern and Java fern windelov, and some Val.) I have a large piece of driftwood and an artificial plant as well.  I try to leave lots gaps under the driftwood to provide hidey spots for fry.

    - substrate: medium to large gravel

    - water changes: 50% once weekly with filtered water. 
    - food: tetra shrimp wafers each morning

    - tankmates: betta, harlequin rasboras, cherry shrimp.  I tried endlers, but the corydoras stopped breeding.


    I’ve never seen any breeding behavior or eggs for that mater, but baby's keep coming.  

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