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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. 30 minutes ago, lefty o said:

    doubtful, you have a large sponge, and a canister filter. unless you are way over feeding, those 2 should handle it.

    I agree with Lefty.  You are way over filtered.  Not necessarily a bad thing, and in this case it’s good.  

  2. Please excuse the glass, Hank and Mable spawned yesterday and I don’t like stressing them when they are on eggs.  

    the tank is a 38g and I replaced the plants on the left side the other day.  The water sprite floating on top is waiting for spring and the summer tubbing season.  I have some danios, panda corydoras, and BN plecos in the tank as well.  The danios prevent the angle eggs from developing, but they may migrate to the summer tub as well.



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  3. I love selling fish to my LFS!  They’ll take them if they are running short and pay me cash or let me hold it on layaway.  One tip, stores tend to order on the same day every week, and receive fish a couple days later.  I like to take my fish in the day before they order.  That way their stock is getting low, but they have not made the next order.  


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  4. 22 hours ago, Paul said:

    @DarthRevan you're new to the hobby, you need to learn to walk before you start running. If you don't know what you're doing filterless aquariums will be nothing but a headache. I have a planted 20L stocked with 5 Apistogramma nijsseni, 5 Bronze Corys,  some tetras and a couple of Otto's. That's considerably less bio load than you're thinking about putting in your tank and I filter the tank with a sponge filter & a Penguin Pro 175 HOB placed at either end of the tank. 

    In my 20L, I’m running 2 sponge filters, with 4 apistos, a few panda corys, a bristle nose pleco and a few plattys that needed some room to over-winter.  I’ve got water sprite, crypts, and some Java fern, and it is bay far my easiest tank.  

    • Like 1
  5. Finally gave up on my Amazon Sword.  I really loved the plant, but it was to large for the 38g tank.  On top of that it was my Angle fish's favorite spawning site.  The picture does not show it, but the plant made the tank too dark and severely limited the swim space for Hank and Mable.  Hope they figure out a new spawning site.

    The tank loos lopsided now, but replanted with Melon Red flame sword and Dwarf Chain Sword from ACO.  Thanks @Cory!  Gonna write may review for you shortly.


    Before 2.JPG

    Before 3.JPG



    After 2.JPG

    • Like 3
  6. Ethics in fish keeping is a really tough subject to tackle in a forum.  You’ll find people have an wide range of opinions.  

    Things to think about: (No need to answer to the forum)

    • What criteria will you use to decide when to cull?  
    • Are you ok with killing a fish that doesn’t meet your criteria?
    • How will you cull the fish?

    Questions to ask:

    • if this fish spawns, how will it improve the quality of fish in the hobby?
    • Other than the reason for culling, can this fish have a quality life?


    at the end of the day, you are the one that needs to live with your decision.  Some fish, like @Daniel’s Stumpy, may go on to live long lives as cherished pets.  Others (especially in live bearers) could go on to weaken the species by passing on defects.

    • Like 3
  7. 4 minutes ago, WDE15 said:

    I did not have a reliable water testing kit originally. I tested the water from the guppies that passed, prior to water changing and it was about 1.0 ppm ammonia per the API test. That was about 5 days ago. 

    So with 1.0 ppm, you may have had sick fish from lfs, but I lean to ammonia spike.  

     I like your chosen course of action.  enjoy the ride.

  8. 1 hour ago, Larrimore said:

    Another thing I didn't see mentioned.  If you bought all the guppies all at once from the same place, it may not have been your tank at all.  It could be they were sick before you ever added them.  

    Good put.  

    if it was your tank, you would have seen an ammonia spike before you water change.  

  9. @WDE15 I’m sure you are gonna get a lot of great advice here.   we’ve all been there, probably will be there again.  

    Normally I think the best advice is “things to think about, and questions to ask” but I’ll make an exception.  “Learn to appreciate the anticipation.” The journey is part of the fun.  You know, day dreaming about the tank you are gonna have, or researching new fish and plants.  

    I would also have your LFS verify your test results. API test kits are pretty good, but I think they can give some wonky results on the low end of the ammonia.  Then I would think about one of the aquarium starters like the one by Fritz.  


  10. Thanks for the input everyone.  They are the dominate pair in a 20 long with some platty fish, 2 panda coridoras and a smallish bn  pleco.  I was over-wintering the platys but think I’ll take them to the lfs.  Should I remove the non-dominate male as well?  7B253C71-DB85-497B-8D78-69DF57F91F02.jpeg.aff27857aff49f14685aa0150ae241a3.jpeg

  11. 6 hours ago, Fish Folk said:

    This happens to us occasionally. But when, from the same can the odd batch doesn't properly hatch while others before and after come out fine, the trouble is usually that the bubbler is not adequately dropped to the bottom of the hatchery, and / or that the salt crystals are not properly dissolving into the water column. 

    Try taking a coffee-mug, putting HOT water in it, and vigorously stirring the measured aquarium salt into it until it completely dissolves. Then, add that to your empty hatchery and top off the rest with cold water to render a tepid (room-temp) solution. Then add the brine shrimp, eggs. 

    Be sure that your airline / bubbler reaches all the way to the bottom of the hatchery. A rigid airline is preferable, as it doesn't coil up and keep the eggs from churning. 

    If this doesn't work . . . then I've got no ideas! 😂

    Good puts.  

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