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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. 10 hours ago, StaceyTNBCkicker said:

    I'm hoping that is all it is. I am already smitten with the little goofy fish! Thank you for your input. Greatly appreciated! 

    One of the things I like about my pandas is how playful they are.  They really seam to like swimming into the bubble wall, letting it lift them to the top, then swimming to the bottom for a repeat.  

  2. I’ve never have good luck with nano tanks; there’s just not enough water to cushion the little hiccups.


    that said, you doubled (give or take) you bioload when you added the mystery snail.  Before that you had good STT(seasoned tank time), although that is not really fully defined.  But with such a small water volume, an ammonia spike isn’t really too surprising.  

  3. On 10/27/2020 at 7:06 AM, Maggie said:

    Not a pet peeve, but it's been confusing for a new aquarist with the many vastly different opinions. There seem to be many ways of doing something right, and many opinions telling us that's wrong, do it this way (not on here but elsewhere). I don't want my fish to die because I made a stupid mistake or listened to bad advice. To me they are not livestock, but pets.


    On 10/27/2020 at 7:23 AM, Daniel said:

    There often aren't right answers, there is just the answer relayed by someone saying what has worked for them. In another thread I listed all the 'wrong' things I do. But for me they aren't wrong, they actually work really well. But I would never suggest to a new aquarist not to cycle a tank or not quarantine their fish.

    One way not to get confused is not to listen to all the opinions. For example, if you wanted to learn how to keep discus you would find on this forum that @Jessica. has really nice discus tanks and has the pictures to show the results of what she does. I would follow her methods and her advice and maybe filter out competing advice. @Jessica. also posts links to where she looks to for discus information, which is really helpful.

    So if there is a certain kind of aquarium you want to keep, find someone experienced here on the forum and follow what they do. It will cut out a lot of the static.


    I think I my pet peeve is presenting one’s opinion as fact, and the only way to look at it.  Best advice is things to think about and questions too ask. It allows the hearer to learn/figure things out without feeling judged.  (Just my opinion, so....)

    Another option, and @Cory is the best at this, is “here is how I solve the problem given....”.  

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  4. 7 hours ago, Daniel said:

    I confess, it is true...

    I don't:

    • do any cycling on a new aquarium and I put fish in moments after the water goes in to the new aquarium
    • have a quarantine aquarium or think about quarantining new fish
    • rinse my baby brine shrimp

    Probably the first 2 are much more serious sins than the 3rd one.

    I think I get away with the first one because all my tanks are dirty and I use a lot of hornwort. I think I get away with second one because most new fish go into their own (uncycled) new aquarium (or maybe it is just luck and I just haven't run out the string yet).

    I pretty sure @Dean’s Fishroom would give me demerits for the 3rd one, but it is my lazy way of providing trace elements to my fish 🙂.

    And I thought I was the only one.  I confess, I don’t even understand the fishless cycle.  

    it might shock some, I've been known to use water from a water change to seed a new tank.  

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  5. 18 hours ago, Wisnasky-tank said:

    I see all of you say cool waterChanges and I’ve done some of the research that you need to have your temperatures down at like 69° not that I am trying for mine to breed but if they did it would be cool mom I guess just curious on tips

    I really don’t worry about cool water changes, and focus on steady food supply and clean water.  Of course clean water means water changes, at least if you are slightly over feeding, but I don’t worry too much about water temp.  

    If I were ranking things to make panda Corydoras spawn, 1 lots of food, 2 clean water (no ammonia, no nitrite, nitrate at or below 40 PPM.) and other water parameters like temp, gh etc.  interested in other thoughts though.

  6. 19 minutes ago, StephenP2003 said:

    Ok, that's it. Corydoras envy has taken control. As soon as my current purchase is out of quarantine, I'm turning that tank into a honeymoon suite and the pandas are checking in. 

    Feed ‘em good, keep the water clean, and a little light jazz can’t hurt.  

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  7. So I’m with the consensus, don’t remove it.  

    but I’m curious. What if you replace the cross brace with other support, like angle iron.  I’m thinking if you removed the plastic trim that surrounds the rim, and make a new surround from angle iron.  

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  8. I have not had great success moving fry, or very small juveniles.  We feed a few Tetra Shrimp Wafers in the morning.  And I occasionally drop in  some repashi community.  It looks like you have really good cover, so you may have more than one little guy in there.  I’m guessing the Cholla offers some great hidy spots

    • Like 1
  9. The panda Corydoras in my wife’s betta keep multiplying.  Never see the spawning.  Never see any eggs.  Just poof. Babies all over the place.  The LFS knows me as the panda guy cause about once a month I need sell off 10 or 15.  

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    • Haha 2
  10. Thanks for starting this @DaveSamsell.  I’ve been thinking about this since I first heard STT.  I think the formula should result in a number that approaches but never achieve the nirvana of perfect STT, or 1.  

    Thinking about establishing the biological filter number of days since the nitrogen cycle last completed divided by total time since the cycle started.  But that is a small part of it.  So seasoned time over total time.

    you also need to factor in livestock additions, like if you add several African ciclids to an established tank.  It takes a while for everyone to sort things out.  In this case we would want ((1-% change)*total time) over total time 

    or moved all your aquatic plants.  Since the plants go through a period of shock, and do not consume the nitrogen products in the water.  So total time less 2 weeks over total time.

    or if you rearrange the hardscape.  New substrate different caves etc.  I have not worked this one out relative to time, so we can use the same for plant life for argument sake.   

    what if you do all these things?  We would have filter, livestock, hardscape, and plants changes.  Simply multiply each factor and Bobs your uncle.

    If I set up a new tank 30 days ago, and the cycle complete in two weeks  14/30, STT is .5.  After 90 days, 75/90 or .8333.  You relocate, and everything is changed? You get the picture


    long post from my iPad.  Please forgive the errors



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