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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. You might wanna try some crypt wendtii if you get the mind to add something.


    Bronze to Red Color Low Light Easy to Grow Cryptocoryne wendtii is one of the most common plants within the aquarium trade. It quickly became quite popular due to its hardiness, easy of care and because it thrives...

      It will give you some color and the leave are really cool looking. 

  2. On 12/9/2020 at 5:33 PM, tolstoy21 said:

    @WeehawkenFish Good question. Don't know. I don't wring mine out, but I've never moved one I thought was overly cruddy. 

    If you do feel the need to wring it out a bit, just do it in a bucket of tank water and you're probably fine.

    Personally, I just move larger rocks or wood or sponge filters or plants or bio media, really anything I have on-hand that I think I can move to jump start a cycle. I test the water a few days after adding fish, and if I think I haven't jump started it 100% successfully, I might treat the tank with something like Seachem Stability to help it along. I think the key to jump starting this way is to keep the fish load low initially so as to no overwhelm the new tanks capacity to process waste.

    Having floating plants available also really helps. I keep water lettuce and salvinia around to jumpstart things and get tanks off to a start.

    I'll let others chime in, as really I just wing it and don't have any real science behind my methods (really they're just born from of overwhelming predilection for impatience).

    I go one step further.  I’ll use water from a gravel vac/water change (up to about 25% of the new tank)  Poor it in mulm and all.  Like @tolstoy21, no real science behind it, and the sample size is small.  (Only done in a couple times). 

    I figure the mulm is full of beneficial flora, and distributes it everywhere.  

    • Like 3
  3. Sorry for your troubles. 

    with a 4 week quarantine and the med trio I think you can rule out the lfs.  Given the ammonia spike and issues with the platty mollies I guessing what ever caused the spikes is the root cause. My panda Corys congregate in one part of the tank, and they can be diggers.  If their spot is where the exposed strata was, not too surprising.  So...

    Is your tank densely planted?  Since your tank is only 2 months old, how mature are the plants?

    How heavily stocked is your tank?  When did you last add fish b4 you added your pandas?

    Could you have lost a fish or snail that fouled your water?

    Likely, the danger has passed, but don’t blame you for wanting to make sure.  

    • Like 1
  4. Ms Hank, that’s Mable.  They spawn every 4 to 6 weeks, but with 11 panda Corys, 5 long fin danios and 2 BN plecos......


    one of these days I’m gonna pull everyone else out to try for a viable spawn.  Fun fact - their last attempt was at 68 degrees. (Heater failed). 


    • Haha 1
  5. So, had another heater fail and decided to get an ink bird to hedge my bets. Instructions, well not the best for a gadget that is not very intuitive.  (IMO). Got it figured out, but wondering if my setup is even close.  

    for me I set the temperature on the heater a couple degrees higher than the ink bird.  Set the temp to 80. With a differential of 3 degrees.

  6. 1 hour ago, Augustjd27 said:

    I'm guessing that would be something not worth the software development time for the Coop...I honestly think any water change related features you could use in an app would just be easier to do in a small notebook.

    You might be right, esp if all you did was log activity.  If the software on the backend could aide evaluation of your bio load etc it could be handy,  esp for beginners.  

  7. 6 hours ago, Daniel said:

    I wondered who would catch that. I am not surprised it was @Coronal Mass Ejection Carl. Yes I have not re-calibrated the dissolved oxygen sensor so those numbers are just relative to each other.

    The current temperature is about 72°F and the current DO is likely in the neighborhood of ~8.7.

    That is why I indicated I didn't have proper data yet.

    While not not the proper data, and insufficient to draw any conclusions, the early data is relevant as long as the temperature remained consistent.  

    when you are taking your measurements, how do you control for stratification in the tank.  In case I’m saying it wrong - are you measuring in a “hot spot” where the dissolved O2 is higher?  (I’m guessing you have already accounted for this, but worth asking)

  8. 6 minutes ago, Cory said:

    Unlikely we'll do stuff on tiktok. It's hard to be on many platforms and youtube will take over tiktok, they are already beta testing the features just like tiktok in India that'll go world wide. 

    Thanksk to all who showed up and sorry I didn't get to all the question. Got a little hectic there 😉

    @Cory I’m just thankful you host this forum.  A little safe corner in the World Wide Web where we can support our fellow Addicts, um I mean hobbiest 

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    • Haha 1
  9. 26 minutes ago, Kirsten said:

    I'm so sorry for your loss! It looks like it was a great cory.

    Looks like Red Blotch Disease to me, which seems fairly common in cories.

    Red Blotch disease?  Never heard of it.  What can you share about it?  Treatment? Cause?

  10. Just to add to the geeky Nerm thing and adding a Fermi Problem:

    The surface area of the water in an aquarium is easily calculated.  The surface area of an air bubble a little more more more complicated, but do-able.  I suspect the water touching the surface of an air bubble tuns over faster then the surface as well, limiting the saturation and improving gas exchange.  And I would guess the sum of the surface area of all those tiny bubbles in the plume is larger that the surface of the water at the top of the tank.  

    I’m not up to estimating the size of a bubble (1mm), then the number of bubbles in the tank (50 - 100 per linear inch of the plume) But it could be done...  

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Daniel said:

    So true! Without her patiently let me be me, but also simultaneously keeping me from going overboard...I shudder to think how it all might have worked out. Sometimes I feel like the luckiest person in the world.

    My point exactly! If not for the brains of this operation, I’d live in a 20 sq ft corner of my 3200 sq ft fish room.  Well maybe fish house.  Instead, I get to live with my 3 tanks and a summer tub, and dream about just one more.....😂😇🤪

    • Haha 2
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