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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. On 10/3/2021 at 5:24 PM, Hobbit said:

    Hmmm. What kind of rocks and hardscape do you have in each one?

    By “this” do you mean adding extra easy green?

    Larger pieces or rock are granite and slate. Large tank has a large piece of sliderwood, the other tanks have mopari or anther “big” tannin producing wood.  But are not tinting the water much.  

    By this I meant the plants consuming all the nutrients in the water.

  2. I have three planted tanks, all in row.  A 38 gal, a 20L and a 20 T.  I use city water to full the tank, and don’t do anything other than fritz water conditioner and easy green and easy carbon.  But the ph in the 38 gal is significantly lower than the others and the nitrates are all but nonexistent, even after adding nearly 3x the suggested dose of easy green over 2 days. I’m guessing it’s because the plants have consumed all the nutrients.  What do you think?

    Also, can this lead to “ old tank” syndrome if unchecked?

    The 38 is moderately stocked with 3 angel fish (2 juveniles) 20 cardinal tetras, 7 ember tetras, a handful of endless, and 4 bn plecos that I’m growing out.  It is about 3 years old, and suffers from stag and black beard algae.  

    The 20L has an adult female bn pleco, and roughly 75 to 100 juveniles that I’m growing out, and slowly selling to my lfs 

    The 20T has the male  bn pleco and about 20 juveniles, plus a male betta. The juveniles in this tank are somewhat larger.







  3. On 8/22/2021 at 12:51 PM, Jimmy said:

    My room is a 7x7 framed inside my garage so garbage will get ice cold. The pump is sweet but in this small of a foot print it’s more noise than I want. I can live with it but I’m exploring my options 

    Not sure how much noise a linear piston makes.  But a few handy options.  1. Put it in a cabinet (lined w sound dampening something, or 2 build a cabinet on the outside wall, and cycle air from the fish room thru it

    • Like 1
  4. Ooooo how fun.  

    canister filters (I’ve done a lot of research, but never used one. So take this with a grain of salt)

    pros: larger media and filtering capacity.  Likely quieter.  
    cons: can be a challenge to get set up and operating right.  A leak can drain the tank onto your floor.  


    pros:  you already know how to run them.  Lower entry costs 

    cons: not as much flexibility in you media, cartridges every month or so

    i would try to get the canister filter working, if for now other reason, to learn how to do it.  You can always augment with a HOB.

    • Like 1
  5. I would add an air stone to the bucket and maybe a heater.  


     If you are concerned with jumping, drain most of the water before catching the fish.  

    big trick, slow down, don’t rush things.  Think things through and lay everything out before you start.  (Slow is smooth, smooth is fast). You are less likely to make mistakes, and you will enjoy it more.

    • Like 1

  6. not to try and compete with @Daniel or @Coronal Mass Ejection Carl.  They have forgotten more that it know, but...

    This is where a good LFS or even a big box can be handy.  Most offer free testing, and can double check your results. 

    also, are you seeing a bump in nitrite or nitrate?  You might try testing before and after you next couple water changes.  Won’t cost much, but may help track down the problem.  

    • Like 1
  7. 15 hours ago, Daniel said:

    I don't know. I am sure I have never made an actual profit. I have almost exclusively sold adults and stores really like large angels. But I bet you could get the stores interested starting at about 50 cent size. Local markets vary quite a bit so you will just have to ask your prospective customers what they want/what they need.

    If you are looking for profit out of your LFS, angels might not be the best option.  Since a single spawn can yield >50 fish, and I suspect a store would less than 10 or 15 angels a week, selling them off may take a while.  Aquabid may be a better option, but I’ve never sold through them.  

    another option is Corys.  My LFS struggles to get them in stock.  


  8. 16 hours ago, Daniel said:

    They definitely got a lot of baby brine shrimp and mosquito larva early on, but they also have eaten a lot of live blackworms and prepared foods like Vibra Bites, and Tetra Color granules.

    I’ve also heard good things about beef heart for grow out 

    I feed frozen blood worms to get my angles ready to spawn.  Guessing they would help with growth as well.

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