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  1. Wow, that's a great idea and thank you for sending me the video from Cory. I'll definitely be implementing this. Thank you!
  2. Hi everyone! I've been having issues with ick for the last 2 weeks on some Corydoras that I purchased. I purchased Ick-X and have been following the directions, changing my water 30% daily prior to applying the product. I was wondering why I have not seen improvement with my fish at this point. I think I found the culprit. I use a HOB filter (Marineland Emperor 280) with the Marineland filter cartridges. Little did I realize that the cartridges themselves have carbon on the back which completely ruins the Ick-X. I am very hesitant to remove the filter cartridge entirely and lose all of my beneficial bacteria. Has anyone run into a similar issue? What do you do with a filter like this when you have to apply meds to your tank? Thank you!
  3. I did not have a reliable water testing kit originally. I tested the water from the guppies that passed, prior to water changing and it was about 1.0 ppm ammonia per the API test. That was about 5 days ago.
  4. Thank you everyone for your responses! I think my plan of action is going to be to let this play out on its own for the next couple of weeks and then re-evaluate. As you all have mentioned, a lot of change has occurred in a short amount of time. I feel like you can sit here and tinker with stuff forever and get nowhere. I will be picking up some Seachem Prime to make the trace ammonia that is left less toxic for the fish in the meantime. I would expect with light feeding, that the bacteria would be able to handle the ammonia eventually. If things get back to normal, I will be lightly stocking the tank with maybe 3 more Corydoras to go with the one I have now (since they really need a school). I plan on doing light additions into the tank whenever I buy new fish, so I don't overwhelm the tank.
  5. Hello all, This is my first post and I'm looking forward to being an active member in the community. I'm a new a fishkeeper and am about 2 months into my aquarium. First off, I want to say that I've done about everything wrong that you could have done up to this point. I currently have 7 neon tetras that have been in the tank for about a month and are doing well and one corydora. I overstocked my tank a couple of weeks ago with about 9 guppies that all met their maker quickly. Now, I am trying to make sure my tank is stabilized before I add anymore fish to this aquarium. Here are the stats on my aquarium. Tank Size: 30 Gallons Filter: Marineland Emperor 280 Ammonia: .25 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Nitrate: In between 0 and 5 ppm (Tested with API Master Test Kit) I unfortunately changed the filter cartridge on my filter after the guppies died. I now realize that was a mistake, because I lost all the beneficial bacteria growing in there. Before this last test, I held off on feeding the fish for 48 hours, hoping that the ammonia would get eaten up. I can't seem to get it down to 0 and am concerned that I'm not really reading any nitrates per my tests. I have done three 50% water changes in the last 36 hours with gravel vaccuming. I lightly fed this morning and am planning on only feeding once a day from now on. I will most likely hold off on feeding tomorrow. Does anyone have any advice on where my tank is at in the cycle right now? I really would like to not have to do another massive water change, but that might be what I need to do in order to get the last bit of ammonia out. Hopefully once I get this tank in good shape, I can have more confidence in the next fish I introduce being a successful experience. Thank you all for your help and Happy Holidays! Cheers!
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