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Ken Burke

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Everything posted by Ken Burke

  1. Great question. my goldfish live in the mini-pond, and the frogs bit, lilies and water sprite are thriving. I gave some frogs bit and sprite to a buddy, his comets chowed down. Best bet, buy some and give it a try.
  2. The trick here is to look at the red. Schultzei have a black stripe with red on top and below the tail. Sailfin have red across the base of the tail. The bronze corys are black at the base of the tail. Well, that’s my opinion anyhow.
  3. I’m gonna go with the crowd here: bronze corys For a second I was wondering if they could be red sailfins, but the tail is black. Sailfins (venezuelanus) can be confused with Corydoras aeneus (bronze corydoras) and indeed C. venezuelanus is usually considered a junior synonym of that species. https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/species.php?species_id=716 Sailfin https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/species.php?species_id=51 Bronze
  4. Life finds a way! since I did not pull the fish or eggs, I figured’ “No chance for baby golf fish” I was wrong I also saw I tiny black one, but could get a picture….
  5. @Brandon p I haven’t had good luck letting my angels raise the babies. In fact, I’ve never had angel fry make this far.
  6. That depends on several factors like: how many plecos are in the tank, what size are they, what and how much you are feeding them, etc. I upgraded to a 38 gal, and feed tetra shrimp wafers and Repashy a couple times daily. In the 20 long I needed water changes 2-3 times a week when they were at the peak. I had 2 females and a male in the tank, so they were breeding regularly. I wound up pulling the male cause I was overrun with the critters.
  7. Cleaning some of the mulm out, I found this guy… guess he’s the first to eat!
  8. Baxter, a cattle dog/boxer mix Sophee: miniature goldendoodle
  9. My angel fry have been free swimming for a week now. I’m concerned about the mulm buildup, but the water quality is still good. @Fish Folk, how long until they are strong enough to fend for themselves with other fish? I have two tanks that could work, one has corydoras, the other plecos I think they woul fair best w the plecos, but IDK.
  10. We had a betta that flew over watch for our pandas.
  11. I’ll second @Fish Folk here. My only problem was selling the baby’s fast enough.
  12. @TeeJay if your serious about breeding corydoras you’ll want 2 males per female. I don’t collect the eggs from my corys, but provide lots of hidey spots for babies. They are fairly easy to breed, once you get them to adult size. Good luck
  13. “Two Plecos and a cory walk into a bar. Cory tells the bar tender, ‘drinks are on them. They are suckers’”
  14. @JettsPapa we had those temps a couple weeks ago, and one of my a/c units was out for the week. Pretty bad when it gets so hot you don’t wanna eat.
  15. @Guppysnail they are my trapdoor snails.
  16. I haven’t had this problem, but best bet is to contact ACO customer service. They are pretty responsive
  17. sometime you just need a helping hand. Show me your buddy pictures!
  18. We’ll see where it goes
  19. this morning maybe a couple dozen free swimmers. Now:
  20. Well, have free swimming angels fry. I was ready to give up yesterday. butt hank and Lucy are still guarding the floating breeders box.
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