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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. I think you may have had one or two beers before you started. 😛 Just kidding.

    But this is a good topic of conversation, worthy of a whole evenings "cocktail hour" imo. Lol

    My thing for these products.... even if you "detoxify" even just for a short period... more ammonia is being produced. More nitrate, more nitrite... so you still  need to do a water change! Which means however many capfuls of product you used, you still need to dump it down the drain, and the sooner the better. Especially if the "detoxification" is only temporary. I like to cut out the middleman and just do the right thing and do a water change.

    But I will say, when I'm acclimating shrimp I follow flip aquatics guide and add prime to the water they came in. I didn't do that once and lost one shrimp. But I also didn't have an airstone in it. SO... who knows. But if it does anything, cool, if not, at least I feel a tiny bit more at ease.

    I'm not a chemist. I am fascinated by the subject though.

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  2. I'm sorry that you had that experience. Some more details could help us up to give advice.

    That is a lot of fish of a single type. I tend to agree with the previous statements that they probably saw it as a lot of work, for little return.

    But I also don't know if you called ahead, if they needed that variety, and what the fish looked like upon delivery (or what they look like period).

    That price is low per fish for sure, but at the same time that is a huge volume. They will likely have to put them in several tanks. Which ups their maintenance on those tanks, and the risks of disease in those tanks, plus feeding all of them.

    I always call ahead at my store, I make sure to call after they get their fish shipment from their vendors in, and I tell them how many of what varieties I have, and their size. I also separate the guppies by gender before I bag them. The less work they have to do, the happier they generally are.

    I definitely want to see photos of the fish... Just because I love fish. 🙂 

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  3. I took some videos this morning while the small human was still asleep. My poor 75G looks like a warzone with the green tint. So far everyone is still doing well. Red boy has resumed normal activity but still see a whitish patch on his tail.

    There's a yellow tiger king cobra guppy youth in the 75 that has a very orange tail, and dark turquoise patches on his body. He's so interesting! Then one of the other babies has a HUGE tail, , long pelvic fins, long, almost batwing shaped pectoral fins with black on them... Also a fascinating fish. He has a chunk of tail that is regrowing. When I saw him in the female tank he was the fastest developing and his tail was almost growing out of control, very strange. He got a geopodium very early, but didn't color up as fast as the other males; just got MUCH longer fins/tail. I have a female from a more recent brood that is having the same thing happen from this strain. Very odd. Her tail is huge.


    The guppy grow-out. Looking at all the pretty boys, and girls this morning. I just love them.... I'm happy I held onto a few from Durp squad 1-1 and 1-2. I call the orange ones with the weird pastel coloring the "old man" guppies. There are a lot more of Shiva's most recent brood that are getting the iridescent bars. I guess they're tiger? or are they snakeskin? I don't know what the correct term is for it. I've never seen stripes like these without more speckles on the body.


    Then I took a short video of the Chili Rasboras in their quarantine tank. They're so friendly! They're getting moved to the Shrimp Sanctuary this weekend. Hopefully it goes well.


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  4. I have a giant roll of UV rated split-loom for work.... I don't know why I never thought to loom all of my tank wiring/tubing! Smart.

    I would also just like a general safety note here - Don't overlook the above tips for making sure things don't overheat or kinking wires. Electrical safety is often overlooked, but it's extremely important. Don't cut off ground lugs to get them to fit. Be sure your power strips are rated for the draw that they'll be taking. They can overheat and melt.

    It can be useful to use 8" "pigtails" to make certain power adapters fit on power strips. I use ones we got in a 10 pack on Amazon for various adapters. The ones I have are 14 Gauge and never get hot. I'm sure that 16 Gauge would be fine for most power adapters. I'm just paranoid and run 14 or 12 for everything outside of data and DC power.

  5. I use a pyrex dish in one of my tanks. The only issue I have is it's just not quite deep enough to keep the soil at the level I want without some getting out when I change plants or do water changes. The tall profile of the Terra Cotta seems to be the best, imo. Good surface for bacteria to live in. You can find brown Terra Cotta as well (not sure it's officially called Terra Cotta when it's brown). Like the shrimp cave that co-op sells. I plan to pick up some "unglazed" pots this year.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Micro update: Good news! I found the otos! The big branch on the right is mostly hollow... Last night I saw an oto on the edge! I took a crappy photo and then turned on the light to try to get a better one. She ran away, but when she did I saw three other oto tails flicking around up under the log.


    The water is green because of jungle fungus fizz tabs... But there's an oto! The blurry line on the bottom of the log. 🤣 And a Cory saying, "um, can I eat in peace?"

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  7. @Beardedbillygoat1975 Thank you for the info.

    I noticed your reaction to my egg tumbler post. It was a net that I rested above the sponge filter bubbles. I think it kept the eggs viable for a few days and then it shifted and the eggs stopped moving so they got milky yellow. I put them in the main tank to see if the shrimp would clean them. They ate them, so I suspect they were not viable. But I did also wait for 12 hours after I got the berried corpse to remove the eggs. So it's possible that I waited too long as well.

    Here's a top view.20220124_084245.jpg.1c7f902467fede7f944a13e1181d99b6.jpg

    • Sad 1
  8. I love the scape! And the shrimp! Hopefully they thrive. Shrimp are fun!

    There are so many types of food for shrimp. Bacter AE is good for making them biofilm. I also use their products, shrimp fit and mineral junkie. Then once a week I gave mine a tiny piece of a snowflake pellet. Back when I had 10. Now I have many.

  9. I love to get up and watch my fish in the early morning. I go out to the 75 around 6, watch everyone before the sunlight makes it's way through the slider into the 20g fry tank and then into the 75g. The harlequins love to play in the sunlight and they're so bright silver in the sun, it's unreal. After the sun passes I turn the lights on and feed everyone. At this time I look for illness, count everyone, then I sit and watch until my son wants food. Lol.

    I also love to watch my fish in the evening on the weekend, glass of good spirit and just post up in front of each tank for a while.


  10. I'm sorry for your losses. It happens to all of us. Hang in there. I don't think you need to rebuild the tank. I would keep an eye on everyone that remains. Maybe do a course of the co-op trio for a soak. What's going on with the pladys? What do your tank parameters look like?

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  11. @Guppysnailwhat size is that tank? Is that one of your 10g?

    @Lizzyduff I'm a few weeks away from getting pygmy corydoras for my shrimp tank as well. Your tank has plenty of hiding areas for shrimplettes. The only other thing I could recommend is to watch how the corydoras interact with the shrimp while feeding the shrimp. You may want to get a dish that is suctioned up near the surface to feed the shrimp their sinking foods. If the cories are eating the shrimp food too much I mean.

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  12. On 2/19/2022 at 10:59 PM, drewzero1 said:

    He gets very excited when they nibble on his (clean!) fingers

    First off, thank you. Second, I completely agree. It's fascinating to watch my son learn and grow his interests. I ask him, probably once a week, "what is your favorite part of having fish?". His answers generally are on track with his love of snails and Shiva babies. But there are tiny changes that are interesting.

    My son also loves fish kisses. 😂 And feeding his corydoras and pleco sinking wafers. He also loves to use the mag-float to knock snails off of the glass and clean "allergy" off. 🤣


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  13. On Saturday I had to start treating the 75g for columnaris. I'm really hoping that this will be an easy strain to kick. I had columnaris in my son's 20g and it took back to back treatments to get rid of. This time around I'm using medicated food. I haven't lost any more fish, so things are looking up. Time will tell.

    I also began the fight against the hair algae in the 75. I butchered my plants in there. Dipped every cutting in a peroxide/easy carbon solution and removed a lot of the moss.





    I discovered that my on-the-go dollar tree diaper disposal bags fit almost perfectly into the specimen container. So I use them as liners for "trash" I pull out. Then I just lift the bag out and take it to the compost.

    Sadly I discovered that I no longer have otos. I fear that they may have been the source of infection, I did not quarantine them... Except one, which came from my son's tank. I did see one oto two weeks ago but I did not see him when I was cleaning on Saturday. I even prodded at all of their hiding spots. 😔


    In other news, Shiva ate a bunch of her babies... I guess I left her in the breeder for too long. 🤦‍♀️ At least there are some left but there's maybe only a dozen. This batch was much smaller to begin with so I'm pretty bummed out. I know I said this last month, but I'm hoping this is the last drop from her. She deserves to retire.

    The line bred guppies appear to be done dropping. At least, the cobra girls are, for sure. They are slim, have been all month, and usually they give birth at the same time as Shiva. Red girl may still drop fry. Blue girl.... I'm not sure that she's ever dropped fry. I've only ever seen cobra and red babies in the tank. Finally got two female red babies in the last batch. They have their fry loose in the 20 in my son's room so not all of them make it.


    Shrimp are happy. The oldest babies are starting to show saddles or lack there of.


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  14. And.... I'm doing the recommended dose schedule that @Colu has for columnaris. Cleaned the tank from top to bottom today before starting treatment. Left canister as is. Day 1. Medicating nitrofurazone with food. So far the red boy is eating the medicated food as well. Fingers crossed.

  15. That is interesting. I have nothing of value to add aside from humor. I can't get over the fact that she is wearing a snail-egg hair piece. She must be going to the opera. The split is her tufting her petticoats. I dunno, I'm just a crazy person. Hopefully she/he is all good. ^_^

  16. I feel that @Goosedub has summed up things pretty well.

    I do my best to be responsible.

    I personally try to buy fish that are tank bred as close to me as I can; so that way if I have fish shipped, they aren't traveling as far.

    I'm careful with my water, I do not let my tank water from water changes leave my property, I use it in the yard. My plant trimmings either go to the LFS or are composted on my property. Snails, I dry them a bit and then compost them.

    I do my best, but I'm sure I can do even better.

    Like @Guppysnail said, fish are family

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  17. I just listened to the audio on my last video. I never hear my own voice played back. 🙄

    I should probably add some context to my toddler and I's conversation and my ramblings. Small human wanted to put untreated alder cones in the tank, these were collected from outside. I was telling him no, we have to boil them first. The fish are speed demons; thus I call them demons. I love my fish. They always want food. My son loves to help catch the fish. He uses his finger as a "fish magnet". I recorded that at just past midnight.

    Anyway, though I'm sure nobody would think this, I'm just curbing anyone assuming that I'm a mean fish mom who calls fish demons and doesn't feed her fish enough. Quite the opposite. I feed them TONS of different foods, hatch them brine shrimp, check their water every day, play with them through the glass, talk to them, and give them plants to play in. ❤️


    Moving on: The chili rasboras are doing well. Turning the 2.6 into quarantine was a great idea. I had it set up and had been feeding it for several months. There are no critters to clean the algae in there. So, dirty glass. BUT the chili's are happy. They are much more friendly than I thought they'd be. I was afraid that they would just ignore my presence or be afraid of me. They are quite friendly and like to see what I'm up to. They come up to my fingers at the glass and aren't shy about feeding time. PXL_20220216_202520764.jpg.78db1e27144cdb109c20e6f926d72c9e.jpg

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  18. On 2/18/2022 at 12:26 PM, CT_ said:

    why not both!

    Indeed! That is tops. Hah! I only have one fish adornment in the master bathroom. It came with the house. A single tile in the shower! I plan to attempt to save it when we gut the bathroom. It's an interesting tile; it appears that it was added as an afterthought. It must have been special to the original owner. It appears that it broke when they tried to cut the hole for the shower.


    We don't use this shower anymore, that's why it's dusty and aged. The contractor that painted the house to help the sale price used the wrong paint in there. The valve for the shower is broken, and the mortar bed for the shower pan is shot, it was installed in 1965. So the only thing I do in here is pour water down the drain to keep the trap filled. Once we finish up some other projects around the house this bathroom is getting an overhaul. Down to the studs on this project.

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