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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. Okay. So I have a mild issue with bladder snails and ramshorn snails in my son's 20G high. There's also flat Ramshorn... And a small burrowing snail that looks like a trumpet snail, I haven't researched them though so I'm not sure.... They've totally messed up my substrate layers. Which really upsets me, and more importantly, the corydoras.

    So ... My son is obsessed with the snails and loves them.... I need a fish to help me out. If I blast the tank with No Planeria he will hate me for at least a week.

    I love loaches. What kind of loach could be my savior here? Or maybe Pea puffers? I have lots of plants, but the fish and snails are taking their toll, there's also a large castle decoration for hiding and current control.... Tank has guppies, two corydoras, a clown pleco, 6 neon tetras and one swordtail. It's not over-stocked for my routine/filtration.

  2. So, I think I'm doing the right combo....

    I have a few fish with tattered fins, one with two small pale whitish flat spots, and one fish that is just resting on leaves and breathing.

    Water parameters are good. No ammonia, no nitrite, <5 nitrate, pH 7.4, GH KH 12ish. Temp, 76.

    I just dosed with maracyn, and jungle fungus fizz.

    I think I did a dumb thing with the fizz.... Am I going to kill my amano shrimp with what I just did?

    I can't catch them out. I'm just hoping they survive.... 🤦‍♀️20220216_184915.jpg.72dd1c42cdefa299ec08efd7456f9fc9.jpg20220216_184925.jpg.029400fb83a0860927efffadad1bde5a.jpg

    And yeah I know, algae...  Working on it.

  3. Micro update. I went on vacation for 5 days. So far it seems like I've only lost one fish. I put vacation feeders and Indian almond leaves in every tank before I left. My only casualty, that I can tell, was in the 75g. Everything else looks great. No swings in parameters.

    Mommy shrimp had her babies hatch. Shiva is about to pop again, hopefully this is her last batch of stored wares. Her most recent batches of fry have been stunning. I'll have to get some pictures up soon!

    Hope everyone has been well.

    I also did water changes on every tank before I left... Hours of work! It was a little crazy.

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  4. Well, it depends on your water parameters that you have in your tank, the parameters of the water you're putting into the tank, and how quickly the GH is being depleted from your tank. I know that's not super helpful, but it's true.

    It also depends on the volume of water in the tank. If you put one in, you may not see a lot of change or stabilization as these erode slowly, even in a filter basket. The directions provided, in my experience are for stabilizing GH in an unplanted aquarium. This is what we used them for when I was a kid. They slightly raised the GH in our tanks.


    I'm sure other people have more input. I have moved to using crushed coral as it raises both KH and GH as I came back into the hobby. Though this isn't super stable... Honestly I haven't found the magic ticket for "stability" in GH, KH and pH with my 20G. The 75, it takes longer to trend affects and changes so I have no idea if what I'm doing is actually working the way I think it is.


    But I digress. It depends on your goal. Depending on what you're looking for, you may need more or less shells depending on your setup and tank size. However, they won't bother the corydoras with their physical presence in the tank.

    • Like 2
  5. I put my female into a mesh breeder a few days before she drops, but I let her have fry twice before I did that so I knew her schedule. I slip the mesh breeder into the tank and go under her, no stress from capture that way and I add floating stem plants in it for her to feel safer. I also keep the lights down low from then on except for feeding time. And I feed her less, but more frequently, when she's in there. Bigger mesh breeders are good so they don't freak out. The clear one by lee's stresses most of my girls out so I rarely use those for birthing.

    Then when mama has her babies I gently remove her and put her back in the main water area after about 24 hours.

    • Like 2
  6. No more losses so far. I started adding mineral junkie and increasing the diversity of their foods.

    The babies are growing! They're so fun to watch. The only mature female will hatch her eggs some time next week. Today is water change day but here are some photos from the day before yesterday. Don't mind the algae.


    And yes I know I need to root some of that hydrocotyle. It's been fun to watch. Eventually I'll prune the rotala... 🤫

    Btw vacuuming with the babies is the greatest challenge of all my tanks. 😂

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    • Haha 1
  7. Congratulations, you're likely about to experience an all out snail invasion. They're good housekeepers but all can breed like crazy if there's lots of food for them. I spent months manually removing bladder snails from my 75. But then I put in some 'no planeria' and they're all gone. I had no idea that it would kill all the snails. Personally I love Ramshorn snails though.

  8. I agree with having a big grow out tank. You can keep small fry in a breeder box or net until they are bigger. For that number though, the 20 will be big enough.

    I breed guppies. I keep the fry in the breeder nets for several weeks so they spend more energy on growing and they can get food easily. Then I set them loose in their 20 high grow out. I have it divided but the small fry go wherever. Still makes feeding easier though, since the bigger fry are split up by gender.

  9. On 2/3/2022 at 1:35 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

    I think you hit on the key which is breeding true, They look like a purple pansy. I like the yellow nose. If you could get more color or pattern all through the body they'd be even more stunning. Tails are Moscow type tail. 

    I agree with this, 100%. They are beautiful!

  10. @xXInkedPhoenixX that's probably what I'm going to have to do moving forward. It was good for me to see that the females were all healthy and had no disease. I treated everyone before I sent them to the LFS. I do not want my fish to be the source of illness.

    I'm not going back though.... The guy I was talking to about my guppies told me that 4 days before my girls went in that the tank had an outbreak of ich. "But it got heavily salted and there's only one fish left that was in there at the time" 🤦‍♀️ I can't go in there and see if those fish have ich now. I'd lose my mind.

    • Sad 1
  11. Spent some time removing duckweed from the 75 yesterday. Spent some time staring at all of the fish in there. I dose all of my guppy fry with paracleanse at 10 weeks old. Well, just so happens that I have 10 week old fry in the 75 so I had to dose the whole 75. Can't risk anyone else getting parasites. I'm paranoid. But, I spent a ton of time after the does; Just enjoying them and listening to my son and daddy play in the background. So if you watch the video... turn the volume down or you will probably go deaf. My first High-def video of the fish... and seriously all you hear is my kid, dad, and my silly commentary.


    I got a brine shrimp hatchery from the co-op. hatching my first batch of shrimp right now. I did the math and I'll have paid for this setup within 10 weeks. I'll be net positive plus once I set up my fry tubs outside in April. For now I have to wait. I'm not breeding any guppies on purpose until April. At that time I'll order some more breeding stock as well. I just want things to be easy and simple while we're on vacation for two weeks in May. I want my hired help to have NO issues. And hopefully they'll still want fish of their own since I can give them good fish for free, happily! I tried to convince another family member to do fish... well, they did... but they're going salt water! *facepalm* I offered up all of my knowledge and support but in the end, even though I reminded them that I have little experience with reef and saltwater aquaria, that's the route they went. That's fine though, we've got a darn good fish store for saltwater/reef fish in our area... I mean, they did kill all of my male guppies... but you know. >.> I know it wasn't their fault but I'm still heartbroken. MY BOYS! UGH!!! So sad! Heart.. heavy... I play with the remaining squat 1-2 boys every day now. Just because it makes me feel better. I pet them, let them eat out of my hand, let them chase my finger around, and train them to the glass like their brothers and sisters. I LOVE MY FISH! Even if I'm going to let them go to other homes. I even kept my one female with the bent spine because I can't stand the thought of her being a feeder fish. She's happy and well besides her curvyness. So I'm just letting her live her best life in the fry tank. She'll go to the pond once they're set up. I'm going to set up a retirement pond for the girls. I want a place that they can go, where they won't be at risk to be bred, or turned into food. I'm the only one that will give that to them, so that's what I'm going to do. I even plan to take back my females that don't sell at the LFS. I'll donate "food" credit in exchange. This way they take minimal loss and then they don't die. 🙂


    DUCKWEED!!! I have no idea what to do with it all.... It's currently in a specimen container. Thinking about seeing if anyone in our area has koi that would want it.






  12. All of my tanks are glass. I use my granite daily cleaner from "method" because I use that on just about everything in my house.... I spray it into my kirkland yellow microfiber cloth, then clean the glass with it. I then turn the cloth to the dry side (I fold it into quarters) and wipe it again with the dry side. No streaks, no hard water, no problems.

    I'm sure someone would give me flack for my method, lol I crack myself up with puns, but eh. it works, no deaths, less stuff in the cabinets.

    Off topic: I clean my mirrors, window glass, and autoglass with Stoner invisible glass. I use newsprint on those surfaces. The ink does wonders for the glass. True story.

  13. @Guppysnailthat's so sad. I would have been heartbroken as well.

    @Atitagain so long as they have room they'll take anything I have. Then once my line-bred guppies are ready they'll take them every time I offer them. We talked about the line-bred ones I'm doing before I choose them.

    I sat down and had a good talk about my projects and bringing them in because I didn't want them to expect "low grade" mutt guppies every time I have fish to bring in. Most of the females are lacking in color. My boys were beautiful. I'm so upset!!! Ugh!

    Luckily it looks like I will only have two more sets of mutts to bring them after this. Shiva is looking pretty slim for being two weeks postpartum. Hoping that she's finished and can retire in peace 

  14. Ok, this post probably warrants it's own thread....

    I went to the LFS to check on my fish I sold them. I look all around, I see my swordtails, I see my female guppies. However I do not see any of my male guppies.

    So I ask one of the guys where they are. They got put in a tank close to the ground. A rat chewed through the air line and all of the fish in that tank died.

    I thought I was going to vomit. I cried in the car on the way home. My stomach still feels like a roiling pit. I'm so upset.

    I know that things like that happen, but I'm still so very, very upset.

    • Sad 3
  15. On 1/27/2022 at 6:41 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

    Chili’s are micro predators and will only eat very small shrimplets essentially those that are just born. If you can consider adding a couple rock piles what LRB calls a nursery to help. Mom’s usually give birth on there and the shrimplets go down into the crevices of the rocks. I use medium lava rocks both red and black as well as use some local obsidian to make these formations. I’ve also seen Mark’s Shrimp Tanks using the ceramic media rings in piles in a similar fashion. 95F5C4DF-840F-4574-AD7F-724A01724689.jpeg.db412f10510ff8c077892f55e44f9263.jpeg

    Another great idea. I have plenty of extra media rings as well and lava rocks!


    I've lost two of the eight chili's. And one more is going to pass soon. The other five are doing great.

    Their quarantine is at 6.8 pH, 8GH, 4KH. No ammonia, no nitrite, 5 nitrate. One looked to have been injured while being caught, the other two ... I can't tell. Looked like stress. One of the happy ones has ich or cotton, but I'm not sure. LFS kept them at 6.8 was well. I'm going to start the trio tomorrow.


    • Like 1
  16. On 1/27/2022 at 1:14 PM, Shrimp Doggy Dogg said:

    I’d like to add that if you use a coarse sponge filter, most, if not all of the shrimplets will live deep inside the sponge.  They will be very safe in there, but you will probably want to be extra careful when you’re servicing your sponge.


    Good luck!

    This is a good point. I do use a coarse sponge filter in the shrimp tank. However it is a nano one. But I have a second medium coming that's for the 75. So there will be two in that tank. That makes me feel better about putting shrimp in there when I split the colony.

    Thank you.

    • Like 2
  17. @Guppysnail & @Shrimp Doggy Dogg thank you for the input.

    I am enjoying watching the chili's. I'm quarantining them, but after they're done I'll add them in with the shrimps. I really want them to eat all of the copepods. Copepods are cool and all but they're distracting in a shrimp tank. The chili's already ate all of the copepods in the quarantine tank and they've been in there less than a whole day!

    • Like 3
  18. Wonderful day today, I didn't take any photos because I'm a durp... BUT! Today I sold 45 beautiful mutt male guppies, 68ish female guppies, and 12 black swordtails to my LFS.

    It took me several hours to net and pick the fish to take in but I'm so glad they'll find good homes now.

    However this means I went to the LFS... Which means it was roulette as to if I would leave the store without fish. Well, I left with fish! I finally have Chili Rasboras! They're acclimating and are about to go into quarantine. I'm so excited! I have a thread open about whether or not I should add them to the shrimp sanctuary. I should have passed on them, but I got too excited.

    • Like 1
  19. I went to my LFS today. They had the Chili Rasboras! I have 8 of them now. I'm about to put them into quarantine. As a lot of you know, I have a bunch of young orange shrimp, neocaridina. Between 3-5 weeks old across the four broods. See below for their hiding areas and sizes.

    Is it safe to put the rasboras in with the shrimp? I have seen mixed responses. So I'm here, in our community, to get even more mixed responses. 😛



    Also there are lots worms and copepods in the shrimp tank.

    Thus the desire to add the rasboras to eat them for me.

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