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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. On 3/4/2022 at 7:47 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Oh that one. I did not notice her.  I thought you meant this one. I do not have any swordtail guppy experience so not a clue. That tail though I have never seen anything like it. I’m curious to see it grow out. 


    ??? Maybe ???


    I removed the photo that had Mushroom the red wag swordtail in it. He is very curious but makes this topic confusing. 🤣🤦‍♀️

  2. @Cory see, this is one of the reasons I think it would be awesome to have a guppy breeder (maybe not a commercial breeder) talk about traits and strains. I love doing my own research but I'm sure a member video about in-depth guppy breeding would be a big hit!

    There are just so many types of guppies, even without crossing with Endlers.

    I would put together my own findings if I had the space and time to have a large room full of guppy tanks. My spouse would not be amused though. His support of me having 5 tanks is running on fumes. 🤣

  3. Here's a video of the boys. The first male on screen is the one in question. The others with large tails (there's two) are P1 generation. The other boys with smaller tails that are about the same size are Gen1. The one I'm talking about is Gen1 but developed several weeks earlier than the rest of Gen1.


  4. Maybe.... Yeah, I don't know... I have no idea how the yellow tiger king cobra strain got developed so that is a possibility. Here is the male I was talking about. His pectoral bat wing fins, ribbon pelvic fins, and his dorsal fin that has grown out.


  5. @Guppysnail OMG that snail! 🤣

    I don't think that's a swordtail gene. However I've never seen swordtail guppy fry. But her tail almost looks like a normal tail with ribbons coming off of it. I thought it was flukes at first sight, but it's definitely tail. But even if it's a swordtail trait, how often does this happen on females? Then, is this even healthy for a fish? Or is she a "cull"?

    Here's a zoomed photo to get the actual swordtail tail out of the photo. 😁


  6. On 3/4/2022 at 4:16 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Woke up ORD 😍. I have found the same to hold true. Plus I love watching them test themselves in the strongest current areas. It is so cute. 🥰

    It is adorable.

    Something to note if you are significantly increasing the current. You will need to feed more. With exercise like that they get very hungry. And I mean VERY hungry. I was shocked at how much more they eat after installing the power head. I thought they were pigs before, now they really are eating me out of house and home! 😂

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  7. I have a strain of guppies that had produced three fry with this strange tail fin mutation. They have normal tails, but then this extra length on random sections. This happened with one male in my Gen1 and on two females in my Gen2. At first I thought they got injured, but that's definitely not the case.

    Anyone else have this happen? The male developed color and sexually matured very early. His pectoral fins are shaped similar to bat wings and he has ribbons. He's beautiful, but should I call him a cull? And what about the females? They are still to young to show much color.

    Photos of the females. The second one only has the extra length on the very middle of the fan. It's hard to see on the second one.



  8. Those tetras are gorgeous! That cube looks incredible! That stump is a true statement piece. I look forward to seeing everything come together.

    Bummer about the shipment situation. I would be frustrated as well. Communication goes a long way. I'm curious to know the company as well as I have several online retailers that I have been wanting to try, and am looking for more options all the time.

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  9. Welcome to the forum! I use the Salty Shrimp GH/KH for my neocaridina shrimp. I have them in a 5.5G tank, I change about 50% of their water once every month. I have a tote from smart & final that measures to 10L. I use one scoop of SS GH/KH in there. Works great for me. I recently reduced my water change volume to just over 8L and add the same amount of SS. I'm gradually up-ing their hardness and PH to match my local water parameters. I recommend the salty shrimp stuff just because of the ease. I'm more likely to do things if they're easy. Brightwell also makes a liquid GH/KH product but I wasn't able to purchase it when i got the salty shrimp so that's what I got. 😃

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  10. Welcome to the forum!

    My thoughts; if it came out of one of your tanks, I would say give it a soak and see what you can get off and then use it. If it came with a filter you got from someone else, I would pitch it and either replace or just run without it. I find that the wheel is not as important, and actually makes some water splashing noise.

    I just pulled out the factory filter cartridge and replaced it with filter sponge and put some biorings in front of the sponge.

    I have a 150, I have it in storage right now, I took the bio-wheel out and put it in another tank to just float around and grow stuff.

  11. On 3/2/2022 at 2:09 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Oh 7.6-7.8 sometimes they add stuff to keep the lines from eroding then it hits 8.4 or if I run air in my premix it hits 8. My api gh is average 15-17 sometimes 19 drops. Kh 13-15 av 17 max.

    Ah, mine is usually 17-18 GH, 16-17 KH. In the summer/fall our total hardness is usually upwards of 460ppm. Highest it's been is 510ppm. This is when they use the deeper wells and stop using surface water from the river and reservoirs. Highest pH was 8.5.

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  12. @Guppysnail I was just using air before, but I didn't think it was enough. I just got a powerhead after seeing your videos put up on your journal! ^_^

    Before the divider went up to seperate the male and female guppy fry, I noticed that the filter box being on the short edge gave them more current to play in for the size of the space.  That's the biggest difference. Versus having the filter in the back, it just made a current across the small depth of a tank, albeit, a stronger current just based on the shorter travel distance. However it doesn't seem to circulate around the tank as well when hung from the back. I could be wrong.... I mean they're sold as "HOB filters, not HOS filters. *Shrug*

    Bit it makes sense to me to have it on the side. Where esthetic doesn't matter, at least. My sons tank has an AC50 on the back, it's a 20G High. I'm tempted to even go up another size. That one will stay on the back of the tank though.

    I've now had a Penguin150, a Tetra PF10 (on a 10G, then on the 20G High guppy grow out for a while), and now I have the Aquaclear 50 on the ladies tank, and a Tidal 35 on the fry grow out. I do not like the Tidal 35. I got it for 15 bucks though so I figured I'd give it a try.

    I have the flow in the 75G, via the spray bar, turned all the way up most of the time. I plan to add a powerhead to the 75 as well, or maybe an in tank "filter" that has a UV sterilizer component.


    A question for you about the powerhead, are yours loud? Mine is pretty loud. It's much louder than any of my air pumps and HOBs.

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  13. On 2/28/2022 at 4:06 PM, Guppysnail said:

    I would not have added all 13 girls to a tank and left them get cozy before introducing males. That means I now have 13 girls dropping HOARDES of fry all the same week 😳 I wish I had staggered them because as they grow they crowd. It would be nice to haul a few of the oldest each week or so to the legs instead of mass haul bare tanks overcrowding tanks mass haul then the cycle repeats. 

    This. Yeah, this. My group was a little smaller, 9 at one point. Now that you say "hordes" I'm pretty sure I'm going to walk in to see the females and my brain will go "zug zug" every time I see them. Gamer humor.

    I would also go back and ignore the advice of people saying to raise the temps to 80, feed super frequently, low current. I see these practices as "Okay" for trying to pump out tons of guppies to sell.... but it's just not great practice, ime. I did that for a minute, and I wouldn't do it even as a professional breeder. I want my fish to be super healthy, not just showy and quick growing.

    To me, if you get fish from me, yeah, my fry took 17 weeks to "grow out", but they're strong, they're healthy and will live a long time. I have had parent guppies that degraded quickly, vs their fry that live twice as long, have no muscle issues and thrive.

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  14. Not a lot of development. The shrimp I savagely added to the Chili quarantine are doing well so far. Today there were two molts in the tank. All are alive and eating allllll the bio-film that the tank has.



    I've decided to rename my "old man" guppies. They're now "Bobo Rossi" guppies. Lol. Their coloring reminds me of a Bob Ross painting. Very, "we're going to add a little happy cloud right here" vibe. They are the ones with the pink and black body with orange tails.


    Still loving the Shiva babies with the cool vertical metallic stripes. Their tails are really cool mosaic patterned, some with bits of yellow orange, some are yellow green. It's just neat! You can see one there below the Bobo Rossi guppy in the middle. They were being pigs... so they were hard to photograph this morning.

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  15. That is dropsy. Dropsy can be caused by a lot of different things. 

    Colu has a good thread about helping treat many diseases. 

    I recently had a columnaris issue in my 75G. I had a swordtail baby in this tank that had dropsy as well. I treated for columnaris and the dropsy resolved in that fish. Now, dropsy can be caused by a lot of different things. But there's a place to start.


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  16. I actually increase my flow in my guppy tanks as they start to grow up. Having a good current is important for muscle and bone development. The larger their final tail is, the more flow they get periodically through the day as they're growing up. If they don't have enough flow to develop their strength, they don't thrive in adulthood.

    I've bought fish from breeders that grow their fry out in still tubs. I have issues with the males not being strong swimmers and mild drooping of tails. Their children never have this problem because I raise them out and give them exercise. Sure, without flow they will grow faster, same with higher temperatures. But ultimately it's not the best conditions for their health long term. I have turned to a strong current, temp is 75-77 and moderate feeding after 1 month old.

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  17. Today was a multi hour day. I changed out 35 gallons on the 75, changed 10G on the fry grow out. Changed 2.3G on the shrimp tank. Groomed a bunch of plants, moved 9 shrimp into the chili tank.... I wanted to move the chilis into the shrimp tank but with all the grooming I did on their tank I couldn't do it. So now there are shrimp in the 2.6 with the chilis. It's very interesting.... I didn't think.... just dumped some shrimp in there like a savage. So far so good. I regret not acclimating them, but eh, I only have so much time. I also covered another pair of pants in bar oil as I cut a bunch more wood that I brought home. Having a nice fire now, and loving the fish.


    I installed a powerhead on the guppy grow-out! They love it! I left it on for several hours today and it was well enjoyed. I don't want weak fish with the huge tails they have.... they need the flow to get strong.

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  18. On 2/26/2022 at 10:46 PM, drewzero1 said:

    I don't remember the math exactly, but I know to check the ratings before hooking things together. 👍 I repair power tools as part of my job, and I've seen more melted plugs and fried switches than I'd care to admit. (*Most* of them weren't caused by me.)

    I review electrical engineers work every day of my life as a part of my job. I am constantly fixing their work and telling them to review the markups I make. I'm not even an engineer. 😛

    I build the monitoring enclosures for commercial solar projects. I also do the commissioning inspections/verifications. I do all the things.

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  19. Love all your updates! Excited about your minnows.

    As for your potential dresser tank, it's pretty tall looking dresser so I would do a 20G long up there personally. Easier to get into and feed without a step stool.

    And I'd strap the dresser to the wall with a wall anchor. Just be sure there's no electrical that feeds the other side of the wall before you install the anchor, or anchor to a stud.

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