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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. Man your house gets cold in the winter. Our outdoor night time temps rarely go below 18. I set up my 75G in the main living space where we have a fireplace. That way it rarely gets below 64 in the room. Looks like you're tanks are in a downstairs space near a window. Kinda looks like there's an H.O. scale train as well. Maybe insulate that window? I really want to see your train layout. I'm getting distracted though. 🤣

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  2. So it's been a long time coming, but with the recent fruits of my guppies, it's time to start my strain. I'm going to focus on this vertical bar pattern with the metallic body. I'm going to start the strain by breeding the brothers and sisters of the last two broods to generate this color variation. I will then breed the males to a "basic" female of my yellow tiger king cobra line to see if I can move the strain towards the yellow dominance. I'm also going to breed two other females that are highly blue/yellow iridescent dominate. At the same time I'm going to breed my yellow king cobra males that are void of the black patches to the females of the vertical bar males. This will give me several variations to choose from. I will be splitting the trials into ponds for the summer. I'll do the trees on google sheets in a few weeks. With the close of my "mutt" guppy line I'll be able to focus on this exclusivly. I have decided to stop line breeding outside of this project. I love other strains but I want to focus on this for a year or so. I've gotten enough payout from other breeding projects and I'm ready to deep dive so to speak. ^_^ FYI these are not endler hybrids.

    These boys are my inspiration. I'll upload more photos of the new "SP1" line soon.



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  3. On 3/12/2022 at 7:26 PM, Jawjagrrl said:

    I started with neos last fall and like you have been fascinated by their berried states and babies! I've started losing mamas (except my snowball) but it's quite likely they were approaching a year old. I went the skittle route, but I find I enjoy the orange and yellow ones the most. 

    Your setup has me wanting to do an easier setup as a breeding operation - it looks great in terms of a tiny planted tank, but it would be great to be able to see them and how things are going better.

    I moved what I thought were culls to another tank - really dark green, almost black. But they matured into beautiful deep blue and one "painted" chocolate that has had babies in the new tank. Somehow the little guys are managing just fine with endlers, kuhlis and a crayfish. I've ap but given up on predicting what colors might appear after randomly getting yellows in my main tank and the chocolate turning out deep blue and orange shrimplets. After seeing yours I feel even more motivated to start breaking out colors into proper colonies before lines get too muddled. 

    Congrats on your shrimp success and oral health 😄

    that's so interesting. I love my 5.5G shrimp sanctuary. I am going to do some updates to it once the order from Co-Op comes in with the new light. More rotalas and the Chili Rasboras will be going in. I hope they like it in the larger, yet brighter space. My hope is that the rotala will give them the security they need so they stay colored up.

    My orange sakura have produced some Rili orange and a few um, well, red-orange... and a few very light orange. I dunno what to call them. They're not yellow, but definitely not sakura orange at all. The rili and off orange/red will be going into the 75G as a test to see if I can keep neos in there with the swordtails. My Amano do fine, but the neos are dumb-brave. Hopefully they do good in there.

    And yeah I brush my teeth a lot while I observe the shrimp........ I'll be kinda sad to move them into the living room, but it needs to be done.

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  4. A look at the guppy fry grow-out. Those boys.... I just can't. They're soooooooo cool! And their sisters are the females with the very yellow and black tails, with the colored dorsals. Just beyond beautiful. I love the blue hue tails on the others, the spots on the caudal fins are so cool. I love the orange boys too. Then that one Bobo Rossi. I'll move him and an orange tail boy into the 75 next week. I still haven't picked which of those striped boys to keep. They're all so unique.






    And yeah the grow-out tank is scratched up really bad. It came like that. Previous owner was a college student. I imagine the scrapes are from a razor or something. Who knows.

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  5. Things are greatly improving! I did a 50% water change today and added another dose of Maracyn and I will add another dose of Ich-X tonight. The trouble girls are almost 100% cleared up. There was damage to their bodies, fins and tails. The infection has cleared but the tissues will need time to heal.

    My approach to success with this one was not "by the book". I didn't do water changes during treatment until today. I added full doses of maracyn and ich-x (except on Wednesday I accidently only did a half dose) every day. I added salt on Thursday. I redosed 2 rounded TBSP of salt today when I did the water change. I'll do another water change on Tuesday and not re-up the salt.

    Thank you so much again @Colu. You always give me the confidence I need to beat every challenge I get!

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  6. On 3/12/2022 at 9:32 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Their dorsal fins have a blue shimmer. 


    Mine are on standard petco med gravel. They have no issues. Healthy barbels. Panda spawn continuously and my pygmys are little fatties 🥰

    ORD... 💚

    My peppered look good right now. However in the past, before I had the sand, they were all worn down. I may just add a ton more sand so the level of sand is just higher than the gravel. I wonder if that may be hard on the roots of the plants though... I also want to cover up the imaginarium gravel because it's not actually black. It's black coated... Which is really annoying.

  7. On 3/12/2022 at 2:32 AM, Guppysnail said:

    She is the offspring of my second try at orange.  The mom was pregnant when purchased so I have no clue. I have only two of those girls left. I never got orange males because the spinal birth defect rate from both sets of original moms was to high.  Those two girls are older but they did not get introduced to males until roughly 9-12 months old because I feared more spinal birth defects so are still dropping fry and hanging strong.  They were introduced to males out of necessity tank space issues. By the grace of Mother Nature I have had no spinal defect fry from them.  However it may be they are in the 29 community and the slower defects are being consumed before I see them.  

    That is interesting. The one spinal defective female I have is the same color variation. She is the offspring of what was Misty. Misty came pregnant, her tail was full orange, lighter orange with a blue shimmer.

    I will have to get photos of her kids that I still have.

    And photos of the crypts as well. I'm going to rescape my son's tank soon, the trumpet snails are running my substrate layering. Oh wait, HAVE ruined. So there are some plants just chilling in their rockwool sitting in there. The poor Corydoras, the gravel is on the top layer, making it hard for them to find food.

  8. Yeah I have two specimen containers and I will likely be getting a third. I have one co-op one and one Lee one. I like them both for different reasons. They're almost the exact same size but I know the co-op one will outlive the Lee one. I got the Lee one a really long time ago. It's currently being used as a hospital tank hanging on my 75g.


    Your kitties are precious! And the fry are so so so cute! I love guppy fry! 💚

  9. Welcome to the Guppy club! Haha. Yeah like stated above.

    I have a small hobby breeding setup. I use three tanks for my guppies. My 75g has my breeding males, my son's 20g high has the breeding females and then I have another 20g high with a divider in the middle to grow out the fry. I use both sponge and hob filters. In the grow out I also have stacks of sponge everywhere for biological filtration and feeding the small fry. I live in California but use heaters in my tanks and have high current to help older fry grow strong muscles, and bones.


    At the hight of my oldest female guppies breeding career she dropped about 108 fry in a single brood. She's gone 5 months without a male and is hopefully on her last stored brood. They store from the earliest contact with a male. So the further into stored wares you go, the older the store is. This example female is expending stores from April of last year. The brood sizes get smaller as they go deeper into stores. At least that's my experience.

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  10. Things looked a bit better on Friday. The trouble girls weren't eating so I hatched some bbs. They ate a bit of that. Patches look a bit better. There's definitely fin damage though. I'll keep feeding bbs and keep up with treatment. Hopefully they continue to recover. The tufts are bigger(more raised) and mildly stringy, but in less area on the bodies and fins. Poor girls. I am still at loss for how they got sick to begin with.

  11. On 3/10/2022 at 1:56 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Selecting who to take is so hard. I feel like I get to know each one of mine and their personality quirks. I always feel like each of the ones I take are saying “ don’t you love me mom” it’s heart wrenching. Mine are mutts so each has their own look and I’m a guppy addict so each is just the prettiest to me 🙄

    Then when you see them in the store and you swear they recognize you... Ugh. I love my kids too much.

    I've been battling illness/issues in the grow out, the 75 and the shrimp Sanctuary. I'm feeling a bit beat down, but then the shrimp surprise me with eggs and everyone is on the mend otherwise. Sometimes though, it's just exhausting.

    The oldest of the shrimp children are fanning eggs. Even the gen1 female in the chili quarantine is fanning eggs!

    I have lots of other updates, I just need to carve out some time. With prices rising I'm having to work a lot more.20220311_095049.jpg.cd703d0c81f2a7f8189d2d12473d0668.jpg20220311_095032.jpg.1c00d1c2ee70d52b45a3dfe447f2be6b.jpg

    Shrimp and the chili's!

    I don't know why they uploaded sideways... First time for that issue. 🤔

    Anyway, I have a new light coming for the shrimp Sanctuary. So when I get it I'm updating the scape, moving the tank and adding the chili's to it. I'm really excited!

    Plus my husband is now working 6, 12 hour shifts for the next month and a half. Sure it's short lived but I hate it. He has to do it again in October. It's going to be a rough ride while he's on 12s.

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  12. So I was going to mention Crypts. I have a Tropica in my sons tank and what I was told was a wendtii green but it totally looks like a bronze or tropica as well. Anyway, they do great in my sons tank. His tank is low/medium light. I haven't fed it root tabs since I almost killed all my fish with a root tab nitrate spike. The substrate is just big box pooo gravel and seachem flourite sand. Crypts going strong for almost a year now. I even parted off a baby crypt and it has like, 3 more leaves. 🤣

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