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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. So I'm thinking about replacing my two finnex planted+ crv lights with one 48" fluval 3.0

    My 75 has mostly medium light plants. A few rotalas and some Taiwan lilies.

    Sadly, it's likely that I'm going to need to rescape due to meds causing dieback and a hair algae explosion anyway.

    Could I get away with a single 3.0? Or should I keep one of the finnex lights? Or just stick with the two?

    I have a 3.0 on the shrimp Sanctuary now so I've got the bug... I want more of those lights.

  2. Most of my plants have been fine with 1tbsp per 5 gallons. I just recently had a fungal breakout like you mentioned and I used ich-x and maracyn in my planted tank. 5 days, no water changes, and all my plants survived. They seemed totally fine. Fish totally recovered.

    Another combo: Nitrofurazone and kanamycin combo totally crippled my plants in my 75. I will never do that again.

    • Like 1
  3. I'm having this issue frequently now with my Samsung Galaxy flip 3. It started happening a few weeks ago on all of my vertically oriented photos. I didn't make any changes to my phone or photo settings. If I upload them to my computer and add them to posts it's still the same issue. I've resorted to using the snipping tool and uploading 'snips' of the photos.

    I'm running the most up to date version of Android on phone (that has been released for Samsung models):Screenshot_20220320-094051_Settings.jpg.7b1c0067428efe97e2f3cb27abd4040b.jpg

  4. On 3/19/2022 at 6:31 PM, lefty o said:

    its pretty much dead.

    I agree with the sad reaction but I had to laugh because that is the truth with no sugar on top.

    Yeah. I'd just cut the few green leaves off and let them float. They'll make baby plants from pores on the leaf. Ken is on point with the rhizome being buried. They rot like that.

    I did that and my only saving grace was cutting the living leaves free and gluing them to old plant weights.

  5. Okay, so long story short.

    My husband was annoyed with my spending on the Co-Op USB Nano Air-Pumps.... He got me a two pack of ones that look almost identical to the nano pumps from a major online retailer. Guess what, I used 'em because I have MTS and I NEED MORE AIR!!! Ehem, anyway... So I've had these two things for a few months, running air lines that are about 14" long. One at about 50% flow at about 6" below the surface, the other one at 100% but pushing air to about 11" below the surface. meanwhile I've been running two Co-Op Nano air pumps with much larger lengths of air line and even ran them in the car... at about 20% capacity using flow control valves. I LOVE these things. They're so quiet, no failures. Worth it. 100%. The off brand lasted about 2 months and were much louder. So, just saying that I find the Co-op ones much more valuable per dollar spent. I'm just glad these off brand ones failed before I went on vacation for two weeks.

    • Like 5
  6. So I've been doing research on these guppies I'm starting with. They're definitely Yellow Tiger Half Moon guppies. This is what happens when you order fish, especially female guppies, from certain retailers online. They send you things you didn't actually order. So, at least I know what they are now! A year later. >.> So, I may not start with them as I thought. We'll see. I have my eye on something more basic to get a baseline. I just really need 20 tanks for guppies. 😞 Though that is not happening this year.

  7. More and more females are fanning eggs in the Shrimp Sanctuary. I wonder how many will actually carry them to hatching. I have only seen one molt off her eggs.

    The tiny shrimp are cruising around in their net still. I think there's 4 in there. I know there's 3. I think they're done hatching so I'm going to release them into the sanctuary today.

    • Like 1
  8. On 3/18/2022 at 5:27 AM, drewzero1 said:


    Perhaps because of being wild-caught/imported, nerites have been hard to get around here the last few years. I was hoping to also switch to slowly livebearing snails but that hasn't worked out.

    I was given two nerites last week, both with moderate pitting. One has a barnacle attached to its shell, so I wonder if some of the pitting was caused by other animals trying to attach 🤔

    I use epoxy for repairs and casting at work and absolutely wouldn't put the stuff we use in my aquarium. We use the JB Weld two part stuff and it can get pretty hot, especially when doing a larger casting, and it STINKS! Some epoxies soften with prolonged exposure to water, and the waterproof ones tend to have a longer harden/cure time. I'll have a look for something that might work.


    Interesting stuff about the snails. Compared to pest snails that proliferate willingly. I just did a bunch of reading on their care.


    Yeah I'd never use liquid two part for snails. It really does get hot and smells to high heaven. I use it for repairs and recently used it to temporarily fix a hot tub plumbing leak. Worked great! 5 months, no leaks. Leak was on a fitting that I can't cut out and replace easily. The tub is going to get replaced at some point, it's 23 years old. It could use a total rebuild but I'm limping it along.

    • Like 2
  9. @Guppysnail and @Brandon p I've used the putty epoxy that comes in the tube to make cosplay finger armor and nails while its on my hand. I had a nitrile glove glued to my hand with elmers glue... but it wasn't hot through the glove. 

    I'm not sure that nail polish would be a problem if it is sealing pores in the structure. It would be hard to dislodge from the texture. compared to chipping polish or several layers of polish. The final product of nail polish is pretty inert once it dries.

    I had my nails done once... yeah, once, by a professional. For my wedding. I about **** myself because she started scuffing the tops of my nails with a file to help the polish adhere. I made her stop. I seriously lost my cool. haha. I didn't realize people did that to themselves. 


    In other news, I haven't seen much movement from the snails that I can see right now. They're...... not as mobile as the pond snails and ramshorns. Is this normal? I have one that has just chilled out on some repens all day. I don't know that they've moved. then one on the glass that has moved maybe an 8th of an inch today.

    • Like 1
  10. @GuppysnailThat is a really cool observation! I don't recall seeing these oddities in your journal. I may have skipped a few pages at some point on accident. >.<

    What was the timeframe that you saw these patterns arise? How many generations of observation? Were there still solid colored shrimp at the same time as the wild coloration were matured? I wonder if those "brown" shrimps bred back to other solid colored ones to make that happen. Shrimp are so fascinating!

    Breeding everything is interesting!

    • Like 4
  11. I just got my first nerite snails. Two of them appear to have some pitting on their shells. On my journal, the ever-helpful Brandon P made this post to give some ideas of repairing shell damage. 


    It may help you to keep a spreadsheet with your parameter readings so you have an easy reference to look back on. I keep a google sheet so I can update it right at the tank. I have the date, test type, parameters, water change percentage, and notes column. Helps me keep track of when I do water changes, clean filters, add fish, plants etc. 🙂

    • Like 1
  12. Well, @Lizzyduff you can do a super tedious thing and separate the males and females. Males in one tank, females in the other. This is how a lot of people have skittle tanks without making brown shrimp.

    Or you could sell your excess to your local shop. Or give them away to other keepers.

    I will eventually be selling my excess to my local shop. After I seed my 75G with a healthy chunk of mature shrimps.

    Local bred shrimp are very desirable in shops. They're generally hardier than imports/wholesale.

    I would buy more tanks if I could ... Lol you can also put them in jars and vases! True story!


    Or, you know, in taco bell cups. 🤣

    • Haha 1
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  13. Another thing to consider is that females will likely come pregnant if you're getting them from a breeder. So there will be genetic diversity there even if you only buy a pair.

    By breeder I mean any shop that sells single strain lines of guppies

    The female will be carrying fry from many other males that she was with before being bagged with the male you get.

    • Like 3
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  14. I bought 5 nerite snails and put them in the 75 today.

    Two of them have areas that look like eroded shells. You can see it in the photos a little bit. Should I be worried about them? I didn't see this when I picked them out at the shop.


    Stripy has the pitting.20220316_194202.jpg.7934c401f4a4e4161ce041a639942d54.jpg

    Middle guy in this one.20220316_194155.jpg.10e64613268ba98b838aaa442403a4fe.jpg

    Regardless, I love them! They're already scooting off. I placed them gently on the leaf when I put them in.

    On 3/16/2022 at 8:46 PM, Minanora said:

    I bought 5 nerite snails and put them in the 75 today.

    Two of them have areas that look like eroded shells. You can see it in the photos a little bit. Should I be worried about them? I didn't see this when I picked them out at the shop.


    Stripy has the pitting.20220316_194202.jpg.7934c401f4a4e4161ce041a639942d54.jpg

    Middle guy in this one.20220316_194155.jpg.10e64613268ba98b838aaa442403a4fe.jpg

    Regardless, I love them! They're already scooting off. I placed them gently on the leaf when I put them in.

    Wait a minute.... Are those eggs on them !? 😂 If that's just eggs, that's hilarious! I'll have to look at them closer tomorrow. I hope they're eggs and not pitting.

    • Like 2
  15. Figured I should share this method of hatching.

    This evening I hatched eggs from a mom who passed away. I collected her eggs and put them in a net and put them above the sponge filter in the tank.

    The eggs had visible black eyes, under magnification, when I got them off of mom. It's been just under a week since then.

    I got them off of mom within an hour of her passing.

    I separated the eggs from her swimmerettes with my fingernails and put them in a plastic medicine measuring cap while I got all of the eggs. I made sure there was no leftover legs connected to the eggs.

    About half of the eggs didn't survive the experiment.

    I turned up the air on the sponge filter. They bounced around a lot.

    I moved the net with eggs in it to a taco bell cup yesterday with no air and there are now tiny shrimp. Some eggs are still hatching.

    I would say at this point I'll likely have saved 25% of the brood.

    Eggs above sponge filter20220124_084245.jpg.bf32778d52426dd91bc526452c03710e.jpg

    Eggs in cup


    "The swarm endures" 🦐🧡

    I am a full blown broodmother! 🤣

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