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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. Get ready for a shrimp population explosion. I started with 10 in the beginning of December and now I have close to 200.

    I imagine there's shrimp hiding in your sump as well!

    I look forward to seeing the journey of the 180G. That's a lot of space to play with!

  2. When it comes to the really tough strains that want to eat their babies, I learn their schedule by marking on my calendar when they gave birth. Then when she's about 3 days from dropping fry again I put them in a plastic breeder that has the part that the fry drop down to. Mine is a lee's. I hate using it but it works pretty well.

    I try to mark my calendar for all of my females. Luckily I'm taking a break from breeding until late May.

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  3. On 4/15/2022 at 5:20 AM, Guppysnail said:

    sunburn on an overcast day

    I was always told that you actually get more uv exposure when it's overcast. Something about the water magnifying/intensifying the "tanning" spectrum. You know, back when it was cool to get really tan from the sun or tanning beds. My dad used to go lay on his roof when it was overcast or sunny to work on his tan when he was a younger hip dude.

    Anyway, as for the algae. It will go away in time but you can gently rub it off of stuff while you do a water change to help the visual appeal while you wait for it to settle out on it's own.

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  4. I sold 40 guppies today. CASH! Went to our LPS this time around. I really love our LPS, I mean, it's not super local, but it's only 12ish miles away. Seriously though. I'm glad they exist. It's so hard for these places to stay in business. Photos soon. I actually took photos of my odd bagging/transporting system. Lol

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  5. On 4/14/2022 at 1:08 PM, lefty o said:

    let us know what fish you get.🤪

    Well I wound up going to a different store because of the price of gas... and I was hoping that my trip to the other store would have meant selling some fish. But they didn't have room, so I had to go to the other shop. Gotta pick your battles! Selling fish takes priority over buying plants (not fish, shhhh). Maybe tomorrow I'll go.

    We're going on vacation soon so I am trying to lean out my stock so my house sitters won't have to change water or feed a billion fish.

  6. Here's an updated photo of the so named "Chili Ruins"


    They are getting along well with the shrimp and keep me company while I work and stare at CAD drawings all day. Having this little tank next to my monitor give my eyes a much needed break! I love all of my tanks but this one really helps me get through the day.

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  7. On 4/14/2022 at 8:07 AM, JettsPapa said:

    My initial thought is it looks like plain old crypt wendtii green, maybe with a little bit of black beard algae on the stems.

    So that was my thought as well! I asked the plant guru at the LFS anyway though, just to be sure because the stems are indeed black. Similar to what you may see on certain species of fern. It's not a Wendtii Green.

  8. Also, here's an updated photo of the shrimp sanctuary! This was this morning. Eventually.... the water won't be cloudy! I'm beginning to think that it's being caused by the explosive population. Today I'm going to move about half of the population between the 75 and my sons 20G High. There's just too many shrimp in this tank, and there's more every few days at this point.


    This morning I was looking at the rather large number of berried females and enjoying the growth of the new plants I added. The S. Repens was a stem from a tissue culture that I put in the 75 last Wednesday. Same with the Alternanthera Reineckii 'Mini' next to it. I also added two Crypt Petchii bits as well. I'm thinking those will need to be removed after a while. I think if they do well, they'll be out of scale compared to the rest of the plants. We'll see!




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  9. I've kept guppies for the better part of 20 years. I've never seen a guppy go on a murder spree. I've never owned a betta but that sounds more like betta behaviour. 

    The most aberrant behaviour I've seen from a guppy was one that just wanted to mate with everything. His name was Pako and he was the Pepe Le Pew of guppies. RIP Pako.

    I've never seen the behaviour that @gardenman mentioned but that is a possibility!

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  10. My LFS has several of these beautiful green crypts in a Seachem fertilizer advertising tank. The leafs are green and the mature stems are black. The one in my photo is about 6" wide. The newer shoots have green stems until they mature and then are black. I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but it's possible that the newest leaves come in with red on them and then turn green, but I can't remember if that's a fact about this crypt or the one that is similar but has red stalks/stems instead of black.

    I was told what it is... but I forgot! *Insert little critter here*


    I Just Forgot!


    Sorry, we read a lot of little critter books. 😛 

  11. I changed some stuff in my son's tank so I could add more plants. It looks sparse right now. But I hope that when it fills in it looks amazing. 


    I let a mass of hair algae in the back corner below the PSO because the cories have been laying eggs in it.

    My son loves his castle so that has to stay for now. He wants big rocks in there... "But with the castle". But the plants are more important. I may try to find a piece of wood to break up the space on the left and add more surface for plants since the majority of plants on the substrate are crypts. I may also pull those cranky dwarf swords that I left up front. I'm going to leave them for now though. I just fertilized this tank for the first time since the root tab incident.

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  12. Good point with the smaller tanks. Plants and hardscape really limit options.

    In my son's 20 High I use a big box "Chase" net, a second big box net, and then the co-op small net as a body block to keep them from going down in the back corner under the bubble bar. To catch his oto I still had to pull out the castle and the bubbles. 😂

    He's now living his best life with the other otos in the 75.

    • Haha 1
  13. On 4/13/2022 at 5:11 PM, Torrey said:

    You can always set up a couple of buckets, lol. Allow the guppies to have their way, and deposit them into a bucket while you catch your harlequins. Second bucket of tank water will be available for your harlequins. I have found Dean & Cory's paint strainer to make sorting fish, and prepping fish for shipping so much easier!!! 

    In fact, that's where the endlers went, so I could sort breeding stock I am keeping, males that needed to go in a slow grow out tank, breeding stock to sell, and feeders for Karma and my LFS.

    I forgot I had that! It's been hiding in the back of my shed.... 1190653854_Screenshot_20220413-174214_AmazonShopping.jpg.5c64bded1ba02ff21aa70ac22b11ab83.jpg

    Man, that thing would have saved me so much time on my last guppy sorting. *Facepalm* Thank you for the reminder!


    @xXInkedPhoenixX I commend you for using such a small net. I've had much better luck catching things with the small and medium co-op fish nets. I thought larger would make it harder, it's actually the opposite.

    Also that is a really cool ruler. I may modify one of mine to use in the oven like that. I often burn myself with the oven racks in some way or another.

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  14. On 4/13/2022 at 3:32 PM, Torrey said:

    Do your harlequins like frozen food?

    I caught 200+ endlers with my brand new Co-op net by dropping a frozen cube of baby brine in the net, and allowing just enough space at the bottom edge of the net (tilt the net, so the top part of the net is barely above the water) for the fish to swim into the net to get the treat. Took me 3 minutes of patience, and not moving the net until it was full of fish eating the frozen baby brine.... Literally, only one dip of the net. There are probably about a dozen or so fish I missed, and I'll get them out this coming weekend to finish sorting.

    They do... I will try this when the time comes. But I'm sure the guppy gang will bully them out of the way. Lol. They like to be caught in the net when they aren't the fish I'm trying to catch.

    The harlequins are afraid of me when I have a net or the scissors. They're not as hard to corner as the otos for sure, but I haven't tried to actually catch them yet. Catching otos requires removing hardscape in my experience. 😛 

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  15. ORD.

    I just got caught up. I'm sorry you've had such a rough time over the last few months. I'm glad you're not giving up.

    What was your technique for catching out those harlequins? And what net did you have success with? I dread the thought of needing to catch any of the 12 I have in the 75.

    I like the changes you've made as well. The plants look amazing. You are much more patient than I am. Moving those rocks around... I wouldn't have had the patience. 🤣

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  16. It looks like a type of air plant... I would just treat it like an air plant. I don't think rooting hormone would do anything for an air plant but I've never tried.

    It's possible that if it is an air plant, that the roots rotted because it stayed too wet with the orchid moss or bark

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  17. When you hear someone picking out 4 male and 2 female guppies for their 5.5 gallon tank (that they just started) in your LFS.



    You could make so many good ones with this. I paused at just the right moment. 🤣

    When you restart your canister filter after cleaning the tank and filter.



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