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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. On 3/24/2022 at 6:35 AM, PineSong said:

    I *could* have a shrimp-only tank if my guppy fry would actually grow up and move out! 

    Actually, that's not even true because I have a trio of fancy guppies in QT that will need to be alone in a tank....it's just a jigsaw puzzle at this point.

    I mean you could build out another tank.... or a vase or two! 😛

  2. On 3/23/2022 at 4:10 PM, PineSong said:

    Wow, we need a bug eyes emoji. Those numbers are amazing (to me, who was very excited by shrimp population growing by three, lol!). They must be very happy!

    I attribute it to being a shrimp only tank and being able to see them because they're orange. 

    There's another berried female in the rasbora ruins.

    There are at least 6 berried females in the sanctuary now.

    I see between 4 and 11 shrimp at a time in the 75. If I ever see a berried female in there I'll be amazed.

  3. I kept 130+ guppy kids in a 10G until they were almost 2 months old. With how small your fry are a 10 is fine.

    I'm looking forward to the reveal! I'm guessing zebra Danios. How funny if you put them in there and got a spawn so fast. Nature finds a way!

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  4. So just for reference, I started with 14 shrimp at the beginning of December.

    Babies, babies babies...

    In February I moved 9 into the cube. Berried Shrimp in there. I should see those babies in two ish weeks.

    No major dent in main colony.

    Today I moved 38 culls into the 75 gallon. I maybe removed <1/3 of the population from the main colony in doing so.

    I have at least 70 more young adult shrimp plus many more youth. Several more berried females.... My husband pointed out that I turned $30 into over $400 of shrimp. I don't plan to sell them, so long as I don't get overrun. The 75 will be the true test.

    Am I going to put shrimp into my son's 20? If the ones in the 75 live for over two weeks, you bet!

    Also today I saw one of the tiny shrimp I hatched on the glass! 🧡🦐20220321_172515.jpg.003102377012cfebba82c320b68ca708.jpg


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  5. ORD. I third and agree with @Beardedbillygoat1975. I love how this is evolving.

    I have a 75 that was used as a turtle tank for a long time, then it sat outside for many months, then I got it, leak tested it, and spent hours scraping scale off of it. I haven't had any leaks yet. Knock on wood.

    On 3/20/2022 at 9:02 AM, Jawjagrrl said:

    think there is NERM energy in my house!

    ORD. 💚💚💚 I love it!

  6. Oh one other fun thing. I was hoping that Shiva was done making babies. I've been watching her closely the last week. She was large, but not huge like before. I figured I should be careful and just put her in the breeder net just in case. So, I took the fry I had out (her last batch) and separated them out into their respective genders and put them in the fry grow-out. Then I put Shiva in the net. 2 hours later I went in to check on her. I look into the breeder, *Ploop* out pops a fry! "Oh wow, I guess I was right." Haha. She had about 22 babies. I hope that's the last of her stores but I doubt it. I'm starting to feel like she's going to have babies every month until I am done with vacations lol.

  7. The amano shrimp is very curious about the orange shrimp. The male came out and was climbing allll over some of the ones I released. It was very interesting to watch. Fish are curious about them, but so far they're okay. I have no idea how many I put in, but there are enough that if they aren't eaten by the fish I'll have MANY more in the next few months. They're already hitting the hair algae. Lets see how long it takes them to make a dent, or if they can make a dent at all. That swordtail baby cracks me up.


    38 orange shrimp in. I have no idea where half of them went. Lol. It's a good sign that they'll survive.

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  8. On 3/21/2022 at 11:44 AM, Apulo said:

    I have two panda cories in my community tank. They also get the occasional zoomies but mostly I'll walk in the room and see them scramble off to hide behind their favorite rock 🤣

    You need more of 'em! They get much more bold when they have good numbers. My goal with the 3 stripe cories I have is to have 12 of them. I have 6. They have a pretty bad ratio from my LFS. I lost 9 across the 3 batches I purchased. So I am pausing that population.

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  9. Thanks for the input @nabokovfan87 and @Odd Duck. I'll hold off on the pygmy corydoras. I agree with them doing better with more room. I have the 3 stripe corydoras in my 75. They really do get the zoomies every now and again. The peppered in my sons 20 do well but I will eventually move them into the 75 as well. Takes a lot of negotiation with the kiddo to move fish from that tank. Maybe I'll trade him for pygmies in his tank at some point.

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  10. Nerite snails....are... SO SLOW! Sheesus. I've watched them move maybe 3 inches in the last 24 hours. I think I need more of them with the volume of algae they have to eat. I added 1TBSP per 5G to the tank to help them out. No more upside down snails so there's that at least.

    I'm going to add about 20 orange neocaridina shrimp this week. Hopefully they work a bit faster. And hopefully they don't get eaten by the swordtails. We'll see!

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  11. So, it's time to make some changes to the sanctuary. I have the 7 Chili Rasboras in the 2.6G. They are doing great in there with 9 neocaridina shrimp.

    My thought is... leave them in there. Buy 8 exclamation point rasboras and 6 pygmy corydoras for the sanctuary. The sanctuary is 5.5G. I don't want to over stock the 5.5 but I feel like this is a totally acceptable stocking for this tank. Any thoughts? Concerns? I'm going to shrink the shrimp population by about half and put them in the 75G.

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  12. Thank you for the insight, Roy ( @Seattle_Aquarist)!

    Are you using anything to raise the light up off of the tank or are you using it as provided with the factory brackets?

    Do you think I could get away with a max setting of 60% output from the whites for the high points of the photoperiods? If I could run the light at these lower levels that would save on electricity as well.

    As for CO2, as a matter of fact I am actually planning to begin CO2 injection. I've been looking at options. My current setup plan is a 5# aluminum tank with beverage grade CO2 and a single stage regulator from GLA. Maybe a dual stage, I haven't decided if it's worth it to have a dual stage. I've only ever used single stage for our force-carbonated beer and serving taps.

    For a diffuser I was thinking to use the one available from the co-op store instead of the GLA fancy diffusers. They don't really have a guide for what size to use and that bugs me a little bit.

    For CO2 line I'll probably just use the GLA high pressure rated tubing. I'm sure it's just PVC tubing but I'm not going to go hunt down tubing for this.

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