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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. I just caught up with your adventure. I'm sorry for your losses. As Lari said, you're an amazing person with a huge heart. I look forward to more updates as the spring unfolds. We could all use a little warmth. ❤️

    ANYWAY. I love your wire rack! Great job with the ply. Looks like furniture! ^_^

    • Thanks 1
  2. Of course the day after I get all excited about mama shrimp and her eggs she passed away this morning. Seems like the last few weeks has been a "What will happen next!?" series. I collected mamas eggs, they have little black eyes. I got them off of her about an hour after she passed away. I hope they make it. Fingers crossed.

    Other than that it appears that more of the Gen1 females are berrying up so there's that.

    • Sad 2
  3. On 3/10/2022 at 1:20 AM, Colu said:

    It could be fungal infection what I would do is treat with maracyn and ick x together that combination is effective at treating fungal infections

    That was my thought as well. I started treating with that combo two days ago. Today will be day 3. I haven't seen any noticeable improvement on the infection yet. However, 3 of the 4 girls are more active today. This morning I added a does of salt 1 rounded tbsp per 5G/20L. Hopefully this addition will help the 4th girl beat this.

  4. Well today I spent time with the sanctuary. One of the Gen1 females is fanning eggs as of today. She's about half the size of P1 aka Mama shrimp. Mama still has eggs so I was able to compare the two. Mama looks massive compared to babies.

    I did forget to turn my phone for this video but I have another to upload. Please excuse the audio of my small human in the background.


    I checked the parameters of the tank since I'm trying to gently nudge the parameters to match the local water supply. So far we're at:

    pH: 7.4

    GH: 15°

    KH: 8°

    So, slow but getting there. Very slowly.

    Photo of tank this evening. A bit cloudy from shrimp fit food.


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  5. Thank you everyone. Sorry for the call outs. I've been continuing with water changes and feeding erythromycin medicated food. Something is working because Goby is improving quickly. Only a tiny bit of red left and no other discoloration. Hopefully things continue to get better.

    @PineSongthank you friend. He really is.

    • Love 1
  6. Worth noting that this is only on my cobra females that I put in the tank two weeks ago out of my son's tank where no fish is having this issue. The tank they came from was slightly warmer at 79, pH of 8, am 0, nitrite 0, and nitrates at 40.

  7. If it's not one thing, it's another. I can't decide if this is columnaris or fungal or bacterial.

    pH 7.8 Am 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 20 GH 16° KH 12° temp 77

    The areas are blotchy, sightly raised. 4 of my girls have this but no others. In the photos it's the white patch near/at her tail and on the body. All of the girls like this are clamping their fins and the areas of each are different. All slightly raised. It's a light grey white. They're all still eating but are not very active. It's on at least one of the girls tails and pectoral fins as well.


  8. So I had a nitrite spike in my 75 the day I pulled the baby swordtails.

    Ammonia 0

    Nitrite 4ppm before water change, 1ppm after.

    Nitrate 30ish ppm

    pH 7.8

    Temp 77


    I dropped the temp from 79 to 77 the same day, but my major concern is Goby. All of a sudden his tail went from straight blue to having red tips and this fin rot at the ends. What do I do!?  I just added IAL. I did a 30% water change yesterday while I was pulling the swordtails. The nitrite spike is unusual.

    See photos below. I added Catappa leaves but should I do anything else? @Colu Maracyn or? Help please I can't lose Goby.


    before ( no red at tips)


    When you cry over a fish that isn't even dying.

    @Odd Duck I'm at my end here. Any advise?

    • Sad 1
  9. I had such a hard time picking out which Yellow Tiger King Cobras to send off. They're all so lovely. In the end I kept the one with the ribbons, the one with the orange and turquoise spots, and one other that looks almost identical to P1. I sent off 6 males and 6 of my females. They're super pretty too. Slowly the fry grow-out is getting more roomy!


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  10. Alright! Today I spent 4 hours netting fish out of tanks to take to the LFS. I netted out black swordtails, my yellow tiger king cobra guppies, my Bobo Rossi guppies and most of my kaleidoscope guppies.

    ONE of the Bobo Rossi guppies escaped somehow and was just living it up in the female side of the tank... So I'm sure I'll have some surprise fry. Ugh. I came home from the LFS store to find him in there, so he was only in there for about 40 minutes so there's hope I guess. Now I'm keeping him and naming him Houdini. So he'll be moved to the 75G with the rest of the males in the next month.

    The gal I usually work with at the LFS was happy to receive the fish I brought in. Obviously most excited about the king cobras. But everyone was well received. I kept one of the kaleidoscope guppies as well. They're just too cool to pass up.

    Photos of the guppies in the LFS tanks up soon

  11. Anyway, so before I posted the fun sun video, the night before I was feeding the guppy grow out and one of the older guppies had a baby halfway in his mouth and just WOULDN'T let go. I have never in my life yelled at the fish, but I was seriously standing there yelling at this fish "GET HIM OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!" "SPIT HIM OUT!". It was a bit comical. I finally went and got my plant tweezers and scared him enough to eject the small fry. Thank goodness. I was beside myself. My husband got to watch the whole thing play out. He was laughing at me. I don't blame him.


    In other news, I came home from work on Thursday after a long day. I didn't go into my sons room because I was making dinner and taking care of the humans and dogs. I finally made it back to my sons room to find one of the yellow tiger king cobra girls pinned between the glass and the mesh breeder box. She had struggled so much that her side was red and she was a pinecone. 😞 Sadly she didn't make it through the night.

    The parameters in that tank are perfect. 7.8pH, 0am 0nitrite, 20 nitrate. 75 degrees. I was heartbroken to find one of the girls in distress. She was finally empty of fry too, so she was on her way to living out her retirement.

    Tomorrow I take a handful of guppies and a bunch of swordtails to the LFS. Finally another batch to send off. I love opening up space in the tanks. Makes my spouse less annoyed with my obsession. I really do need a fish shed to contain my chaos. Having a fishtank on the dining room table is probably what is sending him over the rail. Sadly that's my favorite tank.... fry grow-out.


    Then there's the 2.6 chili quarantine which has shrimp in it now. Everyone is doing great in there. My current plan is to move the chilis as planned into the 5.5. But now I love the 2.6... I'd had plants only in it for a few months since it crashed just before I got my shrimp. Well, I think I'm going to move the chilis and leave the shrimp and move the whole tank into the office for my desk. I'm sure I could have a 5.5 on the desk and the sit stand would be fine but I want the 5.5 in the living room where the 2.6 is right now. I feel like it would fit better in that spot and the 2.6 would make it so I could keep my printer on my desk and the spouses camera cabinet as well. That thing is heavy. 

    I worry about the shrimp in the 5.5 having the rasboras in there. The 9 that are in the 2.6 now are SO brave.... They go up and just eat the chilis food. They get pecked at and don't even budge. I feel bad for the future culls that will go into the 75 with the swordtails... I doubt they'll last long with their behavior.

    Here's one of them just eating the chilis food off of the tank surface. I'm thinking they have a death wish.


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  12. On 3/4/2022 at 2:08 AM, Guppysnail said:

    I setup my tanks to make sure each of my tanks get direct sun at least a little each day. I think it’s healthy for living things humans included to get sunshine. Do you notice yours are even more playful in sunshine. Mine always seem to enjoy it. They are gorgeous. Somehow I woke up out of reactions 😍😍😍

    YES! I completely agree. Everyone is happy in the sun. Myself included. A cup of coffee, post up in the sun and watch the fish. This is why I want outdoor tubs in my garden! Fish, garden, sun = Peace.

    I just wish I had more space that had sunlight. Our home is oriented in a strange way. In the summer mornings the neighbor on the next street overs solar panels BLIND us though, so our kitchen and eat in get blasted and are super bright in the mornings lol. So I guess there's that. I just want to live in the middle of nowhere where I can have a well and just have more kids, more fish, and more garden space.

    • Love 1
  13. On 2/20/2022 at 8:14 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Do you all have this experience? All of my LFS don't answer their phones. I get a couple of them not answering as they are ALWAYS pretty busy but the one I'm trying to get O.Cocama from- I walk in and yes there are people there but there are 4-5 employees and not all of them are busy. It's a very small store. Thankfully it's only 10 minutes from my house. 

    My LFS answers their phones but they generally fail at calling back, or calling you when you're on a waiting list for a fish. I was on the waiting list for chili rasboras for several months, came in and checked to see if they had them many times; because I also have trust issues. WELL, I went in while ago and sure enough, boom, tank with chili rasboras in it. They get fish in on Thursdays... I went in on a Wednesday, which means they had those little buggers for almost a week, at the least. My LFS also fails at replying to emails. Though they do read them thankfully.

    I spent the last few evenings catching up with your rollercoaster ride. I'm so sad to read about everything with the Cocama patient, the babies and all the other storms you've weathered. I hope you get more Cocamas soon though, that would be neat! I have had some choice words over natures surprise curveballs myself.

    My 5 otos hide inside the right side spiderwood in my 75 now and I RARELY see any of them out. I'm so sad. They used to play and be out all of the time. I'm scared to get any more otos for fear of losses, but I wonder still if they would come out and play more if I had a larger number of them.

    Anyway, I hope things level out for you and you get some more spawns soon.

    • Thanks 1
  14. Well with tiny babies, their tummies get round like they look like they're pregnant or about to pop from the underside. The older fry do the same thing but it's not as apparent as the babies. Their tummies will be the color of the food you feed them.

    I feed my tiny babies (up until about a month old) a small amount, usually 3 times a day. Sometimes only twice, sometimes only once. But I feed them a little, look at their tummies to see if they're all full and will feed them a tiny bit more if they need it. Depends on how many fry there are too. If there's only 12, it's a very small amount.

  15. What @lefty o said.

    I have a guppy that is on brood 5 without a male present. Hoping this is the last of her stored wares. I love babies, but at the height of her production she was dropping 90+ fry every time. She's down to 30+ per drop now, but dang it's a lot of fish. I love them all the same though! My swordtails make lots of babies as well. Mom drops 60+ every time but usually only half of them survive in the community tank.

    And yes, I would say that your guppy is pregnant, just two or three weeks into it. I would bet she drops fry late next week, or the following week. Depending on tank temp and her age.

    Beautiful fish btw!

    • Love 1
  16. On 3/4/2022 at 1:07 PM, PineSong said:

    I have no info about the tail type you are asking about, but I want to say ❤️❤️❤️ about the male guppy who swims through at the 31 second mark, with the two big lightbright swords for a tail. Some of my mutts are like that and I would like to make more. 

    That's Goby! He's the Price of the tank. Such a great personality. We got him in May last year. He's a Lyretail guppy. He's super mellow with the other guppies and is very friendly towards people, even after feeding time. He's the oldest guppy we have now. Shiva being the next oldest.

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