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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. I agree! She's giving birth again, seriously, as I'm typing this out. I've got the lights turned way down in there for her. I've noticed that her cycle is getting longer. This is the longest she's gone between broods. She was 24 days like clockwork, now she's adding several days on each cycle.

    Feels good to be spending time with the fish after being gone for 5 days.

  2. I have medicated food on order. I don't want to blast the 75g with kanaplex unless I have no alternative. I know, I can make medicated food. I'm doing so. But I'm nervous and light handed with self prepared medications.

    Good news, I saw the shrimp exhibiting usual behaviors last night.

  3. Oh boy! The mutt guppy grow out! Seeing some lovely coloration in the kids. Most notably an expression of vertical bars on Shiva's fry from her stored broods.

    It's so exciting to watch mutt guppy fry grow up.

    Shiva's stored broods are the blue greens/yellows. Not the older orange kids.

    FYI the video is recorded in 1440. So you can actually see the patterns lol

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  4. Does not appear to be illness, imo. It looks more like hunting behavior. Either that or fear.

    I have recently started keeping chili's as well. I've had 7 in a 2.6 gallon quarantine for the last 3 weeks. They seem to feel pretty safe in there. They greet me, explore a bit, then watch me work, then go explore again and then come back to where I am. On rare occasion I see hunting behavior similar to what yours did, but only after I feed live bbs. My plan is to put them in my 5.5 gallon shrimp tank soon, I wonder if that space will change their behavior.

    • Thanks 1
  5. What are your goals for using easy carbon?

    I used it in my 75G tank for a while but it was causing issues with my Val and my Anubius. I only use it in my 20G high in my sons room, and even then, I hardly use it anymore. I was using it to combat algae but it turns out that my green spot algae wasn't impacted by easy carbon. So I started dosing easy green instead. So far, oddly, adding that has been much better for algae issues.

    I should also add that I have corydoras in my 75 and my 20 high. They're just fine with it. I have otos in my 75, no issues there either.

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  6. I hope they are mating and you get a berried female. I can't stand the idea of losing all of my shrimp children. I am about to introduce my Sakura Orange shrimp into my 75G. I worry that they will not be prolific. But I keep a "shrimp sanctuary" in my bathroom. You know, like everyone does. Who doesn't have shrimp in their bathroom?

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  7. I sing a song to my son... Twinkle, Twinkle little fishy. How I wonder why you swim. Up to to the top where you eat your food, down to the bottom where you make your poo's..... yeah. I sing to my kid about fish.

    However, after reading your post and reading everyone else's comments... I'm going to sing guppy town tomorrow while I feed the guppies. XD

    I'm also going to make my own song about fish relating to "brick house" since we sing that song about our house, which is brick... all the time... IT"S A GUPPY HOUSE NOW! I'll make it work.... I'm determined.

  8. I have an Ender 2 3D printer and live on the west coast. I haven't made many 3D files but I draft regularly in 2D and have made plenty of CNC G.code programs. I can and would willingly offer free printing and shipping from California for testing purposes. I'm happy to participate with any creator. I also have experience with plastic injection molding and mold making. I've been in the plastic injection molding business for 20 years. Which is nearly 2/3 of my lifetime.

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  9. Ich X will dye your stuff for a bit, but it does go away after a while.


    I would not do huge water changes with high nitrates, I learned that the hard way. 30% a day, for as long as it takes to get things below 40ppm.

    You're on the right track with all of the other advise, keep it up. Aquariums are living things in themselves. It takes time to get things to stabilize.

    My husband thinks I spend way too much time on my fish, when in reality... I spend 3 hours on a single day doing water changes on all of my tanks, about every 3 weeks, and about 5 million hours just looking at all the fish for my own happiness. ^_^

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  10. I've learned to take what is given. I enjoy raising fish, I don't really do it for "profit", more just to offset cost of hobby. you will get more by selling to private buyers. If you're selling to a LFS, just build a good relationship and see where it goes. 🙂

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  11. I am going to fall back to what was stated previously. What is the KH/GH of your source water? If you were at 150ppm before, you could replenish your mineral to a similar level with a water change. Which will help tide you over until you can add mineral supplement.

    Once KH is down, your pH will drop as it loses stability.

    Crushed coral will help once you have it. I put mine in my HOB, and I have some in the Canister of my larger tank. It is a slow adjustment, which is fine, and it does change KH/GH faster if the water is more acidic. I would look at your local water source for actual mineral content. If you're using domestic supply, they will have a water report. Which is great for seeing what is impacting/defining your water chemistry. Certain compositions aren't as stable as others.

  12. @Guppysnail that makes sense, there's a piece of Malaysian driftwood in there. Small, but enough for my clown pleco to hang out on.

    I'll keep my eye out for assassin snails at my LFS.

    Good news this morning! After two solid weeks... I'm bargaining successfully with my kiddo about removing snails. It looks like he's okay with removing all of the bladder snails and all of the ramshorn snails except his original one! But...I still need to manually remove snails. I can't nuke with No Planeria with so many snails. There's just too many.

    @anewbie yeah the dwarf loaches would be cool. But I agree, 6-12 of them would be too many.

    Another option......... Upgrade Arthur's tank size. 😶 🤣 Leave all the snails behind!


    I put fourth my option to upgrade the tank to my husband, he voted 'no'. 🤣

  13. Maybe, I would like to rid myself of populations of large Ramshorns and the bladder/pond snails. I'm hoping they run out of food, somehow. The tank is pristine.... They're even running out of green hair algae.

    I have an interest in trap door snails... But that doesn't help me any. 😂

    For real though the tank is so clean that the fish look like they're floating in space and there's not any glass!

  14. On 2/16/2022 at 8:28 PM, Colu said:

    If your fish have an internal bacterial infection maracyn only effective at treating external infection unless add to food nitrofurazone can harm shrimp and snails jungal fungas clear fizz tabs have less of the active ingredient that furan2 had so hopefully your shrimp will be fine 

    That's a good point. I'm not entirely sure what to look out for when it comes to internal bacterial infections. How can I tell? I assumed the tattered fins (the guppies are the only ones with tattered/missing bits of tail fin) are from peers getting nippy while I was away for 5 days. Even with the auto feeder, new cattapa leaf and vacation feeder it seems like they got nippy without me giving them live bbs and their other treats/food rotation. The columnarus type spots I attributed to stress from the prior. Though his fins look perfect otherwise.

    The only fish that's having unidentifiable issues is that juvie swordtail. Which, I'm pretty sure isn't parasites. I just treated that tank for all types of parasites as I do as a routine before I sell them. I was planning to take 20 swordtails to the LFS on Friday. But that's out of the cards until I can assure their health. This spell of fin trouble is unusual. It only popped up while I was gone. There's one more swordtail baby I just observed that has narrow pectoral fins, and is either clamping or is missing her top fin. Kind of like needle fin that you see with ammonia issues in young fry.

    It's odd. Water is perfect. Water was perfect before I left. I did a 25% water change before I left as well.

    Thank you for the insight on my shrimps. We'll see how they hold up. Fingers crossed.


  15. I did turn on extra air this morning. I treated the water column with both meds, not maracyn in food. Kinda using it to wipe out BGA at the same time as I heal the children. That was my thought anyway.


    I treated maracyn and jungle fizz in the water column of Arthur's 20G a few months back and it worked like a charm on stubborn multi treatment columnarus.

    The rapid breathing is just that one juvenile swordtail.

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