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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. MORE SHRIMP VIDEO! I just love them. After a long day cutting wood and getting my pants/shoes covered in bar-oil.... SHRIIIIIIIIMP!!!!!

    Tiny shrimp song. I love the shrimp okay. Don't judge me, I'm so tired.... I've been hand digging a well, cutting wood, working on the tractor, fighting columnaris in the 75G, and dealing with freezing temps for my fruit trees.... Oh and then the neighbors house is in escrow so it's totally nerve-wracking.... We have no idea if we're getting a new neighbor, or if they are going investment... and getting tenants. I just hope neither smoke. Smoke lays siege to our house when the neighbors smoke. Can't open a single window.



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  2. On 2/26/2022 at 9:11 PM, drewzero1 said:


    If you have an Ace near you, see if they have sku#  3235231. (I think I've seen them at True Value as well.) I haven't tried them on aquarium aquipment but I've found them to work very well for lamps and small tools, and a bit of forum diving suggests that a 3 amp switch should be good for up to a 300W heater (drawing 2.5A @ 120V). I haven't found a waterproof version though so make sure to install it after the drop loop!

    I may actually try this on my canister filter. It's the only thing I need to unplug to do a WC on my 40, and the outlet is behind something.

    Ace is Miners here, I'll check it out... I need more gopher hawks so it's a good excuse to go in. God bless you for knowing about electrical draw. ❤️

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  3. So today when I wanted to change the water in my sons 20G, I thought about how I was going to catch a bunch of female guppies that needed to get moved into the grow out tank. I legit scooped them all up in a taco bell cup that I use to manage water in the tank. They were looking for food, then they just got sucked into the cup. I got all 18. Put them into a 2.5g bucket that I filled partway with that water, to submerge the breeder net while i did a large water change. Then I put them in a specimen container to pick out the ones I wanted to keep for future breeding and netted them back into the main tank. The rest are in the grow out tank.

    I use a variety of nets to catch fish, but sometimes a cup is the way to go.

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  4. On 2/25/2022 at 10:07 PM, MarkM said:

    I’ve taken to using the Kasa power strips. They’re like the outlets the coop sells, but each outlet is independently controlled. Bonus there are 2 USB ports to power air pump and charge auto feeder. 

    With the Alexa integration I can just say “water change” and a routine shuts off the heaters and filters and saves my back from having to unplug everything each time. 


    That. Is. Boss.

    Sadly I just can't do that. It's a principal thing.

    We tossed our "algebra(alexa)" devices into the e-waste bin last year. I tried to go back to a flip phone this year, but it proved to be impractical for my job so I still have an android mobile device. This is legit one of two "social media" platforms we use. I use this forum, and rarely, instagram. I guess youtube counts, so I guess I use that too to share my fish and watch all the other fishy stuff.

    I actually just ordered my switches for the pumps and heaters. 🙂 

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  5. Nothing wrong from what I read. Those tetras are really neat! I thought about keeping some. But I  fell in love with embers. Then my husband didn't like embers and wanted harlequins... So I have 12 healthy harlequins instead.

    I hope your lights make them pop like that! I think they'll still be neat to look at, regardless.

    I was on the hunt for a "little brown fish" myself after reading fish folks thread. 😂 But I haven't found a true brown guppy... Just a chocolate Moscow and that's just too much tail.

  6. Welcome to the community! I think that the insight @Guppysnailprovided is excellent indeed. If you can only manage a 10g, especially if your limitations are health related, lightly stocking will really give you the most joy. In my opinion. The less work you have to do, less frequently (especially as plants establish) the easier it is to add more and upgrade when you're ready.

    Ember tetras are lovely, especially when accenting a Betta. Just take your time, get the plants in, and get yourself set up for success by monitoring your parameters as you add and sustain more fish. 🙂

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  7. @jwcarlson thank you for the post. That makes me feel better about putting some into my 75G. I can see how I could give the impression of overthinking. I do go ""mom mode" frequently when it comes to fry and shrimplettes. 🤣 I like to save allllll the babies and allllll the shrimp.

    I'm letting the reins out a bit by adding the chili's. Then after that I'll be adding a small group of pygmy corydoras.


    In other news, my one mature breeding female is fanning her third brood as of this morning! 🦐🧡😀


    Her last brood is maybe 11 days old. Max. They're almost all orange already. You can see one in the first photo at the front of the tank to the right side. So cute!

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  8. I've been treating columnaris in my 75 for 7 days. My red boy has resumed normal activity, and I've followed the 1-2 punch method that @Colu has posted. My red boy still has a pale patch on his side. I figure I should continue treatment. However, should I let it go before I treat again? Looking for the next steps. This is the longest it's taken to clear a physical symptom/expression.

  9. I finally made the lid for the fry grow out. I've just had the sheet of PC on the top, got sick of looking at it today and tired of moving it all the time. SO. Tada!

    I used my dremel for this one. It was great until I put it away, then fitted the lid, then realized I needed to cut a feeding hole on the male side. haha. My cutting wheel was getting dull so it melted the polycarbonate and made a mess. Tried to buff it out, the polishing compound I have is too abrasive for it. So a mess it remains. BUT the light covers it most of the time so it's fine.


    Yeah, messy table. Reorganizing the garage so there's some overflow.

    FYI I love doing my filterboxes on the long end of tanks, thus, I make my own lids ^_^

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  10. I love rotalas... I want to build a scape with mostly rotala varieties. They're so beautiful. The texture they have is so lovely.

    Those are most likely Rotala Rotundifolia. We'll have to see how they do as they establish. They could be Rotala Bangladesh, but my money is still on Rotala Rotundifolia. I fixed my spelling on my last post. ha, oopsie.

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  11. Today is a sad day, but the nice thing is that the fish have no idea that it's a sad day. So they carry on. I saw an oto out! Of course he swam off before I could get a photo of him on the substrate.


    Because of the sad day, I spent a while crying, going through a trove of emotions. I posted up next to the 75 and looked around. As I was looking, I noticed something... or the lack of, well, lesser quantities of algae! I've been dosing with easy green every 2 days for just over a week. I also ripped out a ton of my mosses that were infested with algae. Dipped a bunch of cuttings and a bit of the moss I saved with a mix of easy carbon, peroxide and water. The cuttings are all doing great. I did not dip my anubius' but I may go back and give it a try next week. I'm just happy to see the algae fading off. I hope that in a few months the nutrient balance will be back in order.

    I'm going to pull out the hydrocotyle tripartita and put in some crypts. I have a bunch of dwarf swords that I bought for the small humans tank that I'm going to move to the front. When I bought them, they were grown out of the water.... and the LFS had no idea what they were. They were tall and lovely and then they melted! Then they sent out lots of baby plants, and I thought they were just that, babies. No, they only get to be about 2" tall, then continue to spread. needless to say, I want to put something a bit taller in back area for the fry since when I got the plants I didn't realize they'd melt and then only return as a miniature.

    Anyway, sorry for the ramblings. Just trying to keep my mind occupied so I don't turn on the radio again. I'm sure the whole weekend will be me messing with aquariums and the garden. May even go fell some deadwood and cut a bunch of firewood where the only coms we have are our short-band radios. Also going to fill up all of the fuel tanks and fuel storage today. Maybe even brew some beer! We'll see. I just need to keep busy or I'll go crazy.

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  12. @Guppysnail Cool! I forgot about silicone ice trays. I just put my bbs in a ziplock bag, got it out of the freezer, smashed it with the bottom of a metal cup into hunks. Tossed the chunks that were just water and used a spoon to get the bbs out and strait into the tanks. I use aquarium salt for my bbs so it's fine to add to my tanks, every tank is low on salt anyway. 🙂

    I finally took a photo of my supply closet rack. Haha. This is the space that I keep most of my supplies besides foods, and testing supplies.


    Besides that, the rack has dog treats, stuff for my drone, lightbulbs, overstock items. The rest of the closet homes my canning jars that are still full, wine, board games and my vacuum.

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  13. It's 23°F outside and I'm thinking about how warm my tanks are going to get this summer. Lol.

    Last night I feed my fish the first home frozen brine shrimp I've done. San Francisco Bay has me wondering how they get their cubes to freeze so evenly. Most of my bbs went to the bottom part of the bag when I froze them. I expected them to distribute through the water more. It was interesting to see. So I'm thinking I'll freeze them with less water next time to see how that goes. I laid the bag flat but I'm sure the salinity didn't help it freeze evenly.

    Photo time!


    Mutt grow-out males. I think Shiva's stored packets yielded beautiful fry. I'm in love with their yellow mosaic tails. The females are very colorful as well, almost as colorful as the males, just without the color on their bodies. I'm going to keep a group to breed again.



    Chili's get moved on Saturday. I love the plants in this 2.6. I think I'm going to put a few shrimp in here and move it into the office again.


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