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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. Oh. My. Goodness!!!!!!!

    Another update. Those eggs I saved from big Mama... Some have hatched!!!!! I saw three tiny tiny tiny shrimp this evening!

    It blew my mind. I took them off of the air stone yesterday. I couldn't let them go yet though so I put them, still in the net in a taco bell cup with their tank water in it.... I have been swishing it around maybe twice today... I kept looking in there at those little black eyeballs and just said, "there's still hope". Sure enough!

    20220315_195328.jpg.0663139707f6c2aa922bafb413dd9035.jpg Soo... Now there's shrimp in my bathroom again. 🤣

    Curse you sideways photo.... Curse you!

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  2. Micro update:

    I just watched a female setting up her eggs in her swimmerets! It takes a long time... It was worth watching though! The number of berried females is increasing in the sanctuary. 😄

    And also, it's terrifying to watch them eat stuff outside of the water. I had a mini heart attack today watching them feast on stuff above the water line.

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  3. Well.... my guppy grow-out I had to keep adding, and adding hunks of sponge, a rock, plant cuttings, power head, more sponge. At the height of the population (140+ juvenile guppies) It was absolute chaos. 20G high tank with a 50G rated HOB, Several stacks of foam with a rock to hold it down, plant cuttings all over the place, a sponge filter and the spinny wheel (bio wheel) from my retired penguin filter just floating around. Lol. I was having to change water every other day to keep up with the nitrates. CHAOS.

    I'm sure that with more water volume it would be easier.

    Short version, yes, I've had to add surface area to keep up with the need for biological filtration. Children test all things. Even fish children!

  4. On 3/15/2022 at 12:13 PM, Lizzyduff said:

    Mine just hatched too! I'm curious how long until they get color... right now they're still clear, look like commas lol.


    They're so cute! I've had some color up more quickly than others. I generally see color when they're about 1/8"-3/16" long. So 2 weeks or so. At least that feels about right. I do have some that are clear still even though some of their brothers/sisters have color already. Some variants seem to color up faster than others as well. My littles that went Rili instead of solid took longer to color up, same with the yellowish-oranges.

    I will track coloration better on the next brood!

    • Like 3
  5. On 3/15/2022 at 6:06 AM, JettsPapa said:

    I'm not surprised you're having trouble finding guppy grass locally.  The only times I've ever seen it for sale in a store is when the store bought it from me.

    Yeah depending on where you live you may not be able to get it. My local store cannot get it because it's not on our states "whitelist"

    >.> I'm going to be naughty and buy some online. Hornwort and I don't get along.


    I agree with @Beardedbillygoat1975 with treating pet store guppies. I treat all of my fish that come from a store. Even ones from online/breeders. I treat with the recommended med trio, then expel-p, then watch them closely for columnaris since that seems to be what gets me most of the time. I quarantine my new fish for a month now.

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  6. I have my shrimp breeding journal but I just have to put this nugget here. I love what this tank has become! I added more rotalas and got a fancy pants fluval plant light for it. The shrimp sanctuary now lives in the living room right next to me, where the 2.6 was. 2.6 is now on my desk in the office. Which is making me actually use my desk and encouraging an ergonomic environment. All good things.


    Shrimp sanctuary is cloudy but it'll clear soon.


    Then there's the 2.6. I'm having a hard time thinking of this tank without the Chilis in it. I may move them to the 5.5 and see how they do and if they don't do as well for some reason I'll move them back. They're so friendly and neat to watch in the 2.6.


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  7. On 3/14/2022 at 9:15 AM, Brandon p said:

    I don’t mind some algae. I’m some pieces of driftwood. I have one piece that I love covered In algae. The fish love it to. When the discus where in there the grazed on it all day. The angelfish do the same 

    I don't mind algae so long as its the fun stuff. the cool wispy algae on that wood is okay but dang it showed up fast. The other stringy ugly stuff... I have a battle plan. It involves a lot of shrimps. 🙂

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  8. Good news is, you can likely stop worrying about the flashing! Assuming it's the livebearers that are doing it.

    I mean, not worrying but you could definitely make them happier by raising hardness and pH a bit.

  9. It is possible that your water is actually treated with chloramine. I know your report says chlorine... But I found this tidbit.


    So you would probably see Ammonia on your tests! Test your tap water for ammonia readings. Then test straight tap water 1 hour after adding prime to it. For science!

    Prime bonded with ammonia supposedly makes it ammonium, which still shows up on most types of tests that are available for the hobby.  Sera's test may not... I can't remember for sure though. The chemical that reacts with the ammonia also reacts to ammonium.

    Moving on, your hardness!


    So that doesn't break things down to KH and GH, but it looks like your total hardness is likely around 102ppm. Which is low for livebearers.

    API's test kit for GH/KH works good, I have the kit. But a test strip works fine unless you're deep diving parameters.

    I'm fascinated with water chemistry.

  10. On 3/14/2022 at 5:22 PM, SunniSki said:

    Ok… I rechecked my water 10minutes ago… yesterday I did a 50% water change with Prime.  
    I don’t know what Gh and Kh levels are in my city tap water.  
    PH 6.8-7.0 / Ammonia .50ppm in water test; Badge alert is 0 / Nitrite 0 / Nitrate 5 ppm

    Temp 78

    Maracyn I ordered yesterday, I’m hoping I get it tomorrow.  Question though…. You mentioned to add in Ich-X daily…. As in every day treating 75 gallons like I would with a normal treatment but with NO water changes??? 

    .5 ppm ammonia can cause flashing. I used to use prime religiously but stopped for fear of false readings on parameters. The science of conditioners actually detoxifying ammonia, nitrite and nitrates is complicated and an interesting topic of conversation.

    Your pH is a little low for Mollies, if they're the main culprits for flashing that could be your issue. I would hold off on meds for the flashing if this is the case. Get your pH up to 7.4 and see if that helps. Knowing the GH and KH is useful to see what needs to happen to get your pH up. Crushed coral is a good one. Slow changes would be best.

    What are you using to test your water parameters? The easy test strips have pH, KH, and GH. They're a good starting point. Your water provider should have an annual water quality report available online and that can help as well.

    I would pull the white cloud with infection out and treat them in a smaller quarantine tank.

    This was just what I recently did. You don't have to do the same thing I did. I have lost enough fish by not hitting fungus hard enough first pass. I just had an outbreak of a fungal/bacterial infection in a small population of my girls in a 20G high. I dosed maracyn and ich x every day without changing water. I would do the same on my 75 if there was a large outbreak. Single, or a few fish, move them to a 10 or 20 to treat. Less expensive. I may have been able to get away with ich x every other day but I did a half dose on one day and the infection worsened. So I hit it hard. Everyone is happy and healthy now.


    And a quarantine can be something as simple as a Rubbermaid tote with a seeded sponge and an air stone. I recently made a hospital tank out of a stock pot. 🤣

  11. Sorry to read about your battles. Issues in larger tanks are a pain in the tookus.

    What are the other parameters of the tank? GH, KH, pH, temp?

    I've seen fish flash due to pH changes. My fish always flash after large water changes.

    If there's only one whitecloud with that fungus/bacterial issue, you could separate him out into a smaller quarantine with your intake sponge in his quarantine and do a full course of maracyn and add ich-x daily. Air in the quarantine of course. Room temp should be okay for the whitecloud. So long as you keep the room above 65. If you have an extra, small, heater you could put it in the quarantine too.


  12. I can also attest to corydoras and clown pleco. I have peppered corydoras with my clown pleco. I hardly ever see this pleco, but when he is out everyone in the house knows it because whoever sees him will tell everyone "Be quiet, but LOOK the pleco is out!" Lol

    They love a good piece of mopani to munch on. It doesn't have to be very big. The beta wood pieces are great if you're not looking for a statement piece. There's no mess with them eating on the wood IME.

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