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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. I moved the shrimp sanctuary out of the bathroom! The new light came in today. I now have a fancy pants Fluval Planted 3.0 on the shrimp sanctuary! So, with the move, came some scape changes! BEHOLD! My cloudy/hazy sanctuary!


    Some kind of bloom happening in there, but that's okay. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate <10ish. It'll clear up eventually. When it does, I'll add the Chili's! .... Or maybe I'll just buy more Chili's.... I really like having the Chilis on my desk in the office. I feel bad having them in a 2.6, but they are coloring up nicely and are still very friendly.

  2. As for the insulation, I figured that may have been the case of an older home. So much character in old homes, but dang they nearly froze themselves in the winters and cooked themselves in the summers!

    Sealing up that window good will help a bit, you can make a "dual pane" insert to put up there too. I am very jealous... I would do a lot of things to have a basement! If I could convince my husband to spend ALLL of the money, I'd have one dug under our house! Great place for storing roots, jars of food, fish room, game room.... Nice and cool in the summer... I truly envy you, Sir. 😛

  3. Man model trains aren't a dying hobby yet! My grandfather made some of the best plastic models and model kits you can get for the price. I left the family business a long while ago, but I spent many, many hours in front of the plastic injection molding machine. And even more hours under my grandpa's layout. My dad still continues the hobby and business.

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  4. I like the overall look. What kind of fry are going to go in it? How long will the fry be in there? The only concern I have: How are you going to clean the bottom portion out? Will the top section hold water on it's own? Then if a baby goes in there would you even know they were down there?

    Does the water circulate between the top and bottom? I see what looks like a second riser. If the water isn't circulating then the sponge filter isn't going to home any beneficial bacteria for the waste made in the top part.

  5. Please, please, let dark mode work again. It's so hard to do this on my phone at night. I have to invert color and it's miserable for winding down.

    Oh and my new personal phone doesn't even do invert color. 🫣

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  6. On 3/13/2022 at 9:59 PM, Brandon p said:

    I can have 3 hives and The lots bare 145’x 90’( I think). I can park a truck in my driveway in my town it has to be in the garage, but bees ok. Most places don’t care unless you are making money and they aren’t getting there cut. 

    Well, my property is behind the gate of a private community that I have easement access to a lot of their community..... They don't like us very much which is funny because if someone else bought the land it would have been developed. I bought it to protect it and the resources around it. Our locale in our area in California want to fight over everything even if it's good things. It's rather silly. The "I'm better than you so my word is law" thing is a real deal with this particular group. We have yet to have a fruitful dialogue with them. It's exhausting and depressing. We'll win their respect at some point I hope. But we're not throwing money at them so they are resistant. Maybe bee's will help. I can throw bees.  Truly.



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  7. On 3/13/2022 at 8:22 PM, Cory said:

    My silent business partner, Ground out Grand Marshall in classic last year. We are still gamer nerds, with just less time to play lol.

    I tried to play classic, then their politics hit so I called it quits for a spell. I will rejoin when WotLK classic hits. I'm assuming I'll be either pregnant or have a second small human by that point. I'll strive for top heals if I can. It was the most fun I'd had as a Disc Priest. Prior I was all in for Ele shammy. After wotlk I was shammy heals and druid heals. PVP BC I was a Warrior and Druid that spent soooo much on talent changes to keep people on their toes. It was so fun. I still play MTG with my spouse, and try to play some MTG arena but it gets on my nerves. I have no idea how I had so much time to play WoW back in the day. I remember having two jars of PB at my desk... I had a box fan on the open case of my PC as well. Hahaha. I want to build a new desktop, but my laptop is so convenient.

  8. On 3/13/2022 at 8:24 PM, Brandon p said:

    No not in years. I would give it a try and not let it bother you if they fail at times. There is a lot of info and most states have and ext. program to help educate new beekeepers for free. I liked it it would be fun when its not a business like a lot of things. if you do start i would start with 3 or 4 hives if able even if that's all you ever have. 

    I did the course at Davis.

    I have 83 acres... I can't legally do what I'm planning... but I don't really care. If someone trespasses and calls me out, then fine. But otherwise, I just want wild bees to help the local flora. Honey is a bonus if the hives get overburdened. But I want to make sure they can survive the winters and be stable. ^_^

  9. I moved 9 boys into the 75G. I now have my stock for my future guppy line. I'm going to start the setup of my first pond next week. We're running out of time! Holy hell April is almost upon us. We go on vacation, leaving our home to house sitters for two weeks in the beginning of May. These things really come fast. I need... guppy ponds! And I need new linens so I can burn the ones our sitters use in our bed. I can't share linens with people. I just can't. I think my husband would prefer we just burn the whole mattress. 😛

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  10. 567.

    @CoryAs a Vanilla WoW player, anime nerd... Seriously I was Master Sergeant in BC on WoW and server top heals for several weeks for raids in WotLK. I'm also an industry professional who worked as front line IT support for nuclear power and still to this day work as an industry professional/mom making and auditing engineers on their calculations even though I'm not an engineer. Nobody knows I keep fish really. Most people think my only hobby is wakesurfing and gardening. Meanwhile I spend hours and hours with my fish tanks and go to the LFS when I work in the area. 🙂


    ALSO: Any other wow players that played on Gorgonnash... I am with you! Though I played Ally at that point, I loved the challenge of being ally on gorgonnash. It was tops!

  11. Here's a video of the three males I just picked out. The other guppies are just for my enjoyment. They're all going into the 75G male tank. Sadly I can't put any female mutt moms in here until the end of April so it's just a boys only tank for now (except the swordtails, and Corydoras).


    Please excuse my boy making his new noises in the background. Most of my videos are like that. Mom life.

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  12. On 3/13/2022 at 1:59 PM, PineSong said:

    My pH ,KH and GH look like this in every tank. This is from the red cherry shrimp/guppy fry grow out tank just now. 


    Hmm. I have a hard time with reading hardness on the strips. I actually got myself the GH and KH liquid kit from API to deep dive those parameters in my tanks that have shrimp. I know your shrimp hide really well... I wonder if there are babies and you just haven't seen them yet. But it's possible that your GH is too high and is keeping the shrimp from breeding. Though unlikely. My GH being at 15, one of the newly berried females dropped her eggs with a molt. But that could just be because they're still growing faster than they hatch eggs. I don't know though.

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  13. On 3/13/2022 at 12:19 PM, PineSong said:

    @Minanora, I give them Shrimpee pellets from Xtreme, Hikari Shrimp Cuisine, Hikari Algae wafers go into the tank to feed the mystery snail at night.  But there are at least 50 juvenile guppies/fry in the tank so the shrimp are harassed away until the guppies go to bed. There is a cuttle bone and bag of crushed coral in there, and my water is off the charts hard out of the tap. I sometimes do blanched zuchini for the snails, and today I put in a little blanched bok choy.

    I have not been feeding them every day--more like 2-3x per week. 

    What is your pH, GH and KH? I feel like that may be a bigger factor considering your mention of super hard water and adding the coral. Feeding schedule seems good. Fry can make a pita to gauge though.

  14. Those are the coolest Lyretail guppy variants I've ever seen! Are all of the male fry from that brood displaying a sword or lyre trail? If so there's a good chance that all of them are from that strain, which means all of the females are likely carriers of that trait as dominant. I'd pick a mom that is the same build and color as Whale and maybe another leaner one. I love, love, love the orange Lyretail boy! I've never seen anything like that! Then the one with the green/blue iridescent body caught my eye as well! Though I love all of those... Maybe keep the lot of non-select Lyretail and other females and put them in a tub over the summer and see what you get. They're just wicked cool!

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