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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. @Levi_Aquatics Amen. That is a very reasonable price IMO. I don't have a lot of local resources for shrimps in our area. Really, other than my "LFS" there aren't any places to get them in person. We don't have any clubs, or even more than one pet store. I drove 70 miles to go see another fish store in my old town, only to find out that their website was still online, but their store was shut down.

    Mixed culls will eventually go brown/brownish green. I think they're pretty though!

    My husband and I have the opportunity to move to a larger home where I'd have space for a few more tanks in the utility/laundry room and the shop. It's owned by my in-laws, but my sister in law is moving out of it so we could either buy it or rent it. I love our home... I have a home orchard and healthy garden. I've worked really hard to make this house a home over the last 7 years so it's really hard to think about renting it out, but with us talking about having another kiddo and just our growing hobbies... We're considering the move.

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  2. @Levi_Aquatics You're too kind. I just stumble around and share my experiences. I'm happy to share and inspire! I love your shrimp projects! I was going to home my shrimp in a 2.6G tank but then it had an explosion of hydra and the whole setup crashed a day before I got the shrimp... SO, I happened to have a 5.5G that was given to me by one of my younger team members who's roommate moved out and left 4 fish tanks... I joked, and now I have them all except the 40G breeder he had... Which, I want, so badly... but I can't, I just don't have the room. ANYWAY, I quickly set the 5.5 up with a seeded sponge from my fry growout and bought tissue culture plants for it. Now the shrimp are in there and I can't bring myself to put them in the 2.6. I have it all setup and clean, running, planted... but devoid of shrimp or fish. I haven't decided what to do with it. I want Chili Rasboras... but it's just not the right time... and I'm 2 tanks over my 3 tank limit that my husband set... >.>

    I was split between blue and orange as well! But, like you said, black substrate! I love it. I would have started with RCS but they were either $10 a piece at my LFS, or get low grade from them for $6 a piece and those weren't even red. THEN they had orange rili, but they were $15 a piece! Their blue dream were also $15.... SO I turned to the interwebs and found the orange, and even blues from a reputable vendor, for +/- $5 a piece. Done deal. I would love to have both Orange and Blue together.... in a perfect world... in a gender specific tank... Orange and blue were my husband and I's wedding color theme. But I don't have enough room to have any more tanks for any more projects... for now... 😛

    • Like 3
  3. Been trying to eyeball shrimplets. I've never seen more than 2 at a time since their emergence.

    Today when I was most concerned about them, the two females that are still holding eggs came to the front of the tank. Almost like they were telling me not to worry. Crazy, yes, I know... SHHHH. It made me feel better. They even showed off their eggs and the little tiny black eyeballs. It made me feel better.

    I worry about the detritus worms and other microfauna eating all of the food I put in. I can see the soybean hulls moving on the substrate.... Should I be worried?

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  4. I have a lot of feelings about this.... It's pretty... but eh. I would be surprised if that setup actually got used for more than a week. I mean look at the size of the plants, and their orientation compared to the horizon; that tank had been set up just long enough for the water to be clear. That's my guess. I mean how hard would it be to do anything in that tank under the banister... I do see a filter line under the top step so there must be a canister or a sump somewhere.

    Like I said, it's pretty, but eh. That's going to be a booger to get those fish out when they outgrow the space. Which if the banister is only 4-6"wide.... That's not very much time.

  5. On 1/14/2022 at 4:07 PM, Colu said:

    Epsom salt baths are the best treatment for a prolapse 1 table spoon for 2 gallons 2-3 times a day for now more than 15 minutes as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant so will help your fish reabsorb the prolapse 

    Thank you Colu. As I feared, with how severe it was, she didn't even make it through my conference call. T^T

    I'd never had a fish with a prolapse before. Now I have. I'm so upset, I now only have one of this strain left and I have no idea if I have babies from them to continue their line. 😞 But, to be honest, if they're having so many health issues maybe it's just how it should be. As of now I've given up on my Blue Dragon strain for now. If I have any babies from them, I'll revitalize their blood with a group from a different breeder. But I likely won't do this due to the time it would take to bring the line to stability. I just don't have the space for it. Though I would like to. All depends on if we move or not at this point.

    • Sad 1
  6. On 1/14/2022 at 3:42 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

    @Minanorathe shrimplet survival will depend on the availability of food and potential predators. It sounds like a shrimp only setup which will help. I saw you have bacter ae which I think is a good first food food. Shrimp King does make a powdered shrimplet food and I liked it. Spirulina algae, the algae and green based Repashy and pulverized bee pollen are some of my go toos as well. You could always just pulverize the foods you already have and save yourself an order online. 

    It is fun once they get going. I think your 75 gallon will just depend on the number you introduce as once there is a critical mass the swords won't be able to keep up usually. Worst case scenario they are a great food source for your swords. 

    Thanks for the advise. I put a bit of AE in there every other day, then, now that there are shimplettes, I've started adding 3-4 Aquatic Arts Pollen Granules in addition to my every 4-5 day snowflake pellet I add, which I break mine up into smaller pieces. I have 12 adult shrimp.

    I've left all of the diatom algae alone on the walls of the tank as well. The only face of glass I clean is the front. There are a lot of cyclops... and a lot of worms. Some detritus, but also Rhabdocoela worms as well. No planaria thankfully and no hydra.

    I also still try to give them the shrimpy sticks by Xtreme but they aren't into those so much. I also give them bits of steamed kale from my garden since, honestly, I don't eat it... there's just so much of it... I only really keep it for feeding aphids to my guppies. My fry love them. And I get great satisfaction watching them eat the demons.

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    • Haha 2
  7. Sorry to hear about the fungus. That happens. It's still awesome that they're laying eggs at all! Sometimes the best thing we can do is "nothing" and then one day you see free swimming fry!

    You could also put some indian almond leaves in the breeder box with the eggs to help curb bacterial growth.

  8. Water Parameters:

    • pH 7.8
    • Nitrates 20
    • Hardness 16dkh
    • Nitrite .25 (recovering from crash)
    • Ammonia 0
    • KH/Buffer 12
    • Water Temperature79-80F

    Edit: I'm pretty sure this is a severe prolapse. I'm going to get a bucket going with epsom salt. I'm sure with a case this severe that nothing will help her but I'm going to try.


    Original: I don't know what is happening to this female or if I can save her from this but figured someone may know what the heck happened here.

    I had her in a breeder box for a week and did notice that she had quite strange shaped poo's that were wide, bubus and short. Looked like they must have been hard to pass, I mean. She was eating fine, looked very pregnant, but I released her back into the tank after she didn't have babies for a week of being in the breeder.

    Then yesterday evening during my routine I noticed that she had a round bulge protruding from her anus/urogenital opening. This morning it's much worse and she's beginning to pinecone. She looks awful and miserable. She's not using her left pelvic fin and it's clamped to her side.


    See the linked folder for more photos and videos. Since this is the most graphic thing I've had happen to a fish I didn't want to post all of the content here. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16-XzmSoVU9mrlgAWzH7uRPmmoNegDhT9?usp=sharing

  9. Shrimp are great! I love your tank, it'll be a great place for shrimps. I would not put pea puffers in with shrimp if you want babies. Small micro predators like chili rasbora or ember tetras maybe, but only if there's lots of cover for the shrimplettes in the bottom. Moss is great for them.

    I keep orange neos in a 5.5g. 76°F I need to check the parameters, I'm not sure what things are at right now. I just started seeing babies yesterday though!

    Looking forward to seeing things progress with your setup!

  10. Studied the tank dung my teeth brushing. I did, probably 6 cycles on the Sonicare. 😂 My shrimp watching really helps with practicing good oral hygiene. "Come to bed!" " I'm not done brushing..." 😙🎶

    Anyway. Two of the moms are devoid of eggs as of tonight. All four have saddles again. And I watched one mom shoot off a baby! So, apparently there must be a lot of babies in there that I just can't see. I saw 8 while brushing my teeth. 🧡🦐

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  11. Saw the first babies this morning before work!!! One of them came right up to me when I looked in. I knew what he was even before I put my glasses on!

    Then I saw 3 more! All four mom's still had eggs as of this morning. One had far less but I didn't see eyeballs on any of the ones she had. I'm thinking they don't all hatch at the same time.

    Two of the other moms eggs mostly have eyes I can see now, too.

    I look forward to them being big enough for my camera to focus on. 😂 May bust out my real camera and the bokina and it's macro converter.

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  12. On 1/13/2022 at 12:53 PM, Mydonkeyfish said:

    Once the tank gets overstocked i will put half into a new 40 gallon breeder im going to set up soon.😁


    That's epic! I look forward to seeing it! Wishing you the best!

    • Like 1
  13. Congratulations on the babies! Guppy fry is the cutest imo. Well, for live-bearer fry anyway.

    What are you going to do with your inevitable explosion of the guppy population? I also recommend making a note on your calendar regarding when that female dropped fry. They are like clockwork in my experience. 💚

    • Like 1
  14. On 1/11/2022 at 10:51 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

    @MinanoraORD, when it rains it really pours guppies. I’ll be in your boat when I start up some additional tanks for blue Hawaiian colonies along with my teacup platys. Sounds like you have a finish line in May to look forward to. Sorry for the losses but you sound as if you’ve kept a stiff upper lip about it.  

    I was looking at Blue Hawaiian literally the day before yesterday.... That's super exciting! They are so lovely. I would love to do a swap with you at some point! If you're interested. 😀

    As for my losses, I cried when Paco passed away. I buried him in my miniature peach tree pot that we've had for 11 years. It's now 'Pacos peaches'. He may have been overly affectionate but he was a sweetheart who loved attention. The rest I fought hard and lost as well. Tried to just focus on the positives and press onward. Other challenges in my life outside of the fish have taxed me to near breaking. I can't let these things win and mow me over. I have a hard time getting back up if I do. I'm not trying to be callus, just strong.

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  15. On 1/11/2022 at 7:33 PM, Atitagain said:

    Wow so many babies! Good luck keeping it all sorted out. I have some mutts and seriously considering a line breed but I may have too many tanks to have time to keep up with that much breeding. 🤣😂🤣

    Thank you! Honestly, I like all the babies. I just wish I had a 55, or two, to deal with them all. 😛

    I love mutts. It's interesting to see what traits pop up. Almost like a kaleidoscope of their past bloodlines coming forth to remind us that they're explosive in not only numbers but colors as well!

    • Like 1
  16. I caught up! Wooo!

    Your tanks are inspiring! How is the finger/hand feeling?

    I'm glad your plants are doing so great! I hope you're enjoying rotalas. I'm going to get some ludwiga tomorrow when I'm in town!

    This forum has helped me stay sane and strong through some of my challenges. I feel like even though I'm relatively new here, I'm welcome here and have made friends. 🙂

    • Like 4
  17. On 1/10/2022 at 9:11 PM, PineSong said:

    Sounds like you have your hands full of babies and lots of fun ahead seeing how the fry color up. You are wise to consider what will happen in five months--I keep thinking about how even if I *do* have all my guppies correctly divided up into male and females tanks today, I still have to wait out 6-8 months for every female who was ever anywhere near a male. Scary!

    Yeah, it's really challenging when the females are already hit. I'm sure I'm going to have babies coming every month through May, but I can hope. The females that came to me pregnant are young, so I'm hoping that impacts how many fry they have and how many batches they have.... So far... there's just more babies.

    My biggest issue right now, aside from the many, many, many babies... is that I don't want to mix up the mutt fry with the line bred fry.

    The easiest thing to do to keep them from mixing.... put the line-bred fry in the 75 gallon... However I'm hesitant because they're very difficult to catch out of the 75G. Then there's the issue that I've got the 3 strains of line-bred fry all together right now because they're not mature.... Eventually I'll have to sort them out. Luckily the strains are very different. Aside from culls, they'll be easy to sort out so long as I can keep them away from the mutts and seperate the males from the females in time. Shiva will have to stop having babies at some point. She had upwards of 90 on her last drop... We're 3 drops into "stored" packets with Shiva. 

    Guppies.... Babies... Lots of em. Lol

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  18. On 1/10/2022 at 11:10 AM, JettsPapa said:

    Not quite what you asked for, but I use shrimp nets for small fish.  The mesh is white, the net stays open instead of collapsing like conventional nets, and it will bend so you can put the edge flat against the glass on tanks with rims.

    I need to invest in one anyway so this is a good idea. I'll give it a try. I was using a very small net before but the guppies are just too fast and too plentiful. A Small Co-Op net is the perfect size, but it's hard to see through sideways and see gravid spots looking downward because it's black.

  19. I need a contraption that separates my fry by gender for me. Sorting 100+ fry takes a long time with a net.

    I need a small co-op net with clear netting at the least. So I can see what I'm doing. The black is hard to see through. @Cory Any potential for a clear/fine white net in the future? Or a net with an offset section in the handle to press the basket flush to the tank side on a rimmed tank... To limit escapees while identifying/sorting? Of course I may just need to learn a better method to sort my babies/teenagers...

    • Like 1
  20. Long and rambling update! Babies, babies, and more babies... That is the world I live in right now!

    I keep delaying selling off the durp squads. I finally got the fry tank to stabilize! Weeks... MANY weeks later. I have a 20G High that holds 100+ fry right now. I separated the males from the females for the most part. I fixed the divider... It wasn't centered between the sides of the tanks, there was more space to the front than the rear. Simply sliding it over to make it more centered fixed the issue. Now only young fry fit through the gap.

    Sadly I only have one mutt mother left; Shiva. Shiva wasn't originally a mutt but after her first squad she became such, and even with her first batch of fry there was something up with the genetic dominance of the pairing and the fry came out very, very, orange and with little to no blue/black. They're beautiful but do not look anything like the classic red dragon mosaic everyone knows so well.

    Anyway, because of this I've been doing research into guppy genetics! I'm trying to make sure my line bred guppies stay pure and lovely and not accidently breed out the traits I'm looking for. Which, for me, also means... More tanks! I'm going to set up a rack of three 10G tanks with dividers and then the 20G grow out to boot. *shrug* For science!

    I am going to take a break for a few months though. We're going on holiday for two weeks in May... And I want to get some more corydoras in my 75, and more otos! So I want to prioritize those additions before I get out of control with line breeding. My current females are almost "empty" so I'd rather just focus on my 75G occupants, and the shrimp for a minute. Especially with a vacation on the horizon... yeah 5 months from now... but that's seriously what you have to think about when you're doing projects like this.

    My shrimp ladies are all still berried! I did lose another male to a failed molt after my last water change. Which is odd to me because the water I changed matched parameters pretty closely. I drip added the new water as well. No matter, I'm sure that the future generation is set and I'll have more numbers in about a week. I'm excited!

    Out of all of my mutt guppies I have found ONE albino! I think I may keep her. I'm reading more about the albino mutation and have not decided for sure but WOW she's so beautiful! I will try to capture a photo of her during the next water change. She's very hard to find among the mass of other females.

    Besides all of that, my sons 20G high that homes the females and youngest line-bred guppies crashed and I haven't been able to stabilize it for the last week. I thought it would be simple and let it go a week without testing after changing a huge amount of water over 12 hours. Nope. Still homes 4ppm ammonia, and 3ppm nitrite; which is lower than it was, oddly. But still... I'm supplementing bacteria to try to repair the damage from cleaning the filter media and the increased load from the new babies.


    I added one new male guppy baby to the 75G. In a few weeks I'll be saying goodbye to the first generation of black swordtails. They're lovely, but they need to find new homes. Even the next generation needs to as well, but that's 10 weeks out. The black swordtails are the only pair I have that I'm letting breed freely. Their babies are so lovely!

    I think it's time to add some more otos to the 75. The current stock of 5 are all in hiding most of the time now. I think I'll add 3 more and see if they come out again. They were out all the time, now they just hide.

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