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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. On 12/18/2021 at 9:41 AM, Farold said:

    Sounds good I am leaning more towards male guppies because I am a beginner I actually ordered some of tour root tabs and a usb air pump I also plan and picking up a easy planter,thanks for you input.

    I am not sure how the water parameters are I wish i could pick up everything I need at once but I can have to get a test kit also.

    I love it! A few male guppies would do fine in there. I'm always a supporter of guppies in tanks, as I have many, many, many, guppies. But I digress to my previous comment regarding parameters. A seasoned tank is wonderful, but without testing your water parameters on a regular basis there's no way of knowing how stable the tank is to qualify it as a seasoned tank. If you've never introduced ammonia to that tank, it is likely not established.

    Shrimp can be a challenge. So I can understand that.

    On another note, I'd like to add that this is a community forum. I noticed that you had stated "...your root tabs..." and "...your video...". I want to make sure you understand that a large number of us on this platform do not work for Aquarium Co-Op and are not associated with them in any direct capacity.

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  2. Beautiful tank. Have you considered doing a shrimp only tank?

    What are the water parameters? Are you using anything for an ammonia source?

    You could do shrimp and a few snails.

    Alternatively, Phoenix or chili rasboras. Those shoal, but travel in short bursts, needing only 5 gallons for a small school.

    Just make sure your parameters are good for whatever you choose.

  3. On 12/17/2021 at 10:22 AM, CalmedByFish said:

    It never occurred to me to do that. I guess the same silicone that's used to seal glass tanks would be good?

    I'm thinking so. In my mind it was either that or epoxy. Silicone seemed the best though. flexible and will be okay with the heater turning on and off. I imagine it will still eventually do as you stated, but will hopefully take longer. I assume that the glass/plastic/rubber is expanding and contracting when the barrel of the heater heats and cools.

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  4. On 12/13/2021 at 6:39 AM, Boca Betta said:

    Thanks everyone! I'll have to share my set up after I make a minor repair. I am currently dealing with a 2x8 that has warped pretty significantly. I think this forum is the motivation I needed to go down to the hardware store! Thanks again for the warm welcome! 

    Good! If you go getting another 2x8 try to find one that's already dry. Once they're dry there's less risk of them curling up. You can also look up how to pick lumber that's less likely to warp. It's not easy. I use photos/illustrations still to this day and I've made whole cabinets, desks, dressers, tables, bars, shelves, etc over the years. Such a pain to find good lumber at big box stores. At least in my experience.

    Look for wood that is quarter sawn, or rift sawn, with few knots, and no splitting. Rift sawn is fine lumber; most of the craft grade finishing lumber at the big box stores; sold by the foot and usually the wider runs are only sold in 1by. Even damp rift sawn is unlikely to warp.

  5. On 12/12/2021 at 10:58 PM, CalmedByFish said:

    Colleen and Duke, glad to have you here!

    You'll find that a lot of us have a kitchen fish room, bed fish room, living fish room, office fish room, dining fish room, entryway fish room... there's probably even somebody with a fish tank in front of their toilet so they're looking at that instead of their phone, but no one has admitted it yet. 😂

    I have a shrimp tank in my master bathroom.... I sometimes look at it from the toilet... Eventually the tank will have to be moved so I can bleach things again, but for now it's a lovely thing to watch while brushing our teeth.

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  6. What lefty said. I did a lot of research on that style but decided to not go that way since my water profile out of the tap would likely kill my shrimp.

    I use a cheaper manual python and 5 gallon bucket(s) for water removal and a 2.5 gallon bucket to refill. I use an r.o. mixture so a fancy python doesn't work well for me. Lucky for me I hardly do water changes on anything except my fry growout tank. Plants o' plenty and deep substrate have been highly beneficial.


    I would get a longer hose to go outside for water removal but it's also not ideal for me with fry and a toddler that loves to play in water.

  7. There's a ton of options. Many listed above are great. Take your time and be sure to consider what will go well with your plants and not uproot or eat them all. 🙂

    I'm a broken record and say a massive amount of guppies is always the way to go. 😛 But they're not big, or flashy or related in any way to what advice you asked for! I'm on the rainbow fish train for a legit recommendation.

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