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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. Okay. According to the guru at the LFS... cryptocoryne hudoroi.

    Honestly, I think that's incorrect. I bought one from them. We'll see how it develops.... I put two wendtii greens in the tank yesterday. I have the cryptocoryne hudoroi in the fry growout tank for now.

    He stated that the ones in the display tank are the mature form. Crypts are a pita to identify because they can grow so slow. So this will be a patience game.

    The tank they are in is very deep, 24" at least so maybe the leaf texture is correct for a lower PAR.... I dunno. I'm not convinced yet.

  2. On 3/15/2022 at 12:13 PM, Lizzyduff said:

    Mine just hatched too! I'm curious how long until they get color... right now they're still clear, look like commas lol.


    I wanted to follow up with this since I had said I was going to track the time it takes for them to color up. I've had enough time now!

    From what I've seen now, of course, it varies! I've had some start to color up in as little as two weeks, and some take at least a month. I've even had a few that I swear were only a week old before they started looking a little orange; but those are the shrimp in the chili ruins so they eat krill flake, which may have something to do with their color developing more quickly.

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  3. On 3/23/2022 at 4:10 PM, PineSong said:

    Wow, we need a bug eyes emoji. Those numbers are amazing (to me, who was very excited by shrimp population growing by three, lol!). They must be very happy!

    I just re-read this and it made me laugh because of your most recent shrimp development. 🙂

    I'm excited to see your colony really take off!

  4. I dig it. I hope to eventually have "too many tanks for fancy lights" 😛 Following your adventure!

    A plant that I have in my tank (however it got the brunt force of the algae so it's not super happy) that I'm surprised I've been able to grow is Eriocaulon Sp Vietnam. I have heard mixed things about keeping it. I've had it do pretty well. I did prune some of the leaves off of a lot of the bunches that had algae. I hope it survives it. From what I've read it does not like to be trimmed. I've had them in the tank since October. I see new growth now that I have added co2. I fed a few of them some root tabs at one point. They did like that.


  5. Awesome! I love the diversity you have going on. The range of colors is lovely. What light is that?

    I previously tried to grow several clumps of  blyxa japonica in my 75 when it was low tech. It melted within several weeks and did not recover. I was so sad. It's such a beautiful plant when it's established.

    Also, I love your glass fish school! Those are neat.

  6. On 4/20/2022 at 11:30 AM, Cory said:

    The goal is to keep fewer forums.

    Meanwhile, two new sections pop up in the span of a week. At least it feels like it's only been a week, I guess it's been several. 🤣

    Depending on the search tool, subsections for certain things like aquascaping, dealing with algae, plant identification... Etc. Could be useful. I feel like the search tool could be better in general though. I imagine it doesn't get used much, but I try to use it to find information before I start question threads. If you could search "only in this section" for a smaller population of topics it could be more useful since there are so many common words in many posts.

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  7. On 4/21/2022 at 6:05 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Mine do great in liquid rock. I was selling them to a local LFS who sold very few shrimp. They could not keep mine in stock once they caught on. I made $1 each to do nothing 😁 love it!

    That's awesome! I was so nervous to start shrimp. I hope my hardy shrimp can help beginners enjoy them with less stress.

    Oh and I bought some ludwigia super red... It's one of my new favorites!

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  8. On 4/21/2022 at 5:51 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Don’t be too shocked. Tiny terrorists sneak up in population until one day…Why is my entire substrate moving? 🤣

    I would not be upset. Tiny moving dollar signs at that point! I am excited to share my shrimp with my local shops.  I've never seen shrimp this hardy at our last. Mine are proliferating in liquid rock. 

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  9. On 4/21/2022 at 4:06 AM, KrazyJohn said:

    @Minanora very nice.

    I have a few reds as well, I was reading to keep them red tho they need more iron 🙂

    That is what I have read, also. There's also one that needs to be starved of nitrates as well. Higher light seems to be called for in most cases, too. 

    I'd been hesitant to add red since it wasn't the look I was going for. Then I put red in my shrimp tank. I feel like it adds a whole layer of depth to the tank that I didn't know it was missing.

  10. I think the article was meant to be a guide for beginners best practice. Not so much an in depth read. Generally these articles are short enough that a beginner will read it in is entirety and gain enough information to help them keep a healthy aquarium. It provides information without bombarding them with data that is not really interesting to, or understandable by a beginner or non-nerm.

    Going into the different sources of nitrates, I've not much to add about this. Nitrate made by bacteria in the tank, from your water supply, or brought in with fertilizer. I have just started thinking about the value of each source for plants. So I can't add value to this discussion in that regard.

    I can say that I try to keep nitrates below 40 on all of my tanks. I do note behavioral changes in fish, primarily my corydoras, when nitrates are above 40ppm. However the two corydoras that experienced the 100+ppm spike last year are the most sensitive to nitrates over 40ppm. They hide and are less active when the levels go up above 30ppm.

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  11. On 4/20/2022 at 6:07 AM, KrazyJohn said:

    @Minanora I try to avoid chemical as much as possible. I use snail to get ride of my snails lol.  I have a bunch of killer snail snails and they are also very pretty !

    It keeps snail population at bay, you should look into them 🙂

    They are pretty. I have looked into assassin snails. I'm not keen on putting them in the 75. I manually remove excess snails from my stable aquariums which I don't mind doing.

    No Planaria is powdered betel nut palm extract. Not for everyone but I think it's great stuff.

    • Thanks 1
  12. @KrazyJohn my algae eating crew is similar. I have otos, neocaridina shrimp and a few amano shrimp. A couple of Ramshorn snails as well but after the plants go in today I'm going to do a dose of No Planaria to get rid of any hitchhikers. There's too much algae and I don't want a snail population explosion. I also don't want planaria or hydra hitchhikers either. I'll add more snails once the algae is under control.

    I love snails, but I think having a boom of them is how this started. Had tons of snails, very little algae. I got hydra. I treated for the hydra but it also killed all the snails. That caused a nutrient spike and at the time I only had otos. They couldn't keep up and the algae took over.

  13. On 4/19/2022 at 7:23 PM, KrazyJohn said:


    I don't have as much experience as most of the posters here, but I had a similar problem with my tank recently 🙂

    I found an article that was talking about total blackout, so I gave it a try. (it wont kill your plants or your fishes, well it didn't kill mine)

    I removed what I could manually, cover my whole 125gallons with2 layer of industrial black garbage bags, top to bottom and let it in the dark for 4 days. Also added a air stone.

    I fed the fishes once every 2 days.

    In the morning of the 5th day I removed all the bags and all algaes were dead. I read some people doing it for up to 6 days, but I was too afraid.

    It made my tank full of dead brownish algaes all over, brushed off all my glass and plants and did a 50% water change.

    What ever was left, my ottocinclus and amano shrimps too care of it 🙂

    Hopefully now after reading alot more about planted tank it wont happen to me again lol 🙂



    That's a great success story. I may do this when I get back from vacation. I have too many unestablished plants (with more on the way) to be comfortable blacking it out. I had done a black out before but I didn't limit my feeding like you did and I didn't block the ambient light. My tank gets a small dose of morning and evening sun. Nothing over 300 W/m². But it still makes a difference.

    My situation seems to be improving. Excuse the glare.




    OMG the glare is my husband launching Elden Ring. 🤣

  14. I've decided that this python no spill water changer is one of the greatest purchases I've made. Sure, I could use a powerhead to move water but with this thing I don't have to plug anything in! Doesn't seem like a big deal, but it's nice to only have to deal with one thing.

    I can change the water in the 20G tanks so fast! It's amazing! Painless and FAST. I am on board!

    Still working on the algae issues in the 75. I think I'm making progress. Where I've removed the algae, there is no algae growing back. Most of the areas where it was growing in excess, it's slowed down to a near stop. More plants come tomorrow. Hopefully this really helps with the nutrient consumption. I am almost doubling the mass of plants.

    The shrimp tank is forever cloudy. I don't get why. But that's fine. If it clears on its own, great. If not, I'm just going to live with it.

    One berried shrimp in the 75 has either hatched their eggs or dropped them with a shed. But I think they hatched. I did add few very, very berried females to the 75 on the last addition. I'm thinking the shrimp a saw was one of them. I haven't gone looking for tiny shrimp. Don't really plan to. I doubt I'll be able to find them if they are alive. If they start overpopulating the 75 I'd be shocked.

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