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Posts posted by Minanora

  1. Harlequin Rasboras. My husband wanted them while I wanted ember tetras. I got 12 harlequins for the 75 back in October. I expected to lose some. All 12 are happy and healthy. They're still not my favorite, but they are interesting and the tank wouldn't be the same without them.

    Same thing with swordtails. Husband wanted one. Now I picked out a pair and sell lots of babies.

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  2. That's impressive. My Samsung Fascinate worked great until one day it bricked with a forced firmware update. I was very upset. I'm convinced that they bricked it on purpose. I have a galaxy S4 as a backup. I keep several backup batteries for it as well. Most apps don't work on it but I have a working sim card for it and it still makes calls and texts!

  3. My choices depend on the depth of the tank. Medium light, in a 45-60cm depth background plants I really like, Myriophyllum aquaticum (fine texture leaves and there are many varieties of myriophyllum), pogostemon stellatus octopus, Hygrophila Pinnatifida, Barclaya Longifolia (reddish plant).

    For a shorter tank, Alternanthera Rosanervig is striking... There are tons of options. 


    I often use Tropicas inspiration search tool to get ideas. You can search by tank volume, plant difficulty, and generally they have all of the species listed that are used in each layout.

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  4. Well. Something happened to the fish in my sons tank. Randomly there was just a dead fish that I had no idea died until several days later. Great, right? So I caught the tail end of an ammonia spike caused by the fish and removal of the intake sponge. Fish flashing all over the place like crazy. Actually just two guppies flashing but still. One of the other girls is looking a bit worse for wear and they're not eating like normal. Nobody is. Some of the girls are looking a bit thin as well. Changed 50% of the water. Just dosed the tank with the med trio and added an Indian Almond Leaf. I am also feeding nitrofurazone medicated food in case it's an internal columnaris infection. I fear for the worst. 😞 

    • Sad 4
  5. Did a 60% water change today. scrubbed off more algae. Trimmed plants. Removed a lot of leaves that were totally covered in algae.

    Nitrates were just below 20 this time. I had dosed easy green at a half does yesterday. Nitrates were at about 5ppm afterward. I only dosed micros today. I dosed a half dose. 2.5ml of gro+ micros.

    With the addition of 48 more neocaridina shrimp I feel like things are getting a little bit better. I feel like there is less algae on the back wall as well.

    The fight continues!


  6. ORD... Congrats on the population boom!

    You can use plant tweezers to remove the algae. Shake it about and most of the shrimp will come out. I always put the stuff I pull out into a specimen container with water in it just in case there are still hitchhikers. I currently have a specimen container hanging on the side of my 75 with 6 tiny shrimp in it and about 100 detritus worms that I cleaned out of the shrimps sponge filer. I'm eventually going to net the tiny shrimp out one at a time... They're just super tiny so I'm not in a rush.

  7. Ultimate goal/pipedream: Have a "fishroom" with some aquascaped tanks; some breeding projects, with reptiles/terrariums mixed in, and have my art studio in this same space. Pretty much just a room that I never want to leave. Not like a room with tanks stacked on racks, I want most of it to be like a space (a large space) in a home or a studio. But I would do the room with, air line, water line and drain line on each wall to make moving tanks around the room while redecorating easy. Solenoids for each wall of water supply. A dedicated R.O. holding tank and several CO2 tanks. Pipedream!

    This will likely never happen. So my thing is just to have all of my tanks reach their happy place and have happy fish that live long lives. 😛 


    OH OH OH! AND I also want either one of those papasan chairs or a big amazing beanbag in this space. The papasan chair that you can take the dish seat part off and play with on the floor like a human bowl as a child. 😄 

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  8. On 4/18/2022 at 8:27 AM, Jack Hanson said:

    That’d be great, I could have a breeding and and just keep adding more in if they get eaten. 😂

    That's what I do in my 75G tank. I have a shrimp only tank on my side table. When the population gets too dense I just move a portion into the big tank.

    • Like 1
  9. I'm still seeing the threadlike hair algae growing in some areas. I manually removed all of the waving thread algae I could on Saturday. So to see lengths of it still growing is frustrating. This is the most legit battle I've fought in this tank. Worse than catching fry out of the tank.

    I'm tempted to adjust my photoperiod and/or light intensity again. Should I hold off for a month though? I'm going to have to leave the tank alone for two weeks while we're gone. Starting on the 30th. I don't want to negatively impact my plants by depriving them of light either. Most of my plants are medium light. The ones in shade areas are low light.

    Here's my current light schedule.

  10. On 4/18/2022 at 6:35 AM, Jack Hanson said:

    It was a tough decision between yoyo loaches and shrimp, but I can also put some shrimp in another tank.

    This is true. If you do that you may actually wind up putting shrimp with the yoyo loaches, too. Eventually. 🤣 They can increase their numbers rapidly in the right conditions.

  11. I have a friend who has a One Plus device. He loves it and it has lasted him two years so far. I haven't tried one though. They are much more affordable Android devices that are comparable to the big names.

    Samsung has their budget line of devices that I'm quite fond of. I would have bought one if I didn't get the one I have for free.


    Going pixel, you get the most number of Android updates per flagship device. Plus it's raw Android.

    The life of those phones used to be really good but I haven't tried the newest yet.

    • Like 1
  12. I hate what smartphones have evolved into. I loved my pixel 2 and my Samsung fascinate before that. I hold onto my phone's as long as possible. I can't stand upgrading or replacing things without being almost dead in the water with my current tools.

    I have to have a smartphone because of my job. I have a Samsung Galaxy z flip 3. Yes, trendy, blah blah blah. Spare me. I agree. I like things to fit in my pocket or have a size that is reasonable for a belt clip. Yes, a belt clip. So I figured I'd try this folding fancy contraption.

    I have had this phone for 5 months. I'm about to send it in for a speaker issue. Other than that this has been my favorite phone since the pixel 2. I use the Nova launcher which I really like. I agree with the dislike of the Samsung bloat and their apps/Galaxy firmware delivery system.

    I like LG devices. But this phone also has good antennas, which is important to me. Considering the size of the phone (it folds so it can be smaller than most), it had better antennas than most other devices on the market at the time. I'm not sure about currently though.

    I also try to only buy from manufacturers that are approved for critical infrastructure system usage. Paranoid about that. Silly, maybe.

    • Like 1
  13. On 4/15/2022 at 11:37 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I think this came up on goliad farms. They do repairs to their tubs because of issues with specific corners that receive damage over time and have a weak spot. They have to use a very specific tool and end up plastic welding it.

    I would think you need to use a port / hole style window with rubber gaskets. (think, submarine window) which would just be a lot of work but extremely reliable.

    I think that's the ticket. Or maybe something like a pool light lens assembly. You could diy a lot of things really. Gaskets being better than silicone IMO.

    To clarify, using the assembly face plate, gasket and fasteners. With a clear polycarbonate window.

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  14. Super cool! I love the plants and I love yoyo loaches. I love shrimp though, so I had to pick between the two. Shrimp won for me.

    That is definitely a neon tetra. A cardinals red stripe goes the whole length of their body.

    • Thanks 1
  15. On 4/17/2022 at 12:56 PM, Seattle_Aquarist said:

    Hi @Minanora

    Over the 14+ years that I have been doing planted tanks I have tried several fertilization methods:  PPS; PPS-Pro; Estimative Index (EI); being the ones that use the various 'salts' (KNO3, K2SO4, KH2PO4) with good success.  The various All-in-One fertilizers use the same 'salts'.

    In the last 3 years I have been moving away from using 'salts' dosed into the water column as the primary way to provide nutrients to my plants.  After attending the Aquatic Gardeners Association (AGA / https://www.aquatic-gardeners.org/) International Convention in 2019 and listening to a interesting and informative talk by Vin Cutty about nutrient uptake by various plant species I decided to try a different direction - more along the lines of Aqua Design Amano (ADA) and providing the greater part of macro nutrients through the substrate. Why?  Two reasons the first being that I believe that the more nutrients that are suspended in the water column the more algae issues I was having.  The second was if we example healthy bodies of water where plants grow healthy and in abundance they contain little nitrogen in the water.  So where to plants receive their nutrients.......in the root zone.

    I'm still experimenting and the majority all of the macro-nutrients my tank receives are from DIY Osmocote Plus root tabs.  I've had to learn to be careful with the Osmocote Plus however.  First is the product is very heavy in nitrogen (19-6-12 / N-P-K) with ammoniacal nitrogen (ammonia) being the source of over 50% of the nitrogen.  Ammonia is toxic to fish, and if too high also causes plant burn.  So first I had to find a safe amount to dose and a way to minimize the impact of the ammonia on the fish and plants.  My first attempts were the use of high cation exchange capacity (CEC) substrates like Safe-t-sorb with sufficient depth (3-1/2") so that when the capsules were placed they were not easily dug up by Corydoras and water circulation around the implanted tabs was minimal with plenty of nutrient absorbing substrate between the tab and the water column.  I was also careful to place tabs well away from roots so minimize the possibility of root burn.  After some trial and error I am getting closer to attaining levels I want on macros.  I augment the root tabs with minimal water column dosing of nutrients based upon symptoms I see plants exhibiting.  Since Osmocote Plus contains no micro-nutrients except for a small amount of calcium I use CSM+B and Seachem Flourish Comprehensive to provide those. If macro-nutrient deficiencies arise I dose a small amount of macro-nutrients (usually potassium and phosphorus) into the water column.

    The results so far have been good, not great but good.  I get good healthy plant growth and my algae growth issues have dropped substantially without any changes to my photoperiods. -Roy
    45 gallon tall with DIY root tabs and supplemental water column nutrients

    I love the look of Safe-t-sorb as  a substrate. I find the color palette very complimentary to plants. I will one day try the same thing you're doing. For now I'm not doing any more tanks or redoing any of the ones I have set up. Goal for now is to stabilize and reach that sweet spot with what I have set up. Three of the five tanks I have, I've attained this goal. The 75 is being a stubborn child. But that's entirely my fault for having decision paralysis when I started having things die back and algae set in.

    I will say, when my substrate was new and full of nutrients my plants did the best. I can see the benefits of providing the majority of macros to the substrate.

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  16. On 4/17/2022 at 6:49 AM, Jack.of.all.aquariums said:

    Feel free to tag me. I don't mind helping 😁

    @Mmiller2001 has got you covered with dosing. I'll add a few things outside of dosing strategies because my methods are quite a bit different and I don't want to make it more confusing haha

    More plants! In my opinion your tank is still pretty lightly planted. Start propagating what you can. If you have questions about propagating any species I'm happy to help.

    Don't fear trimming. The plant leaves that are fully covered in algae are a lost cause. Just trim them off.

    Ignoring the algae most of your plants look very healthy. You're on a great path!

    I am a crazy person and just ordered more plants. I need to whack back the stargrass. I'll group the cuttings together and plant them in the center area below the Nymphoides hydrophylla. I'm going to add a few more crypts, more java ferns, and some anubius. Now that I have co2, going to add some pearlweed again. It survived before, but didn't thrive. This time around I have more confidence that it will do well. Going to add more density to my existing plots of S. Repens, and adding more red plants in various areas to add dimension. Feeling confident. This should be a good expansion.

    • Like 1
  17. That's great. We covered this and other treatments in our inspection classes. There are folks that have a "that won't happen to me" view. Kudos for taking the time and being responsible. I dig it!

    I love those moss balls. I hope to one day keep some as well. 💚

  18. On 4/17/2022 at 10:34 AM, Mmiller2001 said:

    I believe that's just the source that's used to derive K.

    Ideally, and dependent on live stock, softer and lower KH water is better for most plants. But you can certainly have a nice planted tank with higher numbers. It might take longer as the plants adapt.

    I use GLA 

    KNO3, KH2PO4 and KSO4 

    For building GH, CaSO4 and MgSO4.


    Good point, on all points.

    My water hardness and KH isn't something I can easily change for my water source without making an insane upgrade to our R.O. holding capacity. However, my husband wants to upgrade so we have more r.o. water for brewing beer. The only thing we're having an issue with is making space and plumbing things for the addition. A fishroom shed with a holding tank would easily solve the problem but my idea has been met with heavy resistance. There's a concern that I'd possibly move into said shed.

    • Haha 1
  19. Last tangent for ferts... What is up with these macro ferts reach containing so much K2O? I feel like that makes dosing each macro with these nearly impossible.


    @Seattle_Aquarist, @Mmiller2001, what do each of you use for macros on your 75s?


    also, should I be concerned with my GH (15°) and KH(10°)? I know that is impacting the nutrient uptake for some minerals, but I wonder if it really matters as much with the lower (6.8-6.4) pH.

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