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Everything posted by tzahroxi

  1. guess ill wait then but are there any other schooling fish that would go well with them i want to try different things and ive had pandas before
  2. i unfortunately dont have sand in the tank and i heard they need sand
  3. as the title says, what would be some good tank mates in a 32 gallon? i have a school of 8 of them currently. i keep the temperature around 75-76*F. i have a hard time finding information online cause everything online is for celestial pearl danios and not for pearl danios the tank so far. its a wip in the aquascape department but it is cycled. i had to place the danios in here before i finished the set up due to some aggression in quarantine with other fish
  4. thanks! ill think about that later but i need to get the materials for the hardscape first
  5. just looking for some opinions on my tanks. tell me what you think. sorry that it is a long post, but thank you if you read it This was my first tank in my current apartment. it is a 40 breeder that i purchased right around when the covid lockdown happened in the states. i use to work at a pet store during that time where animal shipment were stopped to prevent the spread of covid. most of the fish had been sold at the time and there were only a few left. in caring for them i grew attached and purchased them after i got the tank set up. it was my first attempt at a planted tank and aquascape. im still trying to get better in both departments. i was recently recommended to add some floaters for nitrates but my filters are a bit too strong and seem to be killing the salvinia so i have taken them out since this picture was taken. the breeder box is one of my fish's temporary holding cell as they have been a bull to my younger fish. i mostly keep livebearers in here (mostly platies, but some mollies and swords), there is the remainder of a albino cory school that i have, along with a rubbernose and clown pleco, and who knows how many shrimp and snails (they just vibe and eat all the algae). i recently added a school of ember tetras from another tank i broke down and they love to group together with the young platy fry. this was my second tank, i think it is a 6.7 or a 7.5, i cant remember. i didnt actual purchase it cause it was a customer return. the lid was broken but everything else was completely fine. so instead of the tank getting tossed i took it home and ran to walmart to buy a cheap picture frame and used the glass as a lid, work pretty ok. i hate the internal filter those as it leads to algae problems. i tried the aqueon shrimp and plant substrate in this tank and it works wonderful. i use to use the eco complete but i found the rough gravel was harsh on plant roots. the current one works great and i love it cause of how gentle it is on roots. makes moving plants easier. right now it is home to spooks my latest betta who hates snails with a passion, three amano shrimp, and a bristlenose pleco that i was growing out in there. i got her when she was smaller than a half dollar. now i think its time to move her soon. she really loves algae waffers and tried her best to keep them away from spooks who wants a bite sometimes. This was my third tank. i was wanting to get another betta at the time and would need a new tank to house them so i got this one. it came as a kit with the same substrate at the one above. it also came with a built in light and filter but i hated them. i keep the filter as a back up but i now run the tank with a sponge filter and a stingray light. i really love how the anubias in the tank have flourished so much, they used to be so smol. in addition to the plants i have my betta named butter in there along with an active shrimp colony that butter seems to keep in check and two nerites. also does anyone know what the dots on the side of the glass are? they look like small clumps of little white dots but i dont see anything else weird in the tank. this is the 10 gallon that i mentioned earlier. i hated the scape so i broke it down and rescaped it. it is my first "dirted" tank, aka im using fluval stratum with a gravel and sand mix cap. i dont have a hose or a yard to flush the sand so i just had to put it in there. its has mostly settled. i used the hob filter to kinda help with this. ill eventually take the hob out and just leave the sponge filter in there. i placed the remainder of the salvinia i had in here. i plan to add some dwarf sagitaria and assorted crypts. i dont know what fish to add to this tank though. i dont want to do embers again. are there any other small school fish i could put in here? also if the hardscape good? i really tried to work with the hardscape this time. i wanted something unique but pleasing this is my most recent tank. i got it a couple of weeks ago with the stand for a pretty good deal. it is the fluval flex 32.5. im really excited for this tank. i dont know what to really do with it though. i originally picked up some pearl danios on a whim and had them in my quarantine tank, but they had some issues with the other fish i had in quarantine with them so i had to separate them into here. i believe the tank cycled pretty fast due to me added in some used gravel from another tank with some bacteria to help get it started it. thankfully the levels were safe for the danios and they have been doing really well since. i picked up a few more and added them in to make the school a little larger and now there are 8 of them and a couple of ghost shrimp and a mystery snail to help with the biofilm on the wood. i dont quite yet know what to do for the hardscape other than the spiderwood i added. i think some ohko stone would work well. any thoughts on the scape, plants, and other fish to add in the future?
  6. This happened overnight. She was completely fine and happened out of nowhere. The only thing i can think of is that she over ate. i typically feed more than i should sometimes cause some of the slower fish wont get to eat. she was really bloated when i found and everywhere i look says dropsy but her scales dont look raised. are they? sorry for so many picture of something unsettling but i wanted to make sure if anyone could spot what happened.
  7. i use to have the octopus one and it nearly took over the tank but when i trimmed it and replanted the trimmings it died. i tried some root tabd but they didnt help much and it eventually died off. i just put the salvinia from my 10 into this tank cause im rescaping the 10 due to me hating the set up and a clump of hair algae forming (btw i did see some fragments of hair algae come into the 40 when moving the salvinia, will it me ok. i typically dont have any problems with algae already but im a bit worried). i do add easy green and iron to the tank on a weekly basis.
  8. Sorry it took me a bit to get home and take a picture but here is the tank. I’m breaking down my 10 and moving the floaters in
  9. i love my live bearers but i already have a 40 full of them. i like cherry barbs but i thought they were fin nippy. i already have a school of pygmy corries on the way with my lfs. i planned for them to go into a 10 that i plan to rescape eventually, until then they get to hang in quarantine. i love opaline gouramis but wouldnt they get too big and have issue with each other in the space. i kinda want to try some of the honey gouramis, killifish, or an appisto pair. i would have to see if petco can order them. their list can suck sometimes but its the most decent lfc around. worked hard their with some of my coworkers at the time to try and get everything nice and not horrible.
  10. im getting the tank and i was wondering what would be some good stock ideas. im open for anything fresh water. im thinking about schooling fish or maybe a larger centerpiece fish.
  11. would salvinia work, i have some in with the embers (9). i have a coworker who is willing to give me some water lettuce in the spring when they do better.
  12. i do weekly water changes already, is that too much? i use to do the same for my bettas but now i can get by for several weeks without changing the water. but with my 40 even with weekly water changes and even when there was less fish my nitrates have always been around 40
  13. i have a 40 gallon with two large filters on it and a moderate amount of plants (anubias, crypts, swords, and lilies). i currently have 1 male marigold sword, i female pineapple sword, two female mollies, around 10 or so adult and sub adult platies, who knows how many fry from the platies (normally around 10 or so that i can distinguish, which i regularly net out and donate to a lfs), two corries left over from a school i had of them, a clown pleco, several nerites, and several shrimp. ive been thinking of moving my embers into the 40 cause they dont seem to get along with the betta they are with, they dont fight but actively avoid each other.
  14. how comparable is it to marineland bio filters? cause i have two of those on my 40 and the noise bothered him alot in the beginning. he is use to them now but he doesnt want more noise
  15. i have asked my roommate if i could get another tank and they said its fine as long as i find a place to put it and it isnt noisy. he is very sensitive to sound and is worried about the noise output. i tried finding it online but couldnt find anything.
  16. he seems normal to me. i havent noticed anything weird aside from the operculum open on one side, even when looking under and comparing to the other side, it looks fine and nothing appears to be stuck or abnormal. the only thing i could think is that he really hates the nerites i had in there. i moved them out but he would flare at them a lot when he finally noticed them. it wasnt all the time so i wasnt worried, but now it is the only thing i can think of. he might be breathing a bit more, its hard to tell. there wasnt any ammonia and i only toped up the water a few days ago when i did my weekly checks on parameters.
  17. i dont think its flukes, he is pretty active and not flashing or lethargic. he is swimming around ok and maybe a bit faster breathing. i was thinking gill hyperplasia but i dont know much about it and what is online if the same on repeat
  18. he might be breathing a bit more but i cant really tell as every time i try to get a good look i think i scare him with the light. will this heal with time or is it permanent?
  19. my betta's operculum is open on one side, ive been looking and nothing appears to be stuck. i l googled a bit and could this be gill hyperplasia? I dont see anything under the operculum as her breaths and i cant really tell if it is inflamed as he is a more orange red fish. i checked the parameters a few days ago when i was going to do a watcher change but i ended up just topping off the water cause the parameters were fine. he tends to flare at the nerites i have in there occasionally, could this be the issue? i have moved the nerites to another tank and added some salt to his tank.
  20. is it ok to follow this plan while treating with ich x, if it comes down to that?
  21. i saw this on my swordtail. i cant tell what it is. it looks like a white patch that is mostly smooth. some of the scale appear to be white but it is really hard to tell cause she wont let me see it. she currently has ich and im in the process of treating the tank with ich-x.
  22. i want to make sure nothing was there last night when i added the new swordtail. ive heard or red spot disease but that it is more common in corys but can affect other fishes, i hope it isnt that should i do anything even if it is an injury, the one with the red spot is almost twice the size as the swordtail i added
  23. i just added a female fancy swordtail to my main tank last night, but this morning i saw a red spot on my other female swordtail. is it a disease or could the two have fought each other? ive never seen this bofore the spot doesnt seem to be raised of anything
  24. i read up on that and its 1 tab per ten gallons for a 10 gallon tank do i add one tab on the days where it says to add furan 2? just needing to clarify
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