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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. I kept Dojo loaches in unheated aquariums and they certainly stir up the substrate but then again so did my goldfish couldn't be sure how happy they'd be at the low end of your temps though they can get very lethargic . I have also had some success with swan mussels as long as the substrate is deep enough for them to keep out of the goldfishes way. But it sounds like you've already explored them. I kept my fish on very shallow gravel to allow them to sift through it If you were a little bit warmer (just protecting against the lower end) garra rufa could be an option but they are best around 60F
  2. I'd give the plants a chance to come back, it's free to wait and see. I've had things recover from complete die back but you could be waiting a very long time. I wouldn't have expected three crash to do that much damage to them though so do keep an eye on pH.
  3. They are really nice looking filters perfect for the retro lab aesthetic.
  4. Some people use window film instead of paint as it can be removed easily (paint obviously is not). Or this suggestion from Zenzo
  5. Depending on occupants planted is easy maintenance I've been converted anyway. I find plants buffer the tipping point of water changes and make fewer or smaller changes possible. Welcome back to to the wonderful world of fish Buzz and the clue to adding pictures is the green Add Files button at the bottom of your text window😉
  6. I hatch and freeze baby brine and the pygmies definitely eat those probably more from the frozen than the fresh as they sink a bit faster. They also do enjoy hikari micro pellets if your struggling to find tiny foods in general.
  7. Not a movie but long enough to qualify last night was the entire of the 1980's mini series "V".
  8. Seem something similar in my community tank looked it up and yes they will lay eggs on plants. I don't see it very often as apparently it's a morning thing for them. Nothing has come of it in my set up but I have siamese egg eaters in there odds are not in anyones favour
  9. A sad tale of two kittens and tiled flooring. They'd found him and played with him (I was away at uni) by the time we figured out what was going on it was to late. My dad was convinced he was fine because he kept finding him in different places so assumed he was active. Big hard lesson learnt. I will also mention to end on a happier note that he used to climb up trouser legs when you were sat round in the evenings. Funny with us, really funny with strangers
  10. Best board game adaptation - Clue (1985)
  11. Mabel is obviously ambassador for the aquatic nation. She is working very hard at public relations.
  12. My mum always says you can never trust a dog because you have no idea of what kind of day it's having. They don't have the best set of stress coping mechanisms so it's up to us to learn to read them better and notice the clues. And not to hold grudges because we pushed our luck because they don't hold our bad moods be against us. @Torrey what an amazing story of turning things around. Nothing must ever hold you back. @Atitagainthat is a horrible lizard encounter story, people don't realise how easily such things can take root in our personality. I still have issues with people dressed as Santa from getting scared going to grotto as child (I think I already misstrusted the concept the grotto was tipping point).
  13. I had a red necked terrapin when I was 8 till about 18. Lots of fun i wish the internet had been a thing then he'd probably have had a better life. But it loved to climb out its enclosure and roam the house (probably eating spiders) and would occasionally bite the dog who liked to lick it. (Not easy to remove from a dogs tongue( It also used to enjoy having its back scrubbed with a toothbrush and salt. They do have tons of personality. Welcome I'm sure you'll get lots of help and not just my random stories
  14. That's why we're here, everyone is asking, answering and learning. It's good you're joining in
  15. Looks stunning but I honestly don't think I would cope with that much winter. I am better with snow than ice but even thinking walking on icy pavements fills me with dread. I am the product of a country that just doesn't do extremes. Stay safe people.
  16. That's bad link (took me to pile of tiktok nonsense)
  17. I agree with @Scapexghost more likely that the males where masquerading as female this seems quite common in fish world. If livebearer develop hermaphroditic qualities we will be over run. And there would be a lot of evidence as a lot of people keep single sex groups. Boys can be sneaky when it comes to getting to play with the girls. I wonder if genetics are moving towards beating the sorters net rather than dominant fish aggression.
  18. welcome on board, very pretty betta I might have to hunt down an anubias with bigger leaves it grows like crazy in my tank. As long as the fish have room to swim the plant isn't to big
  19. Goldfish are messy vandals. I didn't keep fancy goldfish and they may not be as destructive comets and if the plants are well rooted they might manage to stay in the substrate. Pathos and bamboo are great ideas I kept two comets in a tank similar in size and I ran a fluval 307 and internal power filter (I basically added every filter I owned ). Loved keeping them and the work was an acceptable price. The 307 came with tank so I never looked at filter alternatives. I'm not familiar with sponge filters so can't offer much on how it will pan out but two gives you the option of cleaning them on alternate weeks to keep max bacteria. I think Cory would say a large sponge can deal with anything and I am sure he was running them with goldfish in few of the vids. Just be prepared to be doing those weekly vacs and water changes as they grow they could well need it.
  20. Apistos are cute feisty fun. What's the plan for the 125 ? And of course welcome.
  21. You seem to have some wobble room on those parameters stocking wise but get the fish you really want and see what happens and then look at adding more algae eaters also I was warned when I got my 4 Oto's is that you need a plan ready for when the algae runs out as they don't always accept wafers and the like.( my tank gets the sun so that ain't ever happening for me). You have a new set up the plants are establishing and things will keep changing. You don't want a clean up çrews with no work but the ones you have might just need a little bit of time to get on top of things
  22. I leave mine in the pots until they have acclimated to the tank any melt has completed and they have started growing because it makes it easier to remove them if they don't do well or to try them in different spots. Yep yours should be ok, depending on type some need the roots removing from the rock wool but just check the requirements
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