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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. One of my neighbours was taken to America in the 60's by FIFA (or whoever ran the league then) to promote soccer (as you call it). They were working from the empire state building apparently. This was after he'd retired from playing here as part of legendary team (sadly our local team has struggled ever since). Unfortunately I don't follow the sport (which is nearly impossible to avoid here) but it's great to hear his efforts weren't in vain.
  2. So heading back from my week in big city, the building was the original billingsgate fish market on the bank of the Thames. I think a big boogley eyed blackmoor could look pretty cool
  3. I have one orange laser female (due to a mix up) and she is very inappropriate with the venezuelan corys when she wants to something she takes it.
  4. Found this place yesterday, and now I feel my house is terribly understated
  5. I moved a female into a community tank (tetras and rasboras )and it didn't really settle spent a lot of time hiding at the top. Although it was a move to a 60g so it could just have been overwhelmed. I put it back in the smaller tank after about a few days as it was clearly unhappy. So I second the point of if you try it make sure you have a back up plan.
  6. Someone (I think @lefty o) large bins and dollys to move water this also allows for water to be run ,treated, stood and then used to change the water. Then using a pump to move the water rather than a gravity syphon may reduce some physical strain.
  7. It's not just for fishes. Do take care of yourself. Awful day that you sound like you handled pretty well. Take a few steady days you have earned them
  8. So today was supposed be 30% water change and tidy up of the tank however when I went to wipe the algae off my heater that felt a tingle and on closer inspection it was cracked. So unplugged it and walked down to the British version of a big box pet store to discover that they don't stock large heaters. So then a drive to the next nearest lfs heater (and three otos ) acquired. So much for a quick water change.
  9. Instead of musical statues when the music stops you have flop like a fish. Hunt the mystery snail. Flappy fish game, a race where you have to waft paper fish to a finish line.
  10. I have one wedged into a crack in resin log because once they get big they floaty. As long as the roots can still grow you should be fine.
  11. What a lovely plan, those fish are stunning I've never seen any for sale over here but then again I wasn't aware of most of them before joining this forum
  12. I keep a note book by my tank, in the front is my equipment list (in case of brain fog when I'm looking for parts). Then my water parameters. In the back I have a list of the inhabitants and when I got them so I have a rough idea of fish ages and if I'm buying a new fish compatibility again a brain fog safely measure. I also keep general notes like popular /unpopular food. The note book I use is pocket size and is mainly so I can grab it if an opportunity to visit lfs occurs. I prefer it to aps as just a generally more free form option and easier to maintain and reference.
  13. In summer I leave the back door open and often find random cats from the neighborhood watching the tank. I am not a cat owner. It does make them easy to find and shoo though
  14. A lot of outdoor wood paints and treatments are labelled as pet safe so if your dog or cat ingested it (from splashes on the grass or washing themselves of they got it on their fur while it dries). I would imagine they would be ok to use as long as you did it before you filled and it has chance to dry. No outdoor treatment should be water soluble once dry so I wouldn't think rain run off shouldn't pose a threat.
  15. If the fish aren't bumping into each other or forming conga lines to move around the tank you are probably ok
  16. I remove the fish, if I have time (they always seem to appear as I'm leaving for work) i check the parameters of they seem good I just monitor the population and as long as nothing is up leave things to the normal schedule. I will close monitor for a few days. Most of my fish are to small to effect the cycle. If I'm on my way out when I spot it I remove the body and throw in some prime then check everything properly when I get back. Keeping track of my fish ages has helped me relax a little when I have random deaths. Yes if the tank is very warm for that fish it might shave a chuck of its life expectancy so might breeding or aggression.
  17. @Torrey Isn't weather fun! They are self propagating a few years ago we had a freakishly warm February (shorts wearing warm) and it must have been perfect for them because ever since it's been stunning. It took a bit of hit through lock down and park use and dog numbers rocketed Eep that's a drop off hope the cold snap is over soon
  18. Wow cool colours, and how interesting. You now have maple hard candy.
  19. @lefty o @Guppysnail well snow is different pretty😝 I honestly don't think I could cope with real winters, my trade off is nearly year round rain (1hr after those photos was downpour).
  20. Just some pictures of the crocuses on a nearby park to help remind everyone that winter does end
  21. I'd got really excited that you found someone then. You can't be the only swiss fish keeper
  22. That looks like it could be lichen rather than mould.
  23. That should be fine. Part of the charm of all the corys is their generally busy nature, they seem to prefer lower light levels so mine scurry around in and out of the shady places. Relax as long as they are eating they are probably fine.
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