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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. I kept a heater in my cold water (set around 21C /70F) tank to it more stable from the low temps at night as I don't heat my house at night. This then allowed me to keep a to few corys and danios with the goldfish.
  2. My thoughts are they are being very cautious and with that much space between the fish you should be fine, and some great advice already given for a extra precautions
  3. Just to check 1st is under the attic or is there a floor in-between? It maybe that the main risk is to people is them sleeping underneath the treatment zone so easier to kick you out completely. I would cover the tank if it's very toxic they are going to venting the house so all the windows will be open. If I can I would use extra air line to move the air pumps to the freshest air I can . And run carbon.
  4. Well there is a new image for my nightmares
  5. Well I'm sick of shedding plants I'm forever fishing water sprite and ludwigia out of the aquarium. What would you recommend for a background medium light aquarium preferably quite a dark leaf colour I enjoy the contrast with the brighter swords in the mid ground.
  6. I'd consider carpet tiles I believe it's what they use in the store because they are non slip when wet and if a section gets nasty it's just the affected area that needs to be replaced rather than the whole carpet.
  7. I have a fluval chi and has over head filtration with a cascade return.
  8. All I want is happy healthy fish in tank that doesn't look like algae soup.
  9. I have an Oppo it's pretty decent and suited my budget, I really wanted a pixel but they remained just out of reach. Previously I had Honor great phone for the money but not being able to use Google ruled them out at last up grade.
  10. As long as you use as per the different makes instructions you should be fine. I used loads of different dechlorinators before I found somewhere selling prime which worked out the best value for me.
  11. If you enjoy the fish don't give up start a thread and see if we can get this puffer doing any better. Bettas are tricky maybe give up on them for awhile at least. Sorry you have had such a bad run sounds like a tough learning curve you've been on. But as everyone has said it is probably not you just the unfortunate state of some Bettas on the market. Don't waste everything you have learnt just try another type of fish
  12. Check you out networking 😝 Thats cool though and I will do.
  13. Yes - hoping for a pond in future to keep them.
  14. I've seen people grow aromatics out of the fish tank that might serve your purpose safely. I would be weary of adding anything to change the waters smell. You are introducing something that will be broken down by the tank so more nitrates and potentially irritating by products for the fish.
  15. I would be thinking about the 2nd sponge filter extra filtration is always a good thing and it lets you do alternate cleaning so you don't strip out all the good bacteria each time so it could help a lot with keeping the tank established and not to high maintenance. Plants and decor all sound fine - I had fake plants with my Goldies because nothing much survived with them for long but try them and see. If you can get plants going in there it will help you a lot as well, Maybe look at the pathos or lucky bamboo set ups if your tank is suitable. I wouldn't worry to much about tank mates clean water and space are probably more important when you do the transfer you can make your own mind up about what will work in there.
  16. I bet that was more fun when it was a tropical set up. No one likes a cold bath
  17. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/8669815/fish-fanatic-biggest-domestic-tank-britain/ Something we could all aspire to
  18. My goldfish would protest (pull up plants and knock over decor) if I didn't feed at least once a day with mini tantrums if I was late home from work. The mystery snail might be fine or might be a pricy snack, if it is to big to eat it might just get played with to death. I used a heater only when my fish got quite old to prevent the tank getting below 20C as it was in a cooler part of the house and I don't heat my home at night. Overall heaters often unnessascary. I was doing bi weekly water changes on a 60gal long with just two fish and lots of filtration. And periodically more frequently, smaller tanks were tricky you might be ok with one in the 33 but I would wait and see before buying number 2
  19. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m00159qg This is a link to a BBC radio soap opera set in a rural community (yes it as corny as it sounds) anyway there are a couple of exerts of this episode that convey quite well the issues of a first goldfish. No fish where harmed in the making of this. The fishy business is from about 1 min bare with the waffle there till it changes characters in and again at 4:13 to 6mins then 8:19 to 9:20. Let me know if you want more on the adventures of Kate the goldfish and I'll keep posting. (Back story on request)
  20. With fin rot the flesh looks sore and you get red edges where the flesh is dieing. In some fish you see red veins through the trail bit they would be hard to spot on a guppy. It also takes the trail down the whole edge at once and works up towards the fish ( bit like when I leaf is dieing) it doesn't just take chunks out To my eye that looks more like damage from other fish or sharp items hopefully it will settle down and heal up for you soon. The salt and maracyn will have helped against any infection. Fins can take a few weeks to restore themselves so just make sure it isn't getting worse. Tip top water parameters will help speed the process
  21. they sink pretty well and stay put I only have my air line secured in the tank frame and they have not moved from where I put them.
  22. So I bought a pair of females but now I'm not so sure that red here is girl, it's much bigger than the other and it's fins are certainly growing . So what do we think did the juvenile get dropped into the wrong tank at the shop If better angles are required for pic's let me know
  23. Preston North End. They have a great legacy but they have been very up and down in more recent history. This town was also home to the Dick Kerr Ladies team who were incredibly popular until the league decided that women didn't belong in sport. Something that is finally being corrected .
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