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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. You have found other Swiss fish keepers then, I was beginning to think you were alone😜
  2. It's a great live food and I'm sure you can deal with flying side effects easily enough when you need to. A big food supply will encourage breeding though so it won't help with the population explosion.
  3. Found the you tube channel during lockdown (can't remember what I was actually looking for ) the live streams were ideal for background noise while I'm working from home. It all encouraged me to refocus on my tank that I'd been in two minds to get rid off after the loss of my pet goldfish.
  4. As it was after a large water change could it have been spawning behaviour. They like to lay eggs on the glass so it can look a bit like glass surfing.
  5. replace "I" in all the above with the business name. Number 2 feels to vague - maybe something like 2 *Business name* is not responsible for the failure of any equipment owned by the customer 2a sourcing of equipment is the customers responsibility if you wish *business name* to source or recommend equipment this is a private agreement and *business name* will not be liable for them. maybe go online and see what other maintenance companies use they will probably have T&C's on their websites
  6. My pygmy corys rarely touch the bottom they prefer the plants and other hardscape. Anyway I've had them with gravel for at least 5 years no issues
  7. I've been looking at solar air pumps for my parents ponds quite a few on the market have a battery that can either be charged by mains or the panel when the sun is shiny enough.
  8. I agree its a fish first policy in my tanks. I like to make layers so increasing the floor space in my tank so I have some resin "log" tunnels that i wedge the plants in and prop at different angles to create hides and some large v shaped bog wood that creates a cave underneath but two large resting platforms for the lazy fish. Raising the floor in this manner has increased the volume of the tank occupied by the bottom and mid water prefering fish I keep the plants to the back and sides in the main and no to dense so the fish can use them but lots of room still through the main of tank ( kinda how ponds are in the wild). sorry no pics as I'm at work at but I do have one on my background on my profile.
  9. I use the aquadip 6in1 they were better value and being sold by a trusted on-line store (not amazon) when I was trying to get stuff during lockdown. I believe Tetra are pretty reliable but often expensive always check the number of strips rather than number of tests . I have seen them sold in in packs of 4 which seems utterly pointless. I don't strive for exact numbers I just look to see what is different and if I need to adjust things so the main thing I have to have is the same test strip so trends can be seen. I have never compared them to an liquid test but I feel that using the strips vs the liquid has not massively altered what I see from my tanks over time but it is much easier to do so I am testing more often.
  10. Turmeric can and will stain things. Not sure what the active agents are turmeric its a ground root I would say be very sparing if you where going to experiment. Maybe if you bound it in gelatine.
  11. If you add new fish to the quarantine you are going to have to restart the clock for all the inhabitants if you want to move the fish that you got two weeks ago sooner then you will need to quarantine the new fish separately. If you are doing a medicated quarantine then you would need to start it again.
  12. So cute super jealous. Also love that you took that photo in the car you were to excited to wait.
  13. Since re adding them to my main tank the first thing I noticed was much less air gulping from the corys and fewer cyanobacteria breakouts . Plants all doing fine fish seems to like sitting in them some algae die back. Possibly fewer water changes. Adjust your bubbles a bit so they aren't as fast to reduce splash and the benefits really out way the noise for me
  14. Hard choice get three of each. I find garras easier to keep alive and will happily eat dried food if you run out of algae (I've heard that can happen). Garras are pretty cute together mine kinda cuddled when resting. Hill stream loaches super cute in a weird sci-fi alien way but I never got very long out of the ones I kept with my goldfish but I think they like more flow than goldies so it might have been a low O2 problem back then. (My goldies also liked to tip them which probably didn't help) I think hillstreams are probably the best at algae eating. I had no territory issues with either. Garras were with corys and they didn't seem to care
  15. If there are no fish in there I'd leave it to sort itself out. Fish in however you will need to keep a close eye on the levels and do the smallest changes to keep it fish safe
  16. Well it needed the context to stop the creepy great vid
  17. Probably nervous being an only fish at the moment, I'm sure when moved to general population he'll relax. I always think they must find quarantine quite confusing and worry about where all the other fish are. And is Kirby named be after the vacuum cleaners ?
  18. I got two females and they did not get on so tried the red one in the community tank and it freaked out and sulked in the corner, swapped them over and blue loved it in there. So it just depends on the fish, I tried red first as it was the bigger and bolder of the two.
  19. Well 68 I am surprised possibly only get round to watching about 10 of those regularly though
  20. On the live stream ( not sure if it needs to be live at the time) go to the Live Chat at the top somewhere is an allow gifts button hit it and keep your fingers crossed. I got a freebie last week when I wasn't watching so once enabled its just a waiting game. They are giving them based on watch time so make sure you are logged into you tube as yourself and get on the Cory binge view I'll just add you don't need to be live when they give you the membership so all us sleeping europeans don't miss out
  21. I have used methyl blue without crashing everything to treat my tank for fungal issues in the past I really doubt that little bag will do much to the tank. It starts to breakdown in UV if I remember correctly. Can stain airline and silicone though.
  22. Buy the best you can from where you can ( distance and wallet allowing), I agree the concept of rescuing is flawed but I bought a shops last otto just cause it was on its own a bit ago (bet the shop has that as a sales tactic now) so its just human nature and its is hard to walk away. I have discovered a Betta breeder and importer not very far from me but their fish start at £25 I got two (lower standard no doubt) females from a chain store for £5 (impulse purchase ) . I can't see that the extra cost would have made me any happier but some people will want the higher end pedigree. I just wanted a fish who would play with me. So where to buy depends on what you want I suppose. My LFS will order fish (for a deposit) maybe ask why they don't stock them and see if they will get you one.
  23. I have a teany tiny back yard I have it planted up so it has nectar giving plants and flowers from Feb to November to max out the bugs feeding time. From late October I leave the space alone so that everything can live off the autumn waste undisturbed. I make sure there is bird food and water available all year and a cat deterrent (there are a lot of cats in the neighbourhood) it's really urban where I am but aside from the crazy amount of bugs I am slowly gathering a growing number of birds visiting. I actually use some old aquarium gravel in a bowl for the bees.
  24. Fun idea. I have an abundance of lfs at the moment although I do visit different ones for different things . I'm planning on checking out some different stores over the next few weeks so I'll keep this list in mind as I view them.
  25. I think I'd learn towards the breeding set up although it was tough choice between that and active
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