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  1. I’m wondering if a .6” pvc would fit around the outflow of the powerhead. I’m trying to find something to control the direction and spread of the flow.
  2. Borrowed the Sponge Bob one for Aquarium club’s Friday Meme share. It’s perfect! #AlgaeHappens
  3. Apparently Parrot Feathers are tasty. Our dog ate all of mine out of my mini pond.
  4. I am in the camp that every brand eventually hardens. I’m in East Tennessee and we have hard water.
  5. Floating plants and a mid day light siesta worked for me. I did treat with excel for a while, but after a while it was no longer necessary.
  6. These are Corydora aeneus and are the same species as Bronze. You see some are more bronze and some are more green. So the common names are reflective of their color.
  7. I put one under my Anubias and Java fern every few weeks (over a month). Most of my tabs go under my Amazon swords and crypts.
  8. You could place them under the rhizome in the substrate. There would be some benefit, but Java Fern mostly pulls nutrients from the water.
  9. I notoriously struggle with Java fern. I’ve had it for years. I don’t kill it, but it doesn’t take off the way I would like to see it. The brown/dark spots could be signs of potassium deficiencies. Mine grow, they reproduce, but they’ve never looked like what I want. I was looking at Seachem’s potassium supplement this past weekend. It’s 6% potassium and Easy Green already has 9%. I am thinking I could just dose more Easy Green.
  10. Green Cories. They looked so plain in comparison to many of the other species that I almost didn’t take some freebies. I am very glad I did! They are always busy in the tank, a lot of fun to watch, and I’ve been able to raise up fry.
  11. I agree with what has been said. I don’t know that it is realistic to be at the point of no water changes in a new tank, but a fresh setup could be “jump started” by used filter media, used decorations, and lots of plants. Those who stop water changes early probably didn’t start with a fresh tank, filter, substrate, or decorations. They are probably very experienced and used stuff that was already covered in beneficial bacteria with lots of plants.
  12. From what I’ve seen there is greater risks with drip acclimation. If you bought from a local store there may not be a huge difference in the water. My lfs uses RO water, so I do have quite a difference. plop and drop still has the most success for me. I float for temp and the. Put them in.
  13. I love Xtreme’s Community blend flake food, and so do the fish. It’s a feeding frenzy. I also feed the Xtreme Nano. Same response. For my Cories I like to use Xtreme’s Scrapers. Other than the occasional BBS and frozen foods Xtreme is my go too.
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