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Everything posted by Jcdli

  1. Jcdli


    What would you recomend for like 150 gallons
  2. Jcdli


    I have a 48 inches plant Fluval 3.0 and I would like to know how wide and deep I can make my tank, I’m planing to do a custom and I’m just wondering how big can I go and the ligth will still cover the full tank
  3. Wow I didn’t know it was need it or advice to do but I guess all living animals and plants carry some sort of micro that could spread like alge or fish desease
  4. Thank you I’ll get to work on it this week
  5. Hi how can I attack hair alge on small plant leafs and around the tank
  6. It’s call prime and aquarium coop has it the cheapest I could find, that works wonders for amonia and diclorinate your water but be aware of the smell
  7. Jcdli


    They confirm st aquarium coop he only sells to them not online
  8. Jcdli


    Yeah I saw that one, there is a old one when he return from Peru that Cory ask on which website he sold fish but he didn’t answer, so I was just wondering thank you
  9. Jcdli


    Hi does anyone know if Dean sells online and which website
  10. The pet stores most of the times will lie to you so you buy, there is this liquid that works wonder for amonia but stinks I’ll put the name tomorrow, someone here recommend to me and it works wonders, it declorinates your water take care of the amonia double job
  11. Jajajjajajaa no wonder guppies reproduce so much they are like rabbits because they are high, i have discovered that my tank it’s not for fish that swing at the top, or fish that free to much, i guess I just like to see my fish grown big and nice, lately I have seem new fish near my area in Los Ángeles and I go like wow those are pretty, also quick question how can I find if there is a club near me
  12. What other fish would interbreed do you have any Info on this
  13. Wow it looks great, you should check zenzo/tazawa he has some cool ideas for filters for ponds with natural plants that you could do, I do think sponge filter with a solar usb conector will be great, since you can buy the usb air pump at aquariumcoop and the solar usb at Amazon, i hope you let us see it as it gets better and better
  14. Yeah, and if we learn anything here in aquarium co op is, you read and if it makes sense for you then you practice and then you will know, because at the end even all the information here can be bad information if doesn’t fit my situation or anyone’s situation, I think that’s why people like this forum because all Information is only that information, it’s only true to the one who writes it, and on the peace that I read that’s all it had that’s why I didn’t put anything else because it was short and didn’t specified the ratio because i don’t think one plant can consume the waste of 10 2inches fish, so at the end as you stock your aquariums you calculate how much plants you need to filter your water
  15. Well it was something I read I haven’t test, tonyjuliano this topic is for the person that asked the question, he’s gathering information, if you had tanks great for you but again it’s not about what you had have or will have
  16. I read, that you need 75% percent plants 25 percent fish for the tank to be stable, sometimes there is more fish than plants even though you have a lot plants. Since ratio is difrent for both
  17. I been adding repashy to the tank so it seems they love it when it dissolves
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