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Everything posted by DaveO

  1. DaveO

    Baby Barbs

    Amateurs 🤣
  2. DaveO

    Baby Barbs

    I don't think so. It's been too long, five weeks i think, since I pulled the parent fish. I don't mind destroying my tank trying to net them out, so I'm going to try again.😅
  3. DaveO

    Baby Barbs

    Just for fun I decided to try to breed some of my Golden Dwarf Barbs. I have a 10 gallon quarantine tank sitting empty of fish and full of plants, snails, and shrimp. So I added a couple females and one male who were acting fiesty. This was on the first of May with a storm coming in, so I figured the timing was good. It took an hour to get them out of their planted home tank, but finally I got 'em. The next day all three were exhausted from spawning by 10:00am, so I quickly netted them back to their home tank. The results were these two little guys here. I'm going to try again in hopes of improving the number of fry.
  4. I love your little tank. Needle Leaf is my favorite Java fern. I'll buy all you don't want. Also, I don't want to know why you were in there taking pictures at that ungodly hour.
  5. I love your group of Pethia gelius. They look healthy now. Good for you. I also have a herd of them, and enjoy their endless antics.
  6. Where's the fun in that? The time and energy spent setting up a successful aquarium is what makes the hobby so rewarding.
  7. I got another one. This time intentionally. Hopefully more will appear. It's a Golden Dwarf Barb.
  8. I think you accidentally overfed. It takes practice with that bottle to squirt a small amount of food. I use it for small fish also and have had to learn to be very gentle with the squeeze. Your tank will adjust to your feeding. It just takes a little time.
  9. Now that looks awesome. What a beautiful tank.
  10. So in my 40b I have one bazillion orange neocaridina shrimp and 3 Amano shrimp. The Amanos do the heavy lifting as far as algea clean up. That black algea doesn't stand a chance against them. They are mature 3 year old shrimp. The small young ones don't do that great at clean up. Also, I find they do not bother the neos at all. The neos are good at eating left over food if the fish don't get it all. The neos do keep the plants clean because there are so many crawling all over the place picking at the leaves. I am not trying to contradict others, only relaying my own experience. That is why I don't think you need a large number of amanos in a tank with neos. The neo population will soon be large enough to do the job.
  11. Thanks for the reply. Learning is hard sometimes. Can't wait to see more on this. I'm sure you'll crack the code.
  12. I have been super curious how the fry are doing. Do you have an update you can share?
  13. Many pump top bottles dispense 1ml per squirt. Easy Green, Fritz Complete, etc. Check your used bottles and repurpose them.
  14. You sure have a way with plants. Your new tank is already looking amazing.
  15. I just found this little baby barb in my quarantine tank. It was six weeks ago I removed the dwarf golden barbs to their home tank. I hadn't a clue. That's kinda fun.
  16. I'm guessing super good filtration in that tank. Cleaner sand? Both?
  17. But putting extra holes in the house is half the fun.
  18. That is a recently transplanted Needle Leaf Java fern. It's kind of looking rough right now, but should bounce back. I literally had to rip it off some wood to move it.
  19. Here is my anubus coffeefolia. It is a total height of 4" from rhizome to top of leaf.
  20. Oops. I kinda forgot to say what it is. This is the Peace River blend.
  21. Very small grained sand will possibly cause those problems. May I suggest this sand. I use it and do not have those problems. It is a little bit larger grain that does not waft up into the water column.
  22. Try Seachem Flourish Potassium. Those ferns like extra potassium. Also, do raise that one up out of the substrate. That will rot the rhizome.
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