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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Yes, they work. I use the Nicrew dial dimmer on two of my tanks but sadly they discontinued that particular model. This is their replacement on amazon and it has a timer too (which I don't think you have to use): https://www.amazon.com/NICREW-Aquarium-Dimmer-Program-Controller/dp/B08LKQHG5V/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2GLKRGSHR2FSH&keywords=nicrew+dial+dimmer&qid=1663104718&sprefix=nicrew+dial+dim%2Caps%2C729&sr=8-3
  2. Congratulations! That is so awesome. I feel like Otos are very often looked at as just a clean up crew in most tanks and they are really so much more. My Oto tank with so many Otos is an amazing tank and I wouldn't change a thing. I love my Tigers they are so beautiful and quirky. So far @DaveOI have seen no difference in caring for them as opposed to caring for their smaller cousins the Vittatus. They all behave exactly alike and eat exactly the same things. Please post pictures, even here or tag me on a post, of your new Tigers! I'd love to see them. 🥰
  3. This happens. Then you figure out which they like best and just rotate those few. I've heard some people have used their unused flakes in the garden so they don't go entirely to waste. I'd probably churn them in with some dirt and not just throw them on top so as not to attract unwanted characters.
  4. Looking forward to hearing about your future success! If they do produce I bet the fry will be fun!
  5. I'm going to try this on my 3 gallon extra plant tank which is infested with (beautiful) green hair algae and see what it does just for the heck of it!
  6. Beautiful fish. Do they eat their own eggs?
  7. I mean.....who wouldn't love a snail that looks like an army helmet with spikes that keeps your tanks sparkly clean? Also, who cleans the cleaner? Some other creature in the tank (ahem bladders) are slacking on their job. Lookin' a little cob-webby there pal....
  8. OTOCINCLUS O COCAMA (TIGER): The Parent Tank I don't often get to mention the Tiger Otos- since they moved to the Parent tank they are pretty much the Sasquatches of the tank. One regularly hangs out on the prefilter of the HOB so I at least get to see 1 of 5 on a semi-regular- another occassionally is seen on the fairly well hidden sponge filter in the back corner. Recently one decided to grace me with their presence in the front glass area- so I quickly snapped a very unartistic picture. It's always lovely to see them...
  9. I started an ADF tank for my Mum and I agree with @TOtrees, other than a Nerite I discouraged her from getting fish, partly due to feeding issues (fish are much faster feeders)- but mostly because treating them vs treating fish are two different things and could be disasterous. My Mum has target fed the frogs from the beginning and like @AnimalNerd98 pointed out they don't take to many foods easily- other than freeze dried tubifex the frogs she has won't eat any pellets or dried foods- mostly frozen. They are very enjoyable pets though so a small dedicated tank with a couple of frogs has been loads of entertainment for her.
  10. Worked that time! It doesn't have to be a big tank and doesn't have to be glass or anything crazy. I use the large petco imagitarium temporary holding habitat (3 gallon). There is some mainentance involved with a small tank and medicating can be tricky but they are easy to store and easy to set up when needed.
  11. Weird. That didn't translate for you (the @ feature) anyway, I still caught the message. What I'd do is add the Honey Gouramis and wait a few weeks more until your tank parameters are for sure stable. Yes I know the algae will get a little stupid but really with a tank this new that's ok. Then I'd recommend QT'ing some Otos, maybe a group of 4-5- you can put some rocks from your established tank there so they have algae to eat and rotate them. It's important to QT fish, especially wild caught like Otos because they very often have diseases and you don't want the tank you are diligently trying to build to get sick (meds sometimes also wobble the cycle). When you finally put them in your main tank all that diatom algae will be gone quickly.
  12. I can see them fine. I'd say your tank is lightly planted. How old is your tank? Also, @Stan Z I'm just catching the fact that you're replying to me but when you want someone's attention just type @ then start typing the member's name (it prefills the possibles) and that person will easily see you're talking to them. 🙂
  13. Honestly just search tetras and rasboras- both great fish but make sure they tolerate- at or above the potential temperature range. You generally put them in the tank first and let them acclimate. Best to get the Betta last so there is less of a chance they are aggressive or territorial. The good rule of thumb when deciding on inhabitants is what is the fish you are most interested in keeping? Then find out what their parameter preferences are- all the fish that are added to the tank around it must also meet those parameter standards to make the tank work well.
  14. Here is my Bolivian, he's added a lot to my 20 gallon with Black Neons and Harlequin Rasboras
  15. Personally I think with Betta fish, the tank should be 80-82 degrees all the time. They seem to do a lot better in warmer tanks and there are a lot of community fish prefer something a bit cooler. HOWEVER if that's the aim then kuhlis are actually a good choice because they can go into the 80s fine- top temp I think for neons is 82 so that's still an option. Maybe not so much the guppies but then again people do summer tubs with them and they seem to do ok. If you want to go with a little cooler tank for other fish options I've really been enjoying my Bolivian Ram- there's also German Blue Rams and similar centerpiece fish that are bright and interactive.
  16. I agree with @OutBout, more Otos (as generally they do better in at least a small group and have very little bio load - I have 70+ in a 20 gallon that is very stable) will help you with your algae, as long as it's short algae and not hair algae. Not much will deal with a hair algae problem. I also agree with @lefty o Nerites are perfect for this job as they don't reproduce and won't compete much with your other algae eaters (and really don't eat commercial foods so won't eat the Cory food). I have 3 in my 20 gallon Oto tank and they are awesome to have in there.
  17. I was sorry to see the Sad Bowl broke (aka the Blue Bowl for me)- I did that once with a similar bowl it's rim broke off in my hand as I was carrying it with some water inside (thankfully my fish was out of the bowl), dropped down onto the floor and broke in a million piece but not before cutting my left right toe so badly that the floor looked like a murder scene and I probably should have gone to get stitches (but I refused) and had to lay with my foot up (and throbbing) and it wrapped in layers of papertowels until it finally stopped bleeding. It was a terrible "talking" wound (what I call a wound that opens and closes with movement) that took forever to heal though thankfully it was a pretty clean cut- and there is a scar there to this day.
  18. There may be a difference but they both treat internal parasites. @Odd Duck could probably explain if there are any major differences. They are both anthelmintic (treatment for parasites)
  19. Ok...this is better.... (though a little blurry in one due to the action shot flare but I kept it)
  20. Your local pet supply my friend.... Good luck with your fish!
  21. Today I did some plant maintenance in my bare bottom 10 gallon otherwise named the Accidental Oto Tank. Currently no Otos (as it is a grow out tank) but just Koianu Reefs as previously mentioned here and 3 Nerites. Koianu is coming out of his proverbial shell- while he's been very active since I put him in the tank he has ceased his continuous patrolling of the back wall and now is all over the place- I think he's discovered the secret of how to navigate the flow of the Aqueon Quietflow 10 as he's not being pushed around by it anymore- if anything he seems to consider it a challenge. I've yet to get a perfect picture of him but he kept photobombing today when I was trying to get a pic of an Anubias. I'm also getting used to this new phone of mine....after 7 years with my lovely Note 8 - it fell to its death unexpectedly. So this newfangled camera I've yet to be satisfied with. Koianu is looking blue in some spots where he is white and I'm not sure why. *shrug* Anyhow, if you look closely you can see my lovely little Anubias is blooming and has several new chutes as well. Sorry for all the reflection. That tank pretty much flat faces a large slider door. Anyhow just goes to show you that even in bare bottom tanks plants thrive. Punk, my Bolivian Ram is thriving in The Angry Man tank. Every time I sit and watch him he just gets more beautiful- but he remains moody. I suppose he's aptly named afterall....
  22. OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The Parent Tank It's been a while eh? It's ok not much to report. My 6 babies are growing fine -today I finally was able to move the 6th in with the others as he/she was big enough I didn't think they'd get mosh-pitted to death as they tend to do. I thought, cool I can remove one of the breeders- wellllllll...after I'd cleaned it I of course see new babies! They are at least a few days old as the 3 I have seen (caught 2- 1 is extremely wiley) are not translucent newbies. Here is one of them: I've gotten a tank divider for the 10 gallon grow out also known as The Accidental Oto Tank. Since my new Betta fish (not mentioned here, a Koi Betta named Koianu I've posted in another thread) has moved in I decided to do this- I don't think he'd do anything but frankly I think it will make it easier to catch them if I make the tank smaller. I did however see him bullying one of my Nerites in there and he was very persistent even with my finger in there pushing him away. So probably a good precautionary measure. Not sure how many babies I'll be getting in the new batch- but bring them on!
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