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Jurrian Hering

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Everything posted by Jurrian Hering

  1. Dang was hoping there was some setting I could adjust to make it stop.
  2. I just recently purchased a new fluval 3.0 from the scratch and dent members tab on the Coops website. Now that I’ve set it up it makes a high pitch whine noise when the light is dimmed. I have it at 30% intensity for now. I notice when I don’t dim it the noise isn’t as loud. Is this normal or is it broken? Thanks!
  3. As the title says I’m curious everyone’s thoughts on tissue cultures. Not a very popular thing here in the states but the few times I’ve tried them I’ve never had success. What do y’all think about them?
  4. From my understanding it’s the same plant octopus is just the common name for Pogostemon Stellatus. And it definitely doesn’t need co2. I’ve played with it many times all in low light set ups and it grows like crazy! hope this helps!
  5. Personally I’ve never kept them so I can’t say for sure but I would think for only two that could probably work fine. I’d probably get a ten and put more in it because more is always better imo haha. But I would think two in a five should be fine.
  6. I think I’d go with either option 1 or 3. 1 would look incredible with a big group of Bolivians and angels. I’ve done that combo before and it looked awesome! 3 would be really interesting Ive always wanted to see what a group of 100+ Pygmy corys would look like haha! Could also add another large school of something and make it densely planted.
  7. Last night I had a dream where I was a Cory cat and just going about my little Cory life. Was very relaxing HA!
  8. I've been at the Coop when they have fed Murphy frozen clams so I would assume it would be fine for the Fahaka. If it has never really eaten anything like that I'd bet, you could thaw them at first and eventually just feed them frozen.
  9. You could also do a layer of basic black gravel if you don't like sand. will work just as well.
  10. Sounds awesome! looking forward to seeing updates.
  11. That sounds like a dream tank for me personally! The val is a good idea to break the tank up the only thing is it will be difficult to get it to really take root in the sand with the shellies digging. could maybe plant the val in its pot and give it a while to get established before adding the shellies to give yourself the best chance at it staying put. I would personally instead of val (similar to the MD video i linked below) add a bunch of anubius, large swords, and or some java fern instead. However, there are a million ways to do it and if you do val (or even if you dont) make sure to keep this thread updated with the progress I'd love to see it!
  12. Hi! 56 would be huge for guppies so in all honesty you could probably put as many as you want in there. (I had a 20H with an endler breeding project in it and had about 60ish adults in it when I broke it down with no issues). As far as filtration a sponge is Great the Coop sponge would be great. Depending how many fish you are thinking to put in it it may change how big/how many to put in it. I would probably put two 40G sponge filters in but I like to heavily stock my tanks so I need a little more. As far as the cycling goes everyone does it different but I like to set it up and plant it. Then either put used filter media in it or get some fritz turbo start. The. I’ll let it sit for a week or so then slowly start adding fish while testing the water to make sure everything stays under control. hope this helped a little!! Have a blessed day.
  13. Could do Shellies down below with a big school of Cyprichromis Leptosoma in the top half. Both are tanganyika fish that imo go great together in a big tank!
  14. If this was my tank I would start a breeding colony of cherry Shrimp or maybe try and get a pair of Nannacara Anomala. The nannacara are very understated imo.
  15. That may be a winner i love the look of that variety! Thanks! I hadn't thought of doing it that way. That could be interesting to try it for sure! thank you! Hmm that's a good point Aswell. Definitely could make a cool aquascape with two different substrates. Thank you for the input and I will definitely be sharing updates as the tank build comes together!
  16. Hi all! I am starting to get together supplies for a new 40-gallon breeder tank. The goal is for it to be densely planted and medium-high light, but no CO2. I want to have a big school of Corydoras (not sure which species yet) and several pairs of Bolivian Rams. (Any suggestions on other fish to add would be great!) My question is about substrate and what would be best for this. In a tank I currently have set up I used Eco Complete and unfortunately noticed that most of my corys barbles have been rubbed off. What in your experience is the best planted substrate for Corydoras? Thinking I may have to use basic gravel and plenty of root tabs. I am still pretty new to the hobby so would love any advice possible! Thanks!
  17. Shoot I posted this in the wrong place and cannot figure out how to move it sorry!!
  18. I'm looking to purchase a Spotted Congo Puffer (Tetraodon Schoutedeni) and in doing some research I've seen some discrepancy in the water parameters that would be best for them. My home water is right around 7.5 pH and is moderately hard. In your experience would this work, or what parameters did you keep them in? Thank you!
  19. I'm thinking of adding a school of Panda Cory's to the tank as well. With the school of Cory's the Oto's sound like they would work.
  20. I have a 20H with a pair of Nanacara Anomala and I am starting get a brown diatom algae issue. I like otto's but I am not sure if they will get picked on. Anyone have experience with this combo, or have other suggestions for an algae eating fish other that a Bristlenose that will work?
  21. I’m trying to breed my Bolivian Rams but not sure how I should set up their tank. They are in a planted 20H.
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