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Everything posted by Keeg

  1. My best guess is lack of nutrients like you said, possibly a fish biting the leaves before they open fully.
  2. If they are starting to affect the growth of other plants and you do not want that, you could remove some. The only issue of having too many floaters is a decrease in light and less nutrients for the other plants. But if you like them like this, go ahead and keep it this way, looks great!
  3. I would not, im pretty sure the wood also contains some of the toxin present in the seeds. So if you were to have a fish that scrapes the wood like a pleco or other algae eater, they could ingest the toxin. You could always test it in a bucket to get a 100% accurate answer.
  4. You can be definite in their gender when they are roughly a year and a half old. If they are indeed 'breeding' I would seriously doubt that they will have any fertile eggs because of the whole hybridization. If they end up being the same gender and do the dance, what's the harm? At least they aren't fighting
  5. 5.5 is a suitable tank size for bettas. But bettas are a nice hardy fish, so if you wanted to, you could set it up in a 10g and decide if you want to keep nano fish. You should have no problem moving them out of the 10 into the 5.5.
  6. What's the size of the tank and how many fish are in there? Are there ample hiding spaces for all the fish.
  7. Yes it is safe to put fish on a diet. Sometimes it is even necessary. Obese fish do not do as well as their slim counter parts.
  8. I would wait until you get tests that consistently read 0ppm of ammonia and nitrite. When that happens, dont add a crap ton of fish, just start with one or two and slowly add more (put groups of schooling fish last).
  9. Looks like hair algae, long term fix would be to lower your light exposure, 7:30-7:30 is 12 hours, people recommend 8 hours max. Personally, I find a balance in light and biological treatment. I keep guppies (you can use any algae eating fish) in the tank and they eat it up really fast. It takes a bit of time so dont expect your issue to be resolved overnight.
  10. Over filtering my tanks. While using filters rated for larger tank it feels like its keeping it extra clean. Plus I like to keep my tanks heavily planted, that way they suck up the nitrates. After reading this I am considering adding some trumpet snails.
  11. I get water deposits and algae, razor blades do wonders, also q-tips for the hinges but I dont really clean those.
  12. I made my own for removing female bettas like the one you're describing. I only put holes into the plastic bottle in the top 2/3 of the bottle and it did really well in allowing pheromones to pass between the fish and to separate both of them. But for actual fry traps, I wouldn't trust the fry not getting stuck in holes potentially killing them. What I do for fry, is use those regular floating plastic clear traps and when I remove the mother I remove the sorting/ separating the fry thing, Then I put a bowl that fits underneath the floating box and that allows me to move all the fry without taking the whole box out of water. I would like to see a case/ slides you can attach to the ends so that you can just pick up the box rather than scooping it up with a bowl/ container.
  13. Sounds good but it depends on how you're running the sponge filters, are they all on strong airlines? Are two of them on the pumps? Some photos would be good to help support or give advice. Assuming these are all on strong airlines, I think it should be good.
  14. Ive done with with no negative repercussions, I even had a betta that would eat freshly hatched baby snails. He did great! But kind of ruined the population on snails in my snail tank.
  15. Its only been a couple weeks and its not doing as great as I hoped lol. I know some other people on the forum are doing it too but I can't remember the forum name or who wrote it.
  16. I personally like bamboo growing out of the water, but im currently trying to do orchids for fun and because of a different post in this forum. But I also enjoy anubias grown emersed sometimes because of how stiff and dark the leaves can get. Your monstera is beautiful BTW.
  17. So theres this new series on Netflix and 9/10 would recommend. It does have explicit content so keep that in mind if planning to watch with children. <--- Cannot stress this enough. With that out of the way, if you have watched it, what did y'all think? If you haven't watched it, there may be spoilers and I urge you to look away if you're planning on watching it. *SPOILERS* This has easily become one of my favorite shows of all time, the subtitles (because audio is Korean) aren't perfect but it does great! So knowing myself, I dont think I could've made it to the very end. Personally, I think I could win all games except marbles and glass bridge, but if I were able to make it through all of them, I think I definitely could've won. I know that's a bit optimistic but I feel relatively confident with the different types. Which games do you think you could've won? What shape did you choose before the start? I chose circle, idk why, just did. Do you think they'll add another season? Do you think they'll change up the games if they do? (I think they will). What are your thoughts and theories? My favorite genre of movies is "death game", its super popular in Asia but relatively recently crossed over to the western world and I love it. If you liked squid game, I recommend "hunger games" duh, "maze runner", "saw" series are a bit morbid though, "Darwin's game" (this one is an animae as a heads up), and a all time favorite "3%" (it is in Portuguese).
  18. I did not make this* From a different social media site that just randomly popped up
  19. Ive always just tried some fish and see if it reacts to it or ignores. If you have a different tank with fish, you can try putting him into a clear breeder box and see if he try to go after fish that swim by.
  20. I would start a new topic in the journal ones and then you can always add onto it in the future. In my signature you can see mine, its just the same link when you click on it. @Streetwise helped me a bunch with mine, he can go into better specifics and details than I can.
  21. YOU SHOULD MAKE A JOURNAL 😍 Im pretty sure plenty of other people would also be interested and intrigued as I am now.
  22. Thats a cool looking fish 😂. How many spiders do you have? Any favorites? Its always nice to see some threads other than fish.
  23. Im not en expert, I only know that they need humidity to live. Fish like to eat the springtails so, win win? Spring tails dont fly so I dont know what the flying ones you're describing are.
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