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Everything posted by Patrick_G

  1. My Swordtails fly through the cloud of BBS like Blue whales gorging on Krill! 😁
  2. Something good is happening in the tadpole tank, stay tuned. 🙂
  3. Thanks, that’s clean simple system. How do you seal the hole where the outflow tubes enter the tubs?
  4. Haha, I have friend who own a small flight school and loves his toys. I sent him the link, he just laughed and said he’d already seen it. 😆
  5. Let us know if you buy that ‘59 Phantom, I want a ride! 😆
  6. Do you have a fitting in each tub for the overflow? It’s hard to see in the pics.
  7. I wasn’t down with annuals either but then something in my brain clicked and I realized that although annual fish mean that I’ll lose my fish every year it also means I get to try new fish every year. For a casual breeder that’s an almost endless supply of new species. Also this! 😁
  8. Looks like a really nice system. How are you handling outflow on the tubs in the breeding rack?
  9. They’re growing slowly but seem huge compared to when they were newly hatched. @Odd Duck, the airstone set on low made a big difference, thanks for the tip.
  10. I think Kuhli loaches are pretty darn cute.
  11. @Cinnebuns, how heavily planted are your tanks? I’ve experimented with my two most heavily planted tanks and measured zero Ammonia or Nitrites after 24 hours of no filtration. I do have a few battery backups just in case, but the plants really seem to increase the time it takes for the toxins to build up.
  12. I have some idea what a mail order WYSIWYG Betta costs and I’d definitely want to receive the fish I ordered and in good health. Do you have a picture of the fish before it was shipped? That might help if you’re looking to get a refund. @xXInkedPhoenixX has good advice on how to proceed and lots of experience nursing sick Bettas.
  13. If they were fine until the two new fish were added then I suspect some disease or parasite over troubles with the water parameters, however your water does seem soft for livebearers so it might not be a bad idea to add some crushed coral or Seachem Equilibrium, or Wonder Shell.
  14. 100% yes to snails, especially mystery snails. They look great and have fascinating behaviors. One or two will be perfect for a 10 gallon tank. Opaline Gourami and Angels get too big for a 10 gallon tank. Mollys also get pretty big but Platys look very similar and are small enough. African Dwarf Frogs are a lot of fun. They do like frozen foods like blood worms so make sure you can provide those. Here are a few Videos with some great ideas from Aquarium Co-op and affiliated YouTubers.
  15. Yeah, I have a few spots of algae that seem RR resistant too, it’s frustrating because clean Anubias look so good. A dip in a very dilute solution of Excel might work.
  16. @Ohad, the blue and yellowish guppy in the second pick looks cool. Is it a specific strain? Beautiful Endlers too!
  17. I agree with @JoeQ, adding lots of fast growers to a new tank looks great and really makes algae control easier. Water Wisteria, Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus, Ludwigia are all nice, fast growing stem plants that’ll help fill an empty new tank. I’d avoid the duckweed and get Dwarf Water Lettuce. It’s a nice floating plant with long, trailing roots.
  18. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea, the reverse respiration technique does a good job removing that stubborn green spot algae from Anubias leaves. The nutrient deficiency might mean these leaves are beyond repair, but it can't hurt to try.
  19. Congrats on the free baby fish. That's one of the fun parts of keeping livebearers. Keep up with the water changes, it'll take a while for ammonia to build up, but it'll happen and it's good to be out in front of the problem rather than trying to do damage control after the fact. I'd hold off on the Corydoras until the cycle is complete and remember that plants will help, especially floating ones and fast growers.
  20. There are several Species of killis that are common in my local shops, F. gardneri, Clown Killifish and Golden Wonder Killifish. I occasionally see other species, but those three are the most common. I bet your local shop can order some for you.
  21. I've had good luck keeping a single Betta in community tanks. Our last one even did well with guppies.
  22. I've never bred Bettas but I'll be following your adventure. Let's see some pics of your setup 🙂
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