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Everything posted by Colu

  1. I would do keep doing daily water changes and add a double dose of prime to help detoxify any ammonia till your ammonia constantly stays at zero I would quarantine also add in some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for a week if it's starts to get worse then I would follow up with a course of kanaplex @rsousa
  2. Can you post for pictures of the fish have you notice any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly over production of the slime coat in your discus
  3. What exactly were your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate KH GH temperature can you post a picture of the fish it will help with a diagnosis @CateLinden
  4. Occasional flashing once or twice a week is less likely to be a parasitic infections if he doing multiple times a day your more likely to be dealing with a parasitic infections
  5. Fish can flash through poor water quality such as high levels of ammonia or chlorine in your water if you don't use a dechlorinator it's not necessary a parasitic infections
  6. Just plane unscented epsom you get from a pharmacy lots of different brands if your use antibiotic I would water change unless the medication say to I would add an extra air stone if your having a bacterial bloom as that can lower the level of desloved oxygen
  7. The majority of bacterial diseases in fish are gram negative so I would always treat with a for gram negative bacteria Frist than switch over to antibiotic treatment that treats gram positive if your seeing no improvement
  8. I would add Epsom salt instead of aquarium salt and gradually up the level of epsom salt to 1 table spoon for 2 gallons as epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help relieve pressure on the swim bladder I would do a full course of maracyn then if she still isn't eating I would follow up with Fritz expel p once a week for 3 weeks
  9. Your most of your water parameters are fine I would add some crushed coral to raise your KH you want a KH 150ppm-250ppm for Mollies body rot is a bacterial infections that spread rapidly and kill quickly i would quarantine and start treatment straight away with kanaplex or maracyn2 I would add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons just remember to only put back in what you take out so if you do a 2 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back in as salt is only removed though water changes and add an extra air stone during treatment
  10. Looks like body rot you would want to treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment such as kanaplex or maracyn2 What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature
  11. Kanaplex is effective at treating gram negative and some gram positive bacteria it effective when dosing the tank because it's absorbed by the fish it's a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment it's good antibiotic treatment to treat Popeye fin rot aerobic bacterial infections such as columnaris its very effective when combined with nitrofurazone at treating columnaris or more severe bacterial infections Maracyn2 is effective in food or dosing the tank it treats gram negative and gram positive bacteria Also has anti-inflammatory properties and treat's aerobic bacterial infections such as columnaris kanaplex and nitrofurazone together are the most effective treatment for columnaris i would do a course of neoplex then follow up with maracyn2 if you seeing no improvement
  12. Kanaplex isn't effective in food as it's poorly absorbed by the intestinal tract some not much of the medication makes it into the blood stream with the symptoms your describing it's more then likely bacterial infections I would treat with maracyn2 active ingredient is minocycline also has anti-inflammatory properties it can take two full course of treatment back to back if she not eating i would dose the tank @JessLynne7
  13. Possible hold in the head disease it's difficult to say for sure that's the cause you can get white pus with hole in the head it's linked to nutritional deficiency and poor water quality and Hexamita parasite treatment for hole in the head is metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 3 weeks @moosepig
  14. Looking at how bloated the fish is I don't think it will recover even with treatment it could be polycystic kidney disease that can cause large fluid filled cyst the fact it's only affecting the black neon tetra it could be a pathogen that your other fish have developed immunity to it if the black neons Tetra were the last fish your added to this tank that could be why it's only effected them @xXInkedPhoenixX
  15. Add an extra air stone as your seeing rapid breathing it's possible graphite disease with the dramatic colour change if its is he will start to go down hill rapidly hopefully if it's not graphite disease salt and maracyn2 will help I would do second course of maracyn2 back to back if your not seeing much improvement
  16. I would do a course of maracyn2 over maracyn the active ingredient minocycline also has anti-inflammatory properties I would leave a low dose of salt in there you could also add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties
  17. Possible Malaysian trumpet snails
  18. Colu

    ID Pleco Disease

    granulation tissue is pink and it's a sign that it's starting to heal I would finish the full course of maracyn then give an update @Prboy7
  19. I would just monitor them very close over the next couple of weeks if you see similar symptoms do a course of maracyn2
  20. It's never a nice thing to have to do it's part of keeping fish some time you have make that decision to end a life to ease there suffering
  21. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature am going to tag @Guppysnaili think they have African dwarf frogs for an opinion on what could be going on as i have very little experience with african dwarf frogs
  22. If it's struggling to swim and on it's side not looking good if you think he's suffering I would euthanize with clove oil
  23. That doesn't look right it could have injured the he side of its face and you have some localized inflammation or it could be a bacterial infections if you have another tank I would quarantine and do a course of maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline also has anti-inflammatory properties and up the salt to 1 table spoon for 3 @Jaspyjasp
  24. Almond leaves will help as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties and a good varied diet I feed my comet goldfish repashy super gold and hikari saki gold pellets and some frozen blood worms and daphnia I add duck weed as well for some extra greens in there diet and keeping stable water parameters will help @Supermassive
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