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Everything posted by Colu

  1. I don't think kanaplex would have any effect on fungal spores the spores would more than likely attach to any decaying wood I would just remove the wood and treat any remaining fungus with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution hopefully that will do the trick
  2. I think it was more than likely bad genetics he could have been blind as well I wouldn't beat your self up you did everything you could Betta are heavily inbred and are prone to developing health problems
  3. Possible Epistylis with secondary bacterial infection that would explain mass mortality in your Cory's I would Qarantine all your fish treat with kanaplex in food and jungal fungas clear to treat the water column as furan2 has been discontinued the combined treatment is very effective at treating Epistylis and Columnaris and severe bacterial infections as Epistylis feeds off the bacterial on the skin of your fish and spread more rapidly at higher temperatures so I would lower the temperature you could also add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons it Will help with Gill function and add essential electrolytes to help reduce stress in your fish
  4. Looking at the pictures it could be a bacterial infection I would check your water parameters just in case anything off also if your going to treat with maracyn I would add it to food it's more effective when added to food I use 1 quarter of a packet of maracyn one scoop seachems focus one table spoon of pellets one cap of garlic guard and a few drops of water mix well you can store any leftover medication in the fridge feed for 7 days and you can add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons that will help with Gill function and add essential electrolytes to reduce stress in your fish
  5. I wouldn't dose the water and add to food I would finish the week of medicated food if some aren't eating follow it up with a course of kanaplex to treat the water column
  6. I haven't had anything like this in my tanks If it releasing spores into the aquarium it will be difficult to eradicate from your tank if your have a UV steriliser that should kill the spores and stop them from spreading
  7. What I would do is Qarantine give the meds a rest as there can be stressful and hard on a fish when it's been treated with multiple medication what I would do is add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons the salt will help with Gill function and add essential electrolytes and some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties make sure your water parameters are good if you have poor water quality it will slow down the healing process I would treat with the salt and almond leaves for 1 week if after a week your seeing no improvement then I would treat with kanaplex in food as kanaplex is a more broad spectrum antibiotic than maracyn
  8. They are one of the larger tetras and are constantly chasing each other trying to sort out the pecking order in a planted tank the colours are great
  9. When you squeezed it the fungus more than likely released it spores
  10. Store credit a good enough reason to eat up with 14 pearl gourami's I had a breeding pair about ten years ago really colourful loved watching them build a bubble nest
  11. I love the colours of my Columbian blue tetras when the light hits them just right that blue just spectacular
  12. It possible some type of wood do break down more quickly in tanks I use bogwood and manzanita wood some pieces of bogwood I have had for years no problems the Manzanita wood started to rot after a year it didn't develope fungus the black fungus is more then likely feeding of the wood breaking it down
  13. Snails should be fine I have no experience with neocaridina shrimp so am not sure about a safe level of salt for them
  14. it can also infect angelfish danios barbs and other species of tetras gourami's and Betta I just found some contradictory information on weather Cory's can get neon tetra disease I have read that they can't get it I found some information saying they can get it so I wouldn't add any fish to that tank even if it empty for for a couple of months your remaining Cory could possible be infected I would just leave it with the remaining Cory and snails not add any new fish to the tank with out disinfecting the tank you will risk another out break of the disease
  15. Looks like Dropsy the best course of treatment is a combination of kanaplex in food treat's any possible internal bacterial infection and it treats some types of kidney disease that can cause the fluid buildup and metroplex to treat the water column as it treats aeromonas bacteria that can cause Dropsy and salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons to help reduce the fluid buildup
  16. Could be a tumor or a benign growth also possible bacterial infections what are your water parameters and what medication have you treated with and have you noticed any improvement with any of the medication you have used
  17. Salt dips are effective but there are more stressful on your fish having to catch and move him a couple of times a day as you have a lot of live plants a higher concentration of would harm them kanaplex is an effective broad spectrum antibiotic as most cases of fin rot are caused by gram negative bacterial you could try salt baths if you see no improvement after a week then I would treat with kanaplex in food
  18. Definitely looks like a tumor treatment wise you have two options wait and see if he not suffering or getting an aquatic vet to remove the lump
  19. As you have Indian almond leaves in his tank I would do a course of kanaplex in food and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that shouldn't harm your plants
  20. Goldfish can up to 12 in I think long term a 75 gallon would be better I
  21. When fin rot turning into body rot what I would is treat with kanaplex in food and jungal fungas clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone to treat the water column
  22. You could try spot treating it with seachems excel or co-op easy carbon that might do the trick your Betta's the hole's in his fin can be caused by your Betta fairing and tears start to develop in his fins as you have treated with kanaplex I would just add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties to help speed up the healing process
  23. Fish will show symptoms during treatment such as flashing and white stringy poop till the parasite have been delt parasites are getting more resistant to some medication it can take an extra course of treatment in some cases if your plecos not eating and if you notice he's starting to get a sunken belly then I would start treating with Expel p
  24. Sometimes it can take three courses of paracleanse 2 weeks apart to deal with any parasites as you have seen some improvement after treating with paracleanse I would follow up with third course in 2 weeks if after that your fish are still showing symptoms then I would treat Expel p
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