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Everything posted by Colu

  1. No it doesn't get rid of ammonia but it give your benefial bacterial enough time to start turning the ammonia into nitrites and then nitrates that are less toxic to your fish and you can double dose prime every 24 hr that couple with purigen should get the ammonia down considerably doesn't totally solve the problem
  2. What I would do is put your water in a bin or bucket with a small filter and some seachems purigen and a heater to get the correct temperature for a couple of days before your water change purigen will help remove some of the ammonia and double dose prime with every water will help to detoxify any remaining ammonia for 48hr
  3. If it's on one side it could be an internal growth or tumor they are common in Bettas I would do a course of maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline is effective at shrinking some types of lumps in food I use a quarter of a packet of maracyn2 1 table spoon of pellets one scoop of seachems focus 1 cap of garlic guard a few drops of water mix well feed a couple of pellets twice a day for 1week store any leftover medicated food in the fridge
  4. You can do daily water changes if you want as long as you add back in the amount of salt you take out
  5. Only put back in the amount of salt that you take out so if you do a 3 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back in
  6. Is the bulge just on one side and what is the temperature of your tank
  7. I would take a step back I hold off adding any more medication I don't think it's constipation it been going on to long egg bound I think we can rule this out with the fact it's been going on for a Couple of months if it were internal bacterial infections I would have expected to see some improvement with the meds you have used it could be an internal growth as @xXInkedPhoenixXsuggest or its possibility he is just fat always a possibility some fish are just pigs when it comes to food if he's eating ok and not showing any odd behaviour I would just leave him be for now sometimes over treating is worst then doing nothing
  8. When you have unilateral Popeye and cloudy eye it usually caused by an injury or poor water quality or both you can keep treating with aquarium salt make sure there's no ammonia or nitrites present as this will slow down the healing process if you notice no improvement in 5-7 days of treating with salt then I would treat with the kanaplex in food you can also do Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes 2-3 times a day Epsom can help reduce the swelling
  9. I wouldn't move anything Columnaris can last up to 32 days with out a host in your tank as you still have Cory's in this tank wouldn't feel comfortable adding them or your plants to a to a new tank.you run the risk of spreading Columnaris to your other tank
  10. When it's bilateral it's usually caused by a bacterial infection I would treat with kanaplex in food and aquarium 1table spoon for 3gallons I seem to remember reading that some types of ghost shrimp are found in brackish water I don't think the salt will be a problem I would check your water parameters just incase something off Bettas do a lot better at 80F at lower temperatures they more prone to health problems if your keeping him at a low temperature or poor water quality that will effect the immune system leading to poor health and bacteria infection
  11. From my own experience and people I no who have use it it's only effective at treating minor injuries or scapes nothing more serious is not effective at treating bacterial infections it's a mild antiseptic at best I wouldn't use unless I had no alternative
  12. I have all my tanks on an 8hr lighting period works well for me hardly any algae plants are growing fine
  13. Dropsy shouldn't spread to your other it's best the treat him on his own so you don't have to unnecessary treat healthy fish as kanaplex is a powerful antibiotic medication
  14. Seachems focus acts as a binding agent to bind the medication to food I use it with all my medicated foods recipes
  15. they do like similar to parosphromenus bintan just have wait till they colour up to get a positive I'd
  16. If you can I would Qarantine and treat with Aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that will help reduce any possible fluid buildup and and kanaplex in food to treat any internal bacterial and metroplex to treat the water column as metroplex treats aeromonas bacteria a common cause of Dropsy this treatment combination is the most effective I have found to treat Dropsy
  17. That's a male guppy has a gonopodum I Couple of questions it could be the camera angle it's looks like pineconing when you look from above does it have noticeable pineconing of the scales how long has it look like this is it eating ok have you noticed it pass anything and what are your water parameters
  18. nice tank Looking at the plants you have I think co2 unnecessary and a waste of money
  19. I would turn off your air pump and wrap the tank with a cover i use the plastic dust sheets you get for decorating
  20. Licorice gourami are great hopefully I will be getting some soon just doing a lot of research before hand what species are the one you got
  21. would try transition them to something like hikari carnivore or massivore Delite pellets my lfs feed their pike cichlids earth worms am personally not a fan of feeding feeder goldfish theirs a risk of introducing disease I would try feed them frozen sprats no chance of introducing disease
  22. Difficult to tell going of the colour and the way you said it moved possible leech
  23. They should all be fine to keep with butterfly cichlids
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