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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Colu

    Ich and med trio

    As you have over dosed the medication I would do a 50% water change and add active carbon to remove any remaining medication
  2. You can move your guppies to the 5 gallon and treat them columnaris can survive without a host for up to 30 days in a your tank so I wouldn't put fish back in your main tank for at least 5 weeks to be on the safe side
  3. Possible injury swim into something in the tank I would add some aquarium salt 1 table for 3 gallons and monitor for a couple of days if you notice it get worse then I would do a course of kanaplex
  4. It's possible it's a reaction to the medication and medication can change the viscosity of the water lowering levels of desolve oxygen what I would do is water change out the medication add any extra air stone and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table for 5 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes @Kailani
  5. It's a Celestial pearl danio @Kamen_Kaiju
  6. If I remember rightly capillaria eggs should be visible under x100 magnification
  7. Colu

    Sick Gourami

    It difficult to no for sure what's going on without your water parameters usually cloudy eye can be caused by poor water quality or an injury to the eye the fact that other fish previously had swim bladder issues point to a water quality issue such as high levels of nitrates can effect fish's swim bladders this could be causing the buoyancy issues your gourami has
  8. Colu

    Ich and med trio

    Bloating or pineconing can be caused by a number of things internal bacterial infection's internal parasites polycystic kidney disease with the symptoms your fish have I think the best course of treatment would be to treat with Expel p 24hr water change then follow up with paracleanse week 2 and 3 repeat this treatment and one of the active ingredient in paracleanse is metronidazole that also treats gram negative bacteria aeromonas @Neha
  9. Colu

    Sick Gourami

    A litte information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc any rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness sunken belly spitting food out flashing @andpa
  10. Paracleanse and metroplex are fine to use with Cory's and loach
  11. @laritheloud is good at sexing gourami's
  12. If you pH is 7.4-7.6 then I wouldn't add extra crushed coral you could add some wonder shell to help raise your KH
  13. Possible over production of the slim coat the fact it's on the nostrils is odd I would just monitor them closely for the next week if you notice any other symptoms give us an update @Minanora
  14. Salt at that level shouldn't harm your plants just remember to only put back in the amount of salt you take out so if you do 5 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back in I would leave the salt in for a week as your using crushed coral and your still having a low pH and KH I would double the amount of crushed coral your using to help gradually increase your pH and KH in the short term you could add some wonder shell to help add some mineral back for your platys @Lester
  15. If your nirates are closer to a 100ppm that can cause rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness effect your fish immune system can kill them also your pH is on the low side for platy they like a pH of 7- 8.0 and your KH is really low they like a KH above 170ppm it could be a combination of the low pH and KH coupled with the high nitrates I would add some crushed coral to your filter to raise your KH and pH and increase water changes to lower your nitrate add an extra air stone and a Small amount of aquarium salt 1 table for 5 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes @Lester
  16. I would add the carbon back in the remove any remaining medication before starting your second round of treatment
  17. Cardinal tetras would do well with apistos or rummy nose tetras
  18. I would do a water change to lower level of nitrates at high levels they effect fish's immune system slowing down the healing process looking at the pictures I would do another course of kanaplex and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's the white around the mouth is mouth rot often associated with columnaris it often takes two full courses of treatment to treat columnaris give an update after the second round of treatment @HannaB
  19. Paracleanse and general cure won't treat fin rot maracyn oxy is more of an antifungal treatment it treats some types bacteria from what I have read it's isn't a very effective treatment for fin rot nitrofurazone isn't snail safe I have used it and it didn't do anything to my bladder or Malaysian trumpet in my tank that I noticed if your local store has maracyn2 and salt that would be an effective treatment combination if it starts spreading to the body then you want to treat with kanaplex and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's
  20. Definitely fin rot it's close to body so I would be worried about it turning into body rot so if you can catch him I would and treat with kanaplex and salt if you can't catch him then I would treat the main tank if it spreads to the body I would then treat with kanaplex and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's following this treatment plan @Cinnebuns
  21. Pimafix and melafix are mild antiseptic treatment I wouldn't recommend using them for more serious disease's
  22. As it's still growing it could be a growth with a secondary fungal infection on the skin as maracyn and ick x haven't worked you could try Methylene blue baths I would only use it in a bath as it will kill your benefial bacteria your could also do a course of maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties in food if you can get him to eat frozen blood worms if not add it directly to the tank
  23. You can use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to sterilize your tank leave the fliter running and the hydrogen peroxide will break down over 24hr into oxygen and H20 then I wouldn't add fish to the tank for a minimum of 4 weeks as most pathogens won't survive with out host longer then 28 days and you can add a small amount of fish food daily to the tank to feed your benefial bacteria it will help recycle your tank during the 4weeks while the tank has no fish in it
  24. Usually the white tissue is a sign of regrowth I think your on the right track it will take up to two week for the fin to fully regrow in a low stress environment with stable water parameters
  25. It looks the same to me I can't see any further deterioration of the tail fin the clamped dorsal fin Could be due to stress it's possible the fry is pecking at the slim coat I think it would be best to quarantine her and continue with salt you could also add some Indian almond leaves as well as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties
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