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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. Completely agree with @Expectorating_Aubergine, Buce is the one rhizome plant that struggles because of the rate of growth is ridiculously slow. Now I stay away from them, but not before watching 4 different Buce’s melt into nothingness. Good luck.
  2. @DaveP I would start with 2 100watt aquarium coop heaters. If one fails for some reason, you still have the other as insurance. If you have lids and lights, you should be ok. I would modify after that if it doesn’t meet your temp, but this is what I have in my 180 with no issues. PS do not pay attention to the equations and formulas on how many watts you need, it’s as silly as the 1” of fish per gallon rule.
  3. Besides the plywood along the shelving, you could have put a piece of plywood under the whole thing so the feet can have something sturdy to stand on rather than carpet. Personally, I don’t like the risk with these shelving units, but I do know they do work well for some. I’m just way too paranoid. Good luck.
  4. Rainbow fish, rainbow fish, rainbow fish are always my fave
  5. You can also put something in that will eat fry. You didn’t mention anything about tank size, but you can go as small as a dwarf cichlids or as large as an angel fish. Either, will snipe all the fry. Other than, you have to dismantle the aquarium to ensure you got them all. Personally, I’ve been able to net out all endlers and fry, but it was only a 10 gallon. Good luck
  6. @Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics To my knowledge, there is literally nothing in the hobby that can go that low in temp. Have you asked your LFS?
  7. @Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics what is in your local waterways? I’d say that would probably be it for what can survive in those temps. I know salmon and trout can go much colder than tropical species, but they require a ridiculous water current and a large setup. Let us know what you come up with.
  8. This depends. What is the tank size? Stocking? Is it planted? Do you have a camera set up on it, in case anything goes wrong? A week and I’d say you wouldn’t even blink an eye, but a month is a much different scenario.
  9. @Pennsylaniaeric Do not gauge the progress of your plants on the amount of pearling you experience. I would say 2 coop lights are more than adequate. Depending, on the plants you are keeping, I’d say you were probably good with just 1 light. What kind of plants do you plan on keeping? Without this info, no one can tell you the adequacy of any lighting.
  10. @Shadow eco complete will not alter your water parameters at all. I prefer it over stratum any day. I used to use eco complete, but bottom dwellers don’t seem to enjoy it. They’ll deal with it but not as much digging and nestling. So now I go with Activ-Flora. It’s a couple of dollars more than eco complete, but it’s better in every way. Check it out for your next build, I think you’ll dig it. Good luck and sometimes valuable lessons are best learnt sooner than later.
  11. Once it’s a bit established (6 months in or so), I’d add 6 Otocinclus. Personally I’d go with an army of Amano’s, but to your specification, oto’s.
  12. @Phoenixfishroom agreed with @T. Payne, you can add said species to your wishlist and you’ll get emailed when they have them in stock. Depending on your sense of urgency, you could email Dan and see if he can keep an eye out for you. It’s a great place to buy top quality fish. Rainbows, in general are my favorite fish, good luck to you, I hope they land in your lap.
  13. It’ll bleach whatever to that brownish red color on the towel.
  14. These hypotheticals have too many rules. Have a great night.
  15. @Theplatymaster bucket list animals or freshwater fish wish list, there’s a huge difference and not comparable. Also, admiration of other types of fish doesn’t diminish the love of freshwater.
  16. @billango I agree with @knee, I’d head to the wet spot and see what they can do for you.
  17. 1- Pinnatus Batfish 2- Blue Sea Dragon 3- Weedy Sea Dragon 4- Mandarin Goby as for freshwater: a dozen or so Melanotaenia Kali Tawa
  18. @Theplatymaster ich-x is pretty self explanatory that it will stain what it touches. Water conditioner seems to take people by surprise.
  19. You will tie-dye some of your clothing with water conditioner.
  20. A tank with neo’s and Severums is a tank with just Severums. They will decimate basically any shrimp in that tank.
  21. The poop looks like whatever is blue/green in the corner of the last photo. It could of nibbled off little pieces. It’s literally the same color.
  22. I always want to support the LFS, however with the selection/knowledge/cleanliness/ customer service issues, it’s rough to beat shopping at the coop for supplies/plants, and online breeders/sellers for fish. I get exactly what I want, when I want it. I wish @Cory would open up coop stores in Florida or some rendition of what Cory visited in Germany or China would be tremendous. I do understand his issues with opening up more stores, less control could mean less coop like and that would also be a bummer.
  23. After seeing the green ones, I’d harvest them into a separate aquarium and see if I can feed them out to larger fish.
  24. 1000% wouldn’t do that. If you need to maximize space, why don’t you build a shelf above the 10 gallon? You can make it large enough to add more than a 2.5
  25. @Scaperoot 72 is a bit chilly for a betta, I would shoot for 78. If you do it slowly you’ll be perfectly fine. I’d click the heater up 1 degree every 2 days til you get to 78. Once there, you can add your betta. I suspect 80 is even acceptable but you can experiment.
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