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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. @Leo2o915 look up some old king of diy videos, he has a thorough tutorial on YouTube
  2. @Daydre eliminate as many points of failure as possible. I would save up some money and get yourself a small stock tank. You’d be surprised how much easier the outdoor pond is with walls. You’ll get much more satisfaction and be able to enjoy it rather than constantly maintain it. Good luck.
  3. I would try salt. If it’s a planted aquarium, remove the cichlids and give them a salt quarantine and see how that goes. It should help.
  4. @Shaeff It also should be stated that with a 10 gallon and limited space, liver bearers may not be the ideal species. You can only breeder box for so long before those fry are old enough to get pregnant. If you have a means of getting rid of them, then problem solved. Good luck to you, and this is only meant to have you thinking a bit ahead.
  5. This is an underrated thread, good stuff @Chick-In-Of-TheSea
  6. @Fish Folk Good to know you’re on there too. Hopefully we can do business in the future.
  7. A divider or a breeder box. If you move her, you’ll have mollie fry in both aquariums.
  8. I would get the adequate sized one unless you plan on getting larger aquariums in the near future, then a larger one would make more sense. If no larger aquariums are in your future then I’d get the appropriate sized one.
  9. @Tedrock looking without buying is a good thing, I consider it my recon before making a commitment to any species. I am extremely particular about what enters my home so time spent researching could mean the difference between getting something you really want as opposed to an impulse buy.
  10. @Tedrock I usually browse even when I’m not shopping for fish because it familiarizes me with the sellers and what they carry. Always check the feedback section, this is a must. Also look for keywords, for example, if I’m looking for rainbow fish, sellers that state they got the original stock from Gary Lange or Heiko Blair will have my undivided attention over a rainbow ad without those names. It’s a very reputable place and although shady stuff creeps itself into everything, personally, I’ve only had excellent transactions for some pretty rare fish. Once you develop a knack for who the great sellers are, it may put a damper on the LFS experience, just my 2 cents.
  11. @DaveP just to give you an idea, I currently have a 300 gallon stock tank in my garage. It only has 2 ACO 100 watt heaters. I just need it to get to 75 and it does this perfectly. Now granted, I’m in Florida, but this is what I do for our winters when it gets in the 40’s and I’ve never had an issue.
  12. @Shadow I’ve always wanted a 220 gallon with 100 Melanotaenia Trifasciata ‘Goyder River’ and with 4-6 sunshine pleco’s. Literally the tank of my dreams, but it’s also close to $2,000 in stock. I’d also go with the Kali Tawa’s, either would work.
  13. Completely agree with @Expectorating_Aubergine, Buce is the one rhizome plant that struggles because of the rate of growth is ridiculously slow. Now I stay away from them, but not before watching 4 different Buce’s melt into nothingness. Good luck.
  14. @DaveP I would start with 2 100watt aquarium coop heaters. If one fails for some reason, you still have the other as insurance. If you have lids and lights, you should be ok. I would modify after that if it doesn’t meet your temp, but this is what I have in my 180 with no issues. PS do not pay attention to the equations and formulas on how many watts you need, it’s as silly as the 1” of fish per gallon rule.
  15. Besides the plywood along the shelving, you could have put a piece of plywood under the whole thing so the feet can have something sturdy to stand on rather than carpet. Personally, I don’t like the risk with these shelving units, but I do know they do work well for some. I’m just way too paranoid. Good luck.
  16. Rainbow fish, rainbow fish, rainbow fish are always my fave
  17. You can also put something in that will eat fry. You didn’t mention anything about tank size, but you can go as small as a dwarf cichlids or as large as an angel fish. Either, will snipe all the fry. Other than, you have to dismantle the aquarium to ensure you got them all. Personally, I’ve been able to net out all endlers and fry, but it was only a 10 gallon. Good luck
  18. @Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics To my knowledge, there is literally nothing in the hobby that can go that low in temp. Have you asked your LFS?
  19. @Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics what is in your local waterways? I’d say that would probably be it for what can survive in those temps. I know salmon and trout can go much colder than tropical species, but they require a ridiculous water current and a large setup. Let us know what you come up with.
  20. This depends. What is the tank size? Stocking? Is it planted? Do you have a camera set up on it, in case anything goes wrong? A week and I’d say you wouldn’t even blink an eye, but a month is a much different scenario.
  21. @Pennsylaniaeric Do not gauge the progress of your plants on the amount of pearling you experience. I would say 2 coop lights are more than adequate. Depending, on the plants you are keeping, I’d say you were probably good with just 1 light. What kind of plants do you plan on keeping? Without this info, no one can tell you the adequacy of any lighting.
  22. @Shadow eco complete will not alter your water parameters at all. I prefer it over stratum any day. I used to use eco complete, but bottom dwellers don’t seem to enjoy it. They’ll deal with it but not as much digging and nestling. So now I go with Activ-Flora. It’s a couple of dollars more than eco complete, but it’s better in every way. Check it out for your next build, I think you’ll dig it. Good luck and sometimes valuable lessons are best learnt sooner than later.
  23. Once it’s a bit established (6 months in or so), I’d add 6 Otocinclus. Personally I’d go with an army of Amano’s, but to your specification, oto’s.
  24. @Phoenixfishroom agreed with @T. Payne, you can add said species to your wishlist and you’ll get emailed when they have them in stock. Depending on your sense of urgency, you could email Dan and see if he can keep an eye out for you. It’s a great place to buy top quality fish. Rainbows, in general are my favorite fish, good luck to you, I hope they land in your lap.
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