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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. @Lacey Grant and that leaves an open 125…😎
  2. @quikv6 Thank you for the input. I was searching for a wet pet and wasn’t sure if they’d be able to live their entire life in a 75, not sure I want to upgrade it later on so I may or may not. @nabokovfan87 Thank you, I will check out the video @Chris Ultimately this is what I wanted. I used to have a super red dragon and loved him until he passed. I’m looking at Flowerhorns now but the only issue is that I’d want a king kamfa and they are pretty expensive. Or else this is the winner, hands down. Good luck with yours, he looks like a champ.
  3. @Theplatymaster that is what I’ve done. I’ve broken it down to the few options that I love. Just wanted to see if anyone has kept any of the above. I research til my eyes hurt so this is all part of my process.
  4. Hello all, I recently emptied out a 75 gallon. Question is, what should live here. I was going to dedicate it to an Oscar, but I’m not 100% sold on the idea. Other ideas, are a colony of Chindongo Saulosi. I was also thinking a giant bed of Val and leaving it fishless for the time being. Any ideas or suggestions. Thank you.
  5. @Lacey Grant nice pickup! I have my eye on a 220 right now, not sure if I’m going to pull the trigger though because I just set up a 180. Good luck
  6. That’s a nice little score, congrats and good luck.
  7. Personally, the coop light grows plants, is durable, and the warranty/customer service is unparalleled. This alone makes it worth every penny in my opinion, but to each their own. I had sunrise/sunset on a light a few years back and haven’t missed it.
  8. @TheSwissAquarist black dominance is melanistic. Leucistic is the dominance of yellow.
  9. @Louise02 a Molly in a 5 gallon is really inadequate. They enjoy space. I would definitely put him in the 30, the 10 shouldn’t be an option. Endlers and guppies would be adequate for a 10 gallon. Platies and mollies should be in 20 and up.
  10. @GCH I could be totally wrong, but it looks like either weathered seiryu stone or elephant skin.
  11. I keep Amano’s and Bloody Mary Neo’s in a 75. The Amano’s are huge and the Neo’s are Neo’s so they’re on the smaller side. All the Amano’s resemble Godzilla, when they’re next to the Neo’s.
  12. @Waterlife I’d check the impeller. It may need a good cleaning.
  13. @TheMilkman that is anaerobic bacteria, it will grow usually deep in sand beds. One time, I had a 75 gallon with the universal rocks flat tan/ light brown background. After 6 months or so, I decided to remove the sand and replace it with something else. The portion of the background that had been buried was completely black. If the oxygen has been cut off, you’ll get pockets of anaerobic bacteria. You’ll hear @Cory speak about the different types of bacteria in our aquariums. Well, this is one of them. As for cleaning it up, you can scrub it, but if you have the patience, all you have to do is let it get a decent flow of water to anything stained black and it’ll take care of itself. Good luck and it should not harm anything.
  14. @Guppysnail the others will get to it, it has no chance seeing substrate.
  15. @Colu thank you very much, I hope you win the lotto. I’ll update this if need be.
  16. Personally, I cull deformities by way of feeding to larger fish. I don’t want to breed my culls because I don’t see it going very well nor worth the effort. I cull any deformities, other than that they all remain. If you’re going for particular traits then that’s a different ball game. From the research I’ve done, it’s basically up to you. Its all in what you’re trying to achieve.
  17. BBS and it’s not even close for my collection. My larger fish aren’t as interested, but anything 3” and smaller love BBS. My bigger guys seem interested for a second or 2 and then they loose interest. When I say bigger fish, I mean Geophagus. If I could figure out a way to blanket the substrate with BBS, the geo’s would more likely go insane. Trouble is, the BBS never has a chance to hit the floor before being munched up by other smaller inhabitants.
  18. Hello all, has anyone dealt with velvet? If so, what route did you take? I’ve read up on a few different ways (chemicals) to battle it, but I was curious if anyone has any real hands on experience with this nonsense. Thank you kindly
  19. @FLFishChik I live in Florida and have platinum medaka’s and red king Yama blood medaka’s. If you have trouble locating any, let me know and I may be able to hook you up when the time comes. I also have mine in outdoor tubs all year and they are doing great.
  20. I’d go with the coop led light, it’s proven and basically bulletproof. If those other lights crap out on you, good luck getting any sort of compensation or customer service of substance. ACO all the way.
  21. Roots are the last thing you should worry about. If the roots aren’t long enough, they will grow. Personally, I agree with @Zenzo I would scoop up a coop light. Other than that, you already have the cheapest pendent light available. I’m sure Amazon has a ton of Chinese knock off brands but that would be an experiment you can conduct if that interests you.
  22. @Nihal I had a betta in rock hard Florida tap water, way over 8 and it lived a long, healthy life.
  23. @Leo2o915 Just measure the aquarium you want to build one for and build it to scale. If you’re looking for actual blueprints and dimensions, I’m sure you can find them online, but would seem like an unnecessary extra step. @Leo2o915 I just realized a 60 breeder and a 75 gallon are the same dimensions. I believe he does one for a four foot tank, just follow that.
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