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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. It’ll bleach whatever to that brownish red color on the towel.
  2. These hypotheticals have too many rules. Have a great night.
  3. @Theplatymaster bucket list animals or freshwater fish wish list, there’s a huge difference and not comparable. Also, admiration of other types of fish doesn’t diminish the love of freshwater.
  4. @billango I agree with @knee, I’d head to the wet spot and see what they can do for you.
  5. 1- Pinnatus Batfish 2- Blue Sea Dragon 3- Weedy Sea Dragon 4- Mandarin Goby as for freshwater: a dozen or so Melanotaenia Kali Tawa
  6. @Theplatymaster ich-x is pretty self explanatory that it will stain what it touches. Water conditioner seems to take people by surprise.
  7. You will tie-dye some of your clothing with water conditioner.
  8. A tank with neo’s and Severums is a tank with just Severums. They will decimate basically any shrimp in that tank.
  9. The poop looks like whatever is blue/green in the corner of the last photo. It could of nibbled off little pieces. It’s literally the same color.
  10. I always want to support the LFS, however with the selection/knowledge/cleanliness/ customer service issues, it’s rough to beat shopping at the coop for supplies/plants, and online breeders/sellers for fish. I get exactly what I want, when I want it. I wish @Cory would open up coop stores in Florida or some rendition of what Cory visited in Germany or China would be tremendous. I do understand his issues with opening up more stores, less control could mean less coop like and that would also be a bummer.
  11. After seeing the green ones, I’d harvest them into a separate aquarium and see if I can feed them out to larger fish.
  12. 1000% wouldn’t do that. If you need to maximize space, why don’t you build a shelf above the 10 gallon? You can make it large enough to add more than a 2.5
  13. @Scaperoot 72 is a bit chilly for a betta, I would shoot for 78. If you do it slowly you’ll be perfectly fine. I’d click the heater up 1 degree every 2 days til you get to 78. Once there, you can add your betta. I suspect 80 is even acceptable but you can experiment.
  14. In my experience, you have a 50/50 shot of getting a betta that’s fairly chill. If it were me, I would definitely add one just so the guppies don’t over run the aquarium. Betta’s are notorious fry hunters. Even if the guppies are all the same sex and fry aren’t an option, I still think it’s a good idea. I’d also add 2 more julii, they’ll appreciate the numbers and you’ll see them more often, the more you have. Good luck and let us know what you decide.
  15. @Miska Recently, I moved some stuff around and now this pair have a dedicated tank of their own. An angelfish community has always intrigued me with the theory of putting 12-15 in a 75 and seeing if the dispersed aggression works. We’ve seen it in tons of fish so I don’t see why it shouldn’t work other than a ton of water changes. I could potentially see some ripped fins which stinks with any fish, but more so with angels because of their majestic stature. Good luck with the 36! You could always use it as a grow out for plants and any other fish you wish to keep in your future larger community. Then when the time comes, you can just transfer it all over. Just an option.
  16. Fish: 300 gallon pond: White Cloud Mountain Minnows Gold White Cloud Mountain Minnows Rainbow shiners Assorted platys Assorted Guppies Glow light Danios Panda Corydoras Gold Dojo Loach Long Fin Green Dragon Bristlenose Pleco BN pleco 110 gallon pond: 2 Ryukin Short Tail Kirin 2 Ranchu Calico 1 Thai Ranchu Blue Base Calico 1 Thai Oranda Calico 1 Ryukin Short Tail Calico 1 Ryukin Short Tail Sakura 1 Ryukin Short Tail Granite 110 gallon pond: Red King Yama Blood Medaka 180 gallon aquarium: 2 Blue Pinoy Paraiba Angelfish 7 Geophagus Pyrocephalus 1 Albino Geophagus Pyrocephalus 10 Congo Tetra 7 Denison Barb 1 Gold Denison Barb Long Fin Green Dragon Bristlenose pleco 75 gallon: Empty for now, I’ve been tossing around the idea of an oscar or flowerhorn for culling purposes, but haven’t fully committed just yet. 75 gallon: Pseudomugil GERTRUDEA Aru 2 Rainbows Long Fin White Cloud Minnows Long Fin Super Red Calico Bristlenose Pleco Otocinclus Tons of Amano shrimp 40 gallon breeder: Neolamprologus Similis 40 gallon breeder: Neolamprologus Multifasciata 40 gallon breeder: 4 Ultimate Coverage Koi Angelfish (waiting for a pair, then they’ll be moved to their own 29, and I’ll have an empty 40 b on my hands) 40 gallon pond: Platinum Medaka Fire Red Cherry Shrimp 29 gallon: Blue Pinoy Paraiba Angelfish pair 10 gallon: Sakura Grade Red Cherry Shrimp 10 gallon: Staeck Endlers 10 gallon: Bloody Mary shrimp As for plants, I have way too many to list. I have very densely planted all the way to up and out. Everything also has pathos dipping into each aquarium.
  17. Those filter cartridges are the perfect way to get people to waste their money while never reaching a fully balanced tank. They’re awful and a scam.
  18. @jwcarlson agreed 100%. If they are growing then it is pulling nutrients from somewhere.
  19. Yes it absolutely does. It will also make your water crystal clear. There’s pro’s and con’s to it all.
  20. I’ve lightly treated a planted aquarium with salt and although it didn’t kill the plants. I could tell that it hindered them a bit. Growth stopped, 1 of my crypts started melting back, and then everything eventually went back to normal. Just my experience.
  21. I read an article about duckweed being the ultimate plant because it is grown in space and also eaten by the astronauts! It’s an interesting read. @WhitecloudDynasty brilliant! You never disappoint.
  22. @CJhilljack the only issue I see is that 6-10 Medaka will reproduce for you when they are ready. Do you have somewhere for the extra fry? The only reason I ask is because 14 gallons isn’t that large. I tossed 6 Medaka in a 40 gallon and I’m now over run with tons of Medaka platinums. Love the fish though, they are great.
  23. You can get away with 1 ranchu in there, but it’s not ideal because of the width of the tank. Also you don’t want to be a slave to maintenance so I definitely would not place 2 in there.
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