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Everything posted by Drenon88

  1. I've considered this exact filter a handful of times but never pulled the trigger. Thanks for sharing your experiences with it!
  2. Interesting, I haven't had much luck with pygmy corys either; I've lost all of them just as you've described. I tried twice and decided to give up on them. The only difference is that I bought mine from Agnoquatics. Pgymies are the only corys that I like so it's a shame I can't manage to keep them. No Camerons in the family!
  3. Can't wait for the final number - I'm guessing under 3 hours!
  4. I went a little overboard with the cleanup crew in my 29g. I have 5 Chinese algae eaters, 2 (was 5) Siamese algae eaters and 2 Hillstream loaches. One of the loaches is too large at around 3". I did not realize how large all these fish would get and I want to cull them down to just 1 of each. I also have 3 large Amano shrimp that I will keep. There are 2 large pieces of driftwood that are secured in place that I cannot move without major disruption to the tank which I am not prepared to do right now. Most of these fish hide under the driftwood and I cannot get them with a net. I’m assuming that I can somehow trap these fish, but I could use some insight and ideas from the community. Photos and/or links to available products would be appreciated. I’m handy so I’m sure I could replicate any reasonable DIY solutions! What do you think? Please share your ideas!
  5. Welcome. I'm new too and also live in Oh Hi Oh!
  6. Cleaned the filter and removed about 50% of the filter floss from the top media tray. The outflow is noticeably improved! Going to see how clear the water is in a couple of days ... I hope this resolves my issues!
  7. My IN & OUT are in opposite corners - I thought that was ideal? Does it make little difference if there isn’t much separation between them!
  8. You may be onto something. I may have too much floss in the top media tray. I’ll reduce it by half and report back!
  9. Any updates Ange? That stand you built could hold a couple tons! 😀
  10. Thanks Maggie! I do my water changes by hand on three 10g and one 29g tanks because none of my faucets are suitable to connect a hose or Python to. My kitchen faucet is leaking like a sieve so I'll try to replace it with one that will work for water changes!
  11. Thanks everyone that chimed in and welcomed me, I appreciate it. My thoughts on Cleveland local stores. Agnoquatics: Nice little store with a nice variety of freshwater fish. Very nice owners. They don't carry popular name brand hardware and I'm not terribly familiar with the brands they do carry. Nice live plant selection. Limited hardscaping materials. Something Fishy: The place to go if you want to purchase cichlids - 95% of their fish are cichlids. They have some stones and driftwood for scaping. RMS Aquaculture: Hit or miss - I've had spotty success with this place! They usually do have a nice variety of fish. They have a lot of tanks to choose from and they do carry brand name hardware. They have the largest selection of scaping stone and driftwood that I have seen personally. Aquatica Aquarium Gallery: It's a nice place to visit once and is probably a good choice to shop at if you live close by. The store is jam-packed and I found it difficult to navigate. I almost tripped on a bag of gravel and fell into a display of tanks. There are sections of the store that are dimly lit and appear to be used for storage. I found their selection of freshwater fish a bit lacking. Heading to Rift Lake Aquatics (close to RMS) to see what they are all about on my way home today.
  12. I only put the HOB in to clear up the tank because the 207 isn't doing it - then I remove again afterward. I've adjusted the output nozzle in varying positions, but I don't really see a difference when I point the nozzle parallel to the back glass, at a 45° toward the front of the tank or at 90° toward the front. Now that I'm thinking about it, it doesn't seem like it's producing much flow. I haven't had a 207 or seen one in use before so I don't know how strong the flow is supposed to be. Before I posted here I was looking into a powerhead or circulation fan of some sort to add to the tank but I keep returning to my initial thought that this filter should be more than adequate for a 29g. Maybe I just got a bad filter!
  13. I'm confident that I have all the sponges and trays seated correctly. I'm not using charcoal so the top tray is completely filled with filter floss; you'd think that would be good enough. Thanks Sleepy.
  14. II've cleaned the filter and rinsed the media twice since I got it.
  15. I'm not happy with the Fluval 207 that I put on my 29 gallon four weeks ago. My 207 cannot keep the water clear! It is working, there is plenty of flow coming from the outlet, but there is a lot of particles constantly floating around the water column and it's unsightly. I have a spare Aquaclear HOB that I put course sponge and some filter floss in and it clears the water up within 90 minutes, but I don't really want to keep both filters running - I feel like the Fluval canister should keep a 29g clear! Am I expecting too much from this filter? I think I'm going to return the Fluval to Petco and find something better, but I'm not sure what to get. I'm kind of in experimental mode when it comes to filters, I haven't found anything that I'm really happy with. I don't mind HOB filters, if they were guaranteed not to rattle and were more quiet. I know sponge filters are highly recommended, but my aquascape is complete and I don't want to switch to a sponge for the 29g until I'm ready to complete redo the tank. What am I not considering? Any suggestions for a replacement for the 207 that will keep the water nice and clear?
  16. Hello everyone, greetings from Cleveland! I've been watching Cory on YouTube for about two years, though I didn't have any tanks at the time. I just found his content interesting and I like the way he presents information to his viewers. YouTube recommended other keeper’s channels and I became interested in planted aquariums. Decided to try my hand at a planted 10-gallon late last year and in hindsight, it was laughable. It was a community tank filled with basic fish from retail stores. My aqua-scaping skills were non-existent. Most of the fish are still around today, but I somehow failed all 6 of the pygmy cories that I had. I had a bout of black hair algae which I successfully managed to combat. I now have a 29 and two other 10-gallons that are doing well and look much better than my initial efforts. My original 10g is now a plant nursery! I purchased a 90 gallon and stand, which I then sold before I ever used it because I decided that I wanted multiple smaller species-specific tanks. Yes, I have caught the MTS! I built a stand from 2x3 lumber that holds four 10-gallon tanks because I was sure that that would be enough. That was only about 4 weeks ago. Today I just modified my Sketchup drawing to hold six 20g long tanks instead. I will probably start on that stand this weekend. Anyone looking for any lightly used 10g tanks? I’ve been window shopping on Aquabid and Aquahuna trying to decide what to put in the 10g that I finished scaping but that is still cycling. I have a propensity for Tetras, Rasboras & Barbs so I see myself owning some Glass Bloodfin Tetras and Neon Green Rasbora soon. Well just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to everyone! -Dave This tank is cycling, think I'll put some Neon Green Rasbora in! I have some E. Repens coming that I'll add to the foreground.
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