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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Suggestions on plants? I was thinking a Amazon sword, and maybe some more Pearl weed, but I am open to suggestions! Thanks
  2. Looking great! Almost there! Always a great feeling when the cycle is almost done 🙂. Looks awesome @JS Fish.
  3. Hello everyone. Got another topic today for you. So my planted 10g WCMM tank was thriving (fully cycled, it took 2 months doing the fishless cycle method but has been running and cycled for months now) . Until the algae showed up. Now my plants are dying/or rotting. I can’t figure out what to do to balance out nutrients. Some details for this tank. 10g planted tank include, a Red flame sword. Anubias nana. Micro sword. Dwarf sag. And Pearl weed. I used to have a Monte Carlo but it is dead now. My fertilizer schedule, one pump per week of ACs easy green all in one fertilizer, and ACs root tabs every month. 4-5 tabs. My light is on one of the lower settings and is a nicrew light that is made for plants and is very good. But I have soooooo much algae. (Note: I lowered my light today actually since the algae is so bad, maybe the higher light was a problem). So I need help bottom line 😄. I have lots of kinds of algae. Hair algae. BBA, a greenish blue algae. (Cyanobacteria?) diatoms, very common in any tank though. Just green spot looking algae. And maybe even more than that. I think since I had sooo much light used too that that could be a problem. Paremeters. Ammonia 0. Nitrite 0 ppm, and my nitrates are usually 5 to 10. Very odd as it used to be in higher 20’s. Ph is 7.5. Gravel, normal rock gravel from petsmart. Kh and gh are measured in ppm for me, as that is what I can find. Gh is 60 ppm, and kh 40 ppm. Pics of paremeters and algae, plus plants below. So any thoughts? I am confused, i am thinking of restarting, as in changing decor and moving plants around, any thoughts on that idea as well? TIA!!!! Sorry for long post, but I have a lot of info I needed to include. I use the API test kit for ammonia nitrite and nitrate. And ph. And the API test strips for gh/kh. Oh forgot to mention I have 1 nerite snail. Above is what the ligh was, yes very bright. And below is the light now.
  4. @Colu. But what are your paremeters? Ammonia, nitrite nitrate ph etc. @e5mzw9
  5. lol. Yes, I added an airstone to my 10g, and in 1 week, the tubing was all green LOL. Plus algae is a good sign of an established tank actually. And that you have plants or high light 😅 Yes that is the cause of higher nitrites. Just patience than soon, FISH!!! Good luck!
  6. Welcome to the forum! And this great hobby! There is lots of very helpful people here that would love to help! So ask Qs when have some.
  7. O yeah plants are coming soon. Gonna order some in next few days from AC.
  8. A betta. One and a snail in a 10g is a perfect combo for a nano, a nerite though, not a mystery snail. The betta will nip at the stalks of a mystery. And for a schooling, agreed with @Tony s. Harlequin rasboras! Lol. @Tony s u stole my ideas 🤣
  9. Goodness, it has been a bit! Time to give an classic update! So the tank is doing good, still a lil cloudy but not bad, I added ammonia a few days ago, and the ammonia has been sitting at 2 ppm past few days. Nitrite hasn’t budged. 0 ppm. Ph, dang I forgot to check past 2 days, will do tonight. I refill the tank with a extra gallon of water after every three days. It evaporates a decent amount, because I don’t have a lid. I was gonna start talking about my WCMM 10g tank, but that is a whole other topic lol. Well ya, there ya go. Pictures below.
  10. That is great! Yes mine does not have poop like that any more actually either. And I noticed he is more bold when the light is on, plus he eats lots more alga. Maybe something was off with mine too?…. Any way, that is good news! Just make sure water has some good calcium supplements.
  11. lol, yes i know. My ammonia tube is so yellow i cannot even see in it LOL. So u still have replace every few months.
  12. Thanks. I am going to add more tonight, checked paremeters after asking the Q last night and it is same, 1 ammonia, 0 nitrite. I will soon start nitrate tests later. Thank you! Thanks @Tony s, @AdamS, @Galabar, and @Lennie
  13. Is his stomach bloated? @Supermassive, also what was his original diet. And what are you feeding him now,
  14. Mine is like that as well. The whole kit had 4 tubes just like that, plastic and with the cap connected. I have 3 now, lost one the day after I got the kit😜. I have had the same kit since February of last year. No expired bottles, and only have replaced 1 test tube.
  15. Yea, same, and I have made probably close to 20 plant orders from them actually as well.
  16. Yes, i do pretty much the same thing. Where would fishkeeping be without ACO sponge filters?
  17. So, side Q. My ammonia is 1 ppm. Should i add more? I am on day 7, on this guide i have from dr tims website, it says add more today. Should i wait till it goes under .25 ppm? Idk what to do. Because i thought it may spike (the ammonia) and cause high ammonia. Like maybe more than 4 ppm, which what i have read can stall the cycle. It is 9:30 pm here tho, so if i did i would add more tommorow. Thx!
  18. YAY!!!! I feel so happy for you, glad it turned out well!
  19. Maybe. They are rough when they chase each other lol.
  20. Here you go! Thanks! It is not very interesting, but I will add plants next week!!!! Stay tuned. The light is off, I forgot. Whoops 😆
  21. I don’t believe that the plants are exposed to fish, but there might be snails, hitchhikers, I think. Every plant I bought from them is in excellent condition. I have bought plants for a while now, and every plant I bought was from AC.
  22. Shrimp are invertebrates actually if I am thinking correctly. I think… lol this is what I read. Invertebrates are animals that don't possess a vertebral column (backbone). Freshwater aquariuminvertebrates can be divided into 2 groups: molluscs (snails) and crustaceans (shrimp, crayfish and crab).
  23. My ammonia is 1 ppm. Nitrite 0, ph same at 7.6 ppm. I will add more ammonia later tonight. It is really cloudy though for some reason. But we’ll see. Update :).
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