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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. It'd fail bad under any kind of load. it's missing a power leg. only 1 hot wire, it wants 2. often that's how I know I've blown a fuse. motors just stop working and won't take load. mine are much bigger fuses though. usually 200 amp. can you return it? I don't shop there usually so don't know. the first one I bought from amazon was only 1/2 horse and around 20$ the problem with it, it's head lift was for 14 feet. the angel tank top is at 15'. on the second-floor balcony. if you're just going to be flat on 1 floor, 1/2 horse would be great. the second was 3/4 horse and works perfect for around 50$
  2. not all are 220. both of mine come with standard plugs. 110v. just one of them amazon things. be really careful of fine print okay, in this case it's an ebay thing😅
  3. judging by just your ph, your dGh and dKh are fine for snail shell😄 they like the higher ph harder water environments
  4. in all probability, yes. they are rather resilient. could i give you a 100% guarantee, no. if the shell is thin what are your dGh and dKh as well as ph. ph should be above 7. dGh should be 10 or higher for shell strength, dKh should be over 6
  5. what have you tried feeding him? I'm relatively new to them, and it took a few days, but mine are now eating hikari sinking carnivore pellets. well, the ones my big angel lets through anyway there is always the possibility it likes your shrimplets better
  6. Got to add turbo snails. Military helmet snail. And white wizard snails 🤣
  7. If you want snails for the sake of snails. And who wouldn’t. Try aqua huna or dans fish for pictures and descriptions. I’d give you a couple more sites. But we’re not allowed to per forum rules
  8. It probably is just fine. But more than likely, You could take the tank off and pull the sides evenly and get your extra 1/4 inch. Especially if it’s come up to room temperature. But it should be fine anyway
  9. Yeah, don’t worry, when the edible parts on the driftwood is gone so is the slime. It may take a week or so. And if you wipe it off, it’s still coming back. Until it finishes working on the wood.lots of things eat it. Not harmful at all
  10. hornwort is great for coverage. and excellent at removing nitrates. it is a floater though. a very good one. I use it in all my tanks. when it gets too overgrown, just rip off a small bit and start again. makes perfect cover for small fry
  11. that's for their quarantine trio. you're way beyond that now. follow the directions on the box very closely as this is an active infection. without the meds given by package directions your fish could decline rapidly. maybe have a helper give the meds on the days you can't? Yeah, goldfish are cold water animals. bettas are tropical. your fish, your choice. but cold temps for a betta causes severe stress and eventual deterioration. sorry
  12. I might. saddle back and white spots can be signs of columnaris. if you have a quarantine tank you could just pull him and treat the q. tank. or you could treat the main tank. kanaplex or maracyn2 would be best. follow directions very closely. available from most local fish stores. I'd add some catapa or indian almond leaves as well. I'd say add some aquarium salt too, but you have snails.
  13. welcome! be sure to ask lot of questions. we like to help. here are a few quick videos on cycling. cycling with your fish in is fine. but you'll need testing equipment. either strips or tabs. and a source of bacteria. and some prime to dechlorinate. using your strips keep checking for ammonia. when you see it, you'll need to pull water out and replace with fresh water. then use the prime to dechlorinate the new water.
  14. I have used a gallon ziploc bag to take things back to the lfs. In side of a plastic bowl for support. Depending if it’s a short drive or not. Lfs was an hour drive. Longer than that, the 5g bucket with lid is very good advice
  15. For shrimp I’m not sure how fast they will adjust. They apparently were adjusted to harder water before, if it was in the bag they came in. Maybe for the next ones, match their bag water. Out of curiosity what is the temperature on the tank. Been doing some reading, apparently cherries like it on the colder side anywhere from 60 to 78. Higher temps can cause molting problems. the other thing to think about. Cherries don’t usually adapt to new conditions well, and often die. Hopefully having had babies before that. And it’s the babies that form the new colony. But how get them is the problem. Shrimp can be rather difficult to acclimate to a new tank, I think most people drip acclimate them.
  16. okay, but they come preloaded with algae
  17. we have a betta tank in the bedroom. 10g with 1 betta, 1 snail, and 8 harlequin rasboras. it's nice, but it needs to be bigger. well, okay, outside the bedroom is the 75g angel, ram, cory tank.😅
  18. @Janel Ryeah, sorry I screwed that up as well. I was thinking the regulator products. neutral, acid, and alkali regulators. which do contain salt. not the stability even, which is just bacteria. I use the equilibrium, but I pair it with the alkalinity and acid buffers to target my ph. and yeah, I'm concerned about what they say is RO. either they haven't checked their filters. or they're selling you a bogus product. but yeah, your neocaridina would like the parameters you were giving. they actually prefer water to the harder side. it's the caridina that prefer softer water. your tap looks excellent for them
  19. try this video. towards the end Irene speaks on easy green
  20. yeah, that's a problem. nitrates are your primary fertilizer. not the preferred one. that would be ammonia, but your bacteria consume most of that. You will need to run your nitrates from 10-20 ppm for a planted tank. just for the sake of having enough fertilizer. some people prefer nitrates as high as 50 for their plants. but that can lead to excess algae, which are plants. just annoying ones to some people. one of the best ways to determine how much easy green, is to do your normal water change. wait a while. test your water for nitrates and bring the levels back to 20.
  21. Yeah, that's not RO water. RO water will remove everything. I us ro water due to my high iron content. My dGh comes out 3-4. my dKh is zero. the ph I don't test cause it's not going to stay that way anyway.
  22. If these are the numbers coming from your tap. I'd forget what the store told you and use your tap. cherry red shrimp (neocaridina) actually like water on the hard side. crystal red shrimp (caradina) like soft water. dgh of 10, dKh of 5, ph of 7.5. this is not hard water, it's more of a medium. perfect water for cherry shrimp. any lower on the gh and you could actually see some molting issues. as they need the calcium in the water for their shells. they could even do with a bit harder water with no problems. and using your tap eliminates the need for remineralization. btw, as an aside, seachem equilibrium is better for planted tanks. it contains no salts.
  23. you know when they say that, it sounds like a direct invitation for a 75g 🤣
  24. yes, they will hatch tiny mystery snails. anywhere from 50 to 200 on a large clutch. unless you don't want them to hatch. if you don't want them. 1. fill the tank to capacity. they can't tolerate direct exposure to water. 2 take and scrape them off and discard the clutch. comes off in 1 big batch. they must have constant humidity to hatch. either of these will work for mystery snail control. they must have constant humidity and no direct water exposure to hatch. if you do want them. and I love me some mystery snails. keep the water exactly where it is, and they'll hatch just fine. feed them like adults. possibly keep them away from snail eaters as well. I actually had one clutch hatch one me, mostly by accident. somewhat not. In my 75g. I kept the water perfect for them. I think they hatched close to 120 snails. I gave 35 to my lfs. lost some. the 75 still has close to 30. and i have 45 in the rest of my tanks. so, I'm all good for snails.🤣 however next time I let a hatch go. I think I'm doingto do gold mystery snails. I just have the ivory one's this batch
  25. Do you have a mystery snail (or 2) in there? could be a thin snail clutch especially above the water, like that
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